It was the final period for the day.

I had a class called, 'Advanced Maths with Methods' which was just another way of saying harder maths. Although it was technically the most difficult maths available to us, it still didn't pose any major difficulty. I got my books and other supplies out of my locker and began making my way towards the classroom.The class was disproportionately male-dominated, with ten males to only three females, one of them being Ichika, it was also one of the smallest classes in terms of student number. As usual, I sat near the back, observing the teachers lesson. The teacher spoke significantly more in this class than many of the others, usually spending the entirety of the lesson teaching a concept and setting us some homework at the end. For some reason, today however, the teacher was absent and in their place, a substitute teacher handed us some exercises and left us to our own devices.

It was a small list of questions alongside quite a long explanation. We hadn't been taught this concept yet, however, once you learn it, it's pretty easy. I looked around and saw that many of the students were forming small groups to discuss the concept. I joined the group with the other two girls and listened as they talked about the worksheet. "I don't understand" said Kimiko, the other girl. I looked through the questions and quickly finished them. They were no difficulty to me as I had learnt all this before. I decided not to let the others know that I had finished, simply slipping the sheet of paper underneath my workbook.

"Hey Sachi, do you have any idea how to do the first question?" Asked Ichika. I actually did know how to do it, however, I wasn't particularly interested in teaching at the moment. I had something else on my mind, my favourite light novel ever, 'I Was Sent to Another World to Protect an Unfriendly Princess" was releasing it's next volume today. Despite it being a male-lead novel, I honestly loved it for all it was, it was deep and dark but also light-hearted and fun. I couldn't stop reading it the first time I bought it.

Now, I was probably going to buy the digital copy as soon as it comes out, although I did enjoy the feel of the hardcover book more. I might check the bookstore after school, although I wasn't sure if they would have it in stock right on the release. I was honestly very excited, it was one of my only great pleasures in life. I was surprised by how much I managed to enjoy it, despite my usual more reserved feel towards most things.

"Sachi, what are you looking at on your computer?" I had completely forgotten that I was in a maths lesson and had unconsciously searched up the book on my computer. "I just got side-tracked a little." Ichika had had a brief peek of my screen, I didn't really bother hiding it so she saw what I was looking at. "You'll do bad on the tests if you don't focus in class you know." That wasn't exactly an issue for me, but I decided to close my laptop anyways. "Oh yeah, I forgot to ask you, do you want to come to the mall with us tonight?" Asked Ichika. She had just been preaching the necessity of getting good grades but it was fine I guess, I didn't have anything else to do so I agreed, "Yeah, that sounds good, by the way, who else is coming?" I expected a few other girls but it seemed Ichika had other plans. "Teru, Rin, Asahi and Derrick." Derrick? Why was he invited, he seemed like an odd addition to an otherwise relatively sensical group. "Derrick?" I said, trying not to sound rude.

"Yeah, he overheard us and was standing with Rin so I invited him because I didn't want to be mean." I suppose that was understandable, however I still wasn't too pleased by the idea of him coming with us. It didn't matter that much though so I still wasn't put off on going. "Are we all going to walk there after school?" She nodded her head in reply so that was settled. I had wanted to talk with Teru a little more anyways. I also wanted to see their romantic development, I wasn't sure how far the author had gone in terms of pushing them together so I wanted to see it with my own eyes. "Ugh, I'll finish this at home, I don't have the energy for this." Said Kimiko, after coming back from chatting with some of the boys.


After all of us had pretty much stopped doing work, we walked around the room together to see what the others had done. Without strict supervision, it seemed most people had already gone off-track, doing various things on their laptops.

Eventually, the bell went and the class was dismissed.

I made my way to my locker and packed my bag. After squeezing my way through the dense traffic of people, I finally got out to the courtyard. I looked around for the others and the first person I saw was Teru, so I made my way over to him. "Hey, are you also going to the mall now?" He asked, "Yeah," I replied. I walked with him to the front gate where we waited for the others to come. Eventually they came in a big group, meeting up with us, however, Derrick was notably missing. "Where's Derrick?" Asked Teru.

"I'm not sure." Replied Asahi, she was in the same class as him last period, "I saw him quickly dart out when the bell went, he's not in the same house as I am so I didn't see him after that." We all waited for a little while but he was nowhere in sight. "Why don't we just go without him?" Suggested Asahi, it seemed she did not enjoy his presence very much. "That would be mean though." Said Ichika, it seemed her appearance as the angelic girl was quite strong.

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