Xzavier fumed like a wild bull. He was obviously enraged. Just when he had rounded up a mission that took him ten hours, the system had chosen the very last minute to drop in a new mission.

He was annoyed to the core.

Xzavier was sick of the way and manner with which the systems dropped in unannounced with annoying missions. He looked through his scope and knew that there were at least two hundred Goblins scattered across the plain. He cursed inwardly again.

"Damn it! Now I have to recalibrate my plans to accommodate all of this casualties!"

He wasn't happy with the new development one bit. He hated having to adjust his plans. Xzavier was starting to get really annoyed with this entire mission and it irked him that he could do absolutely nothing about it.

So, grudgingly, Xzavier began to formulate a new strategy that would allow him destroy the numerous Goblins in the open plain.

Prior to this very moment, before the systems had butted in with a new objective, Xzavier's only concern was killing off a single Goblin.


And he had accomplished that with beautifully with the weapon he had thought was best for the job. At the time, the sniper's rifle was the best weapon for the job.

But right now, Xzavier knew that it wouldn't be effective in a mission of this magnitude. What was required if him was mass murder.

If he had a rocket launcher or a hellfire missile, it would have been perfect. But right now, all he had was a single rifle and about twenty bullets in them. He contemplated using the same tactic from earlier on but he knew that it would take a really long time to finish up.Sure, the Goblins were all huddled together in one spot at the moment. But Xzavier knew that if he decided to pick them off one by one with his rifle using his sniper's tactics, he would fail.

It wouldn't be long before they all dispersed as 'the invisible' enemy attacked them. As a sniper, he knew that the worst possible target he could have was a target that was aware of the danger he was facing.

If the supposed target was fully alert, it would make it difficult for a sniper to execute his mission. Right now, his target was no longer just one single creature, his target was a group of fickle minded creatures who were already on edge.

A sneak attack with a rifle was no longer in order. He had to be more creative. Xzavier remembered aptly what the old magician had spoken regarding the Goblins' behavior when faced with an overwhelming force.


The Goblins would surely scatter and run for their dear lives. This would make it extremely hard for him to kill them all. Xzavier knew he needed to keep them contained in one place. His sniper tactic wouldn't do much in the way of killing about two hundred Goblins.

Even if he wanted to use his sniper, he wasn't sure he had enough bullets to kill one-fifth of the number. Whichever way he looked at it, he knew he was in a dilemma. He had to think and act fast now that they were still together in one place.

So, Xzavier began to brainstorm again. How could he kill two hundred Goblins without spooking of the rest? How could he accomplish this impossible task when his targets were more inclined to running instead of staying to fight?

Xzavier cursed the system again for putting him in such a precarious situation. He racked his brain again and again as he thought of the best and quickest possible way to end this impossible task;

"Come on Xavier think! You've got this!"

Xzavier had come out of impossible situations in the past before, but none was similar to this. His mind called to being some of his worst missions in the past and he tried to juxtapose some of them with his present situation, but he ended up coming up short every single time.


Xzavier knew he wouldn't be exaggerating this particular situation if he called it the hardest and the most difficult task he had ever been tasked with. It wasn't that the enemy he was facing was too strong, it was the mere fact that the intended objective of the mission was practically impossible given the current state of things.Xzavier expertly realized that he was entertaining too much emotions at this time. So, he set aside all of his emotions and began to take in the whole situation with nothing but objectiveness.

Like a set of dominoes stacked up neatly against each other, several factors began to arrange themselves in order as a brilliant plan formulated in Xzavier's head.

For the first time in a while, Xzavier smiled at himself. It was the perfect tactic for an impossible situation like this. His confidence began to return as he went over the plan over and over again. He couldn't deny it, it was perfect.

Much of Xzavier's brilliant plan was heavily dependent on a lot of maneuvering.

For his plan to work out perfectly, Xzavier relied heavily on the one-character flaw that was typical of Goblins- their COWARDICE and their tendency to lean towards disillusionment.

While the Goblins wailed on like immature puppies who had lost their mother, the lithe agile form of Xzavier encircled them. He was clad head to toe in his black battle gear, so he slipped by undetected.

Also, the strong stench of the Goblin's urine (that had seeped through his clothing and clung to him) masked his own distinct human musk. So, it was practically impossible to detect him through his own smell.

Almost as if nature itself was in tune with Xzavier's plans, the heavy clouds that had been blocking the soft silvery rays of moonlight suddenly started to part. It was an extremely timely coincidence for Xzavier.

The happenings around him seemed to spur him on. Xzavier reached into his supply kit and brought out the one thing that would gift him an added advantage; two canisters.

To ordinary folk, it was simply known as tear gas. Xzavier studied the terrain and expertly mapped out the best location to set off the tear gas.

Still crouching low, he navigated through the woods and headed towards the slightly elevated ground that was north of the Goblins' location. He stopped abruptly to listen for any sudden movements around him.

When none came, he rose to his full height, shook both canisters vehemently and released the excitive gas. The gas escaped from the containers with a loud hissing sound. He wasn't worried about the sound because the Goblins themselves were more occupied at the time with their awkward wailing.

Encouraged by the gentle wind that pervaded the night time, the thick smoke rose up like massive pillars before saturating the air over the clearing like a thick cloud.

Xzavier smiled as he watched the first stage of his plan come to life. It wasn't hard not to recognize the pride of an artist in his smile.
