Xzavier held his breath and kept watch. A few minutes later, one of the Goblins ventured close to Xzavier's hiding place. It was a mean looking dirty Goblin that was relatively smaller than the others.

It emerged from the bushes right behind Xzavier and strolled right over his head. Xzavier remained perfectly still and stayed motionless not daring to even glance at it to see if it had spotted him. What happened next was something that Xzavier could never have been fully prepared for.

Completely oblivious of the human hidden in the bushes before it, the Goblin let out its massive organ and released a stream of hot stinking urine right on Xzavier's head.

The poor guy was mortified! Because he could do absolutely nothing but remain static at the moment, Xzavier allowed the putrid, highly concentrated, and stinky acidic urine to bathe his head with golden showers.

It soaked through his beret and poured down his eyes, nose and mouth until Xzavier couldn't just smell it, but literally taste it on his lips. It was a horrifying experience! And yet, Xzavier retained his professionalism.

His eyes never left the scope of the sniper as he waited patiently for the leader to emerge. As if Xzavier's humiliation wasn't enough, after the dirty creature had emptied its bladder, it grunted and farted.

It was a strong odor that saturated the surrounding and polluted it drastically. Although Xzavier didn't know it for sure, he suspected that the foul smelling gas was enough to choke a small mouse to death. The foul gas that escaped from the Goblin's bowels was that strong.


The very concept of time is relative. It can pass really quickly when one's enjoying himself or in the company of really interesting characters. But time also seems to pass very slowly when a person finds himself in a dire situation.

This was the case of Xzavier at the moment. It had been ten long hours since he had begun his watch and nothing eventful had happened yet. Crouched on his belly, with his eyes pinned to the sniper's scope, Xzavier felt every painful second pass.His joints began to ache and his nerves began to stiffen. The worst part of it all was that it wasn't guaranteed that the leader of the Goblins would turn up. The powerful stench of the Goblin's urine didn't help matters one bit.

Xzavier comforted himself with the fact that the smell of the urine masked his own smell, it was to his advantage just in case the Goblins were good at picking up and discerning different smells. So Xzavier waited and waited.

Finally, a couple of hours past midnight, Xzavier chanced upon what he had been waiting for. A profoundly bigger Goblin emerged from a hollowed out cave with two smaller Goblins by his side. It had the familiar majestic gait of a leader and the demeanor of a ruler.

It towered above all the others in height, and the smaller vassals made way for him as he passed through them. All eyes were fixated him in awe. It was clear by the way the smaller ones acted that they respected him.

Xzavier didn't need anyone to tell him that this was his prize. This was the notorious chief of the Goblins. His hunter/killer instincts took over him immediately and a fresh new wave of energy surged through his being. As he peered through the scope with his finger on the trigger, he tried his best not to allow his excitement take over him.


This was the thrill of the hunt! It was his reward for his patience and his unflinching resolve to see this through. This was what Xzavier lived for. He took several deep breaths as his eyes followed the creature's every movement. He checked the wind's speed as well as its direction.

After checking his equipment and the environmental factors, Xzavier adjusted his breathing and locked onto his target. The tall Goblin didn't realize that several meters away, an angel of death loomed over him with a gun pointed at him. Xzavier didn't blame it for its ignorance though.

There was so sign in the sky, neither was there any ominous anomaly in the stars that suggested that this was going to be its last moment alive. Much like every other night, this seemed like an ordinary night.

Xzavier sighed. This was always how it was for those who were marked out for death. No one ever really saw it coming.

Xzavier blanked out all other thoughts in his mind and focused one hundred percent on the task at hand. With one eye closed, and the other eye pressed firmly on the scope of the rifle, Xzavier let out one last breath and squeezed the trigger.

It was common knowledge to every sniper that the period between when the trigger's been squeezed to the moment when the target drops, can seem like an eternity. The bullet flew from Xzavier's lethal weapon with blinding speed, cutting through the air at supersonic speed, it struck down the target in less than a second.


Xzavier watched through his scope as the tall Goblin slumped through the ground. Even though he tried his hardest not to, Xzavier found himself smiling anyway. It was hard not to relish the success of a perfect kill.

Even though he was a long way off, he could sense the commotion he had stirred in the midst of the Goblins. The simple minded creatures were shocked when they saw their leader slump to the ground when it was clear that no one had attacked him.

They huddled together over his motionless body and simultaneously let out sharp cries when they saw the blood spluttering from the hole in his head where the bullet had penetrated. The pandemonium that followed was imminent.

They began to howl and jump about in panic like mindless monkeys. The silencer had completely cancelled out the sound of the shot, so it was virtually impossible to tell if there a weapon had been discharged or not.

Completely in the dark as to what was going on, the Goblins hopped around aimlessly. Panic was the order of the day. Their leader was dead and they couldn't tell what had happened. Their behavior was synonymous with that of doped up monkeys. Their movements were sporadic, haphazard and scattered.

From his location, Xzavier looked through his scope and watched the drama unfold before him. He had never seen such brainlessness in any group of creatures before in his life. It was indeed a rare sight.

"Well, this isn't my problem anymore. I guess I'm done here."

He stood up and the first thing he did was stretch his ankles and elbows. Blood immediately began to flow through them after about ten hours of lying completely still. He dusted himself and as he picked up his equipment to leave, he heard something that he wished he hadn't heard;

"Major Xzavier Mace, this is the military system with a new set of instructions…"

Xzavier froze. Dreading what would come next, he held his breath in anticipation. The system always came to him with new instructions at the worst possible time.

"Your new objective is to completely annihilate the band of Goblins before you. They are to be completely destroyed."

As soon as he heard the new mission from the military system, Xzavier lost his temper and cursed aloud;

"Damn you, you sick twisted system! What the hell?!"
