Xzavier opened the door without even bothering to look at the porter who was still standing awkwardly by the door. The young lad was rubbing his hands together and winking at Xzavier suggesting that he be tipped.

Xzavier banged the door in his face. He jumped into bed almost immediately after devouring the mini feast that had been laid out at the foot of the bed on a small tray.

As was his custom after every mission, he began to analyze the outcome of his last mission. In his mind, he arranged the details neatly as though he was submitting a report to a superior officer.

MISSION: Extermination of a herd of Goblins.

Total casualties: One hundred and eighty five.

Level of deceased Goblins: Multiple levels.

Points gained: Two thousand, five hundred and sixty nine points.


Experience points: One hundred points.

Xzavier reviewed the stats and immediately discerned that he could cash in that many points for a fresh batch of insanely powerful weapons.

Nothing excited Xzavier than new gear. The sweet smell of freshly delivered assorted weapons always excited him in a sick fashion. But he quickly suppressed his longings before he could act on them.

At the moment, logic dictated that he didn't require powerful weapons. His surroundings had completely changed from what he was used to. What he needed more than anything was to immerse himself fully in this world and live like a normal person.

He remembered his ever present military system and cursed inwardly;

"That damn system better give me a break from its crazy missions!"


After a long, tiring and eventful forty eight hours that had been characterized by high octane energy, Xzavier finally drifted into a long sleep.

When Xzavier eventually awoke the next day, he was surprised to see that the sun had risen and was well across its way to the west.

The soft satin sheets and fluffy pillows had done their magic. Xzavier hadn't slept a full six hours since he came to this strange world, And even when he did manage to catch some shut eye, it had never been for more than three hours at most.Also, he hadn't found a decent place to sleep in over two weeks, so understandably his body caught on to his new surroundings and immediately subscribed to the comfort that came with it.

Xzavier also found it amusing that this was also the first time in weeks that he hadn't jolted out of his sleep as a result of lurking danger.

"Well, it sure is nice to have a little comfort. Looks like the silver coins were well spent after all."

Xzavier stretched and allowed himself to relax fully in the new environment. There was no threat at the moment. There was no enemy.


Xzavier knew that the only thing that could disrupt the temporary calm was his trusty military system. He rolled eyes at the thought of the system.

"I've got to watch myself. It's times like these when the stupid system pops up."

Almost immediately, a knock came at the door. Xzavier froze. The knock came again, this time more urgent.

Xzavier instinctively reached for his weapon on his bedside table and slipped out of bed. He never took off his battle gear even when he slept. He was always battle ready at any given time.

Xzavier frowned as he mentally ran through a list of potential threats who would be bitter enough to seek him out. He knew that the only enemy that was desperate enough to trail him here was the guy whose hands he had decimated in the underground exchange.

The person on the other end of the door knocked again.

Xzavier braced himself and tiptoed to the door. Prepared for whatever, he called out in a loud clear voice;


There was a brief pause before a familiar voice came from the other end.

"Sorry to bother you Mr. Xzavier. It's Tacy from the underground exchange."

Xzavier heaved a sigh of relief. It actually made sense that it would be her. The waitress was the only one who knew that he had lodged in this particular hotel, though it was a bit weird that she was here so early.

He brusquely opened the door for the young girl and bid her to come in. She walked in and greeted him appropriately;

"Good afternoon mister Xzavier!"

Xzavier raised one eyebrow up. Afternoon? He found it difficult to believe he had actually slept that long.

"Good afternoon Tacy. What brings you here?"

Tacy stepped forward with the peculiar eagerness of a school girl who had been sent on an errand. In her hand was a sealed envelope that clearly looked important.

"I have been sent by my master to hand this over to you."

With that, she handed over the package to Xzavier who received it cautiously. He observed the brown envelope curiously. It had his name inscribed on it with very fancy penmanship that was typical of thirteenth century writers. He looked at Tacy and questioned her on its contents.

"What is this about Tacy?"

She shook her head and replied flatly;

"It's clearly meant for you mister Xzavier. I have no knowledge or business with the contents."

Xzavier didn't miss the sass in her reply. As he took out his Swiss army knife with the intention of breaking the wax seal, Tacy shifted back apprehensively.

The quickness with which he had pulled out the knife caught her off guard so she instinctively backed up a bit. In that moment, she had seen Xzavier's dexterity with a knife and it remained in her memory.

Xzavier opened the envelope and saw that enclosed inside was a badge and a card. He read the text that had been inscribed in fine cursive handwriting. It was a kind of formal declaration or certificate that stated that he was now a level six hunter.

To further lend credence to its legitimacy, scores of neatly stacked gold coins were added in the package as a kind of reward. Xzavier looked at the contents and smiled to himself. This had the he old man's hand written all over it.

"Well, I might as well make the best of this situation."

Since the systems hadn't issued any new directives, Xzavier knew that the next logical thing to do was to assimilate himself in the new society where he had found himself.

But in order to accomplish that, he needed firsthand knowledge and experience on the doings of this new world that would help further his integration process.

He had to learn about this new place. And who better to teach him than the young girl standing before him.

"Tacy, would you mind joining me for lunch?"

Totally caught unawares, Tacy found herself on the receiving end of a question she herself had been working up the nerve to ask Xzavier. Shunning the rules of engagement, she ignored the societal norm of playing hard to get and gave him a favorable direct answer.


"Wonderful. Let's roll."
