I woke up to the sound of nothing in particular.

Ah, my body is quite sore.

I had been pretty active ever since being brought to the apocalypse, however, yesterday was still quite hard on my body. I wasn't in too much pain as to cause me to be unable to continue training though. I got out of my soft fluffy bed and quickly put on my clothes. I decided that I'd go over to train after I ran some 'errands'.

I made my way down my steep wooden stairs and started walking toward the guild building. I noticed that there were barely any people inside, likely due to the fact that it was really early in the morning. I approached the counter and spoke to the guild lady.

"Hey, do you have a list of all the humans?" I asked.

"Um... yeah."

"Can you show it to me?"


"I don't think I can do that."

"I just need the names and faces, it's important."

"Uh, what exactly do you need it for?"

"It's for military purposes, I just need to find some people."

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that."

Looks like I wasn't going to be able to get it from her. I wanted a list of everyone so I could find the criminals. At this rate, it looked like I wouldn't be able to get anything. However, all of a sudden, Robbie tapped me on the shoulder.


"Let's go, William."

"Are you sure?"

"I've already caught them."


I pulled him away and grouped up outside.

"What do you mean you've caught them?"


"Exactly what it sounds like, I found them and killed them.""What?! Are you sure you got the right people?"

"Don't worry, I've got psychometry."

"What do you mean?"

"It's in my Shadow Hunter System? Don't you have it?"

"No... I think I've got different abilities."

"Ah, well, I simply used my ability to find them."


Well, it was convenient that that problem got resolved. I really didn't want to deal with the issue anyways. Now that this was all sorted, at least I hope it was all sorted, I wanted to go back to training.

"Well, thanks a lot, you've saved me a lot of time."

"You're welcome, friend!"

"Eh, alright, well, I'll see you later."

I made my way toward the training centre. I didn't really want to hang out with anyone at the moment. I was in the training mindset, so I wanted to capitalise on it as much as possible. As I walked into the nicely air-conditioned reception, I was greeted by the old elven lady.

"You're back?"


"Come right through."

I handed her 60 more Krena and made my way into the training room. Laiex seemed to be doing some stretching before coming over and greeting me. His footsteps echoed through the before completely-silent room.

"Alright, we're going to do some drills today."

"Sounds good."

He passed me one of the training swords.

"One of your biggest problems is that you struggle to defend when you can't read or fully see the opponent's movements. The best way to change that is by learning general defensive positions."

He showed me a specific posture.

"You can use general defensive positions if you can't completely read your opponent's moves. You only have to see their general movement and position your body accordingly. Swing at me."

I raised my sword and swung at him. He quickly moved into a defensive position before I had begun my attack. I didn't change my attack path and instead just followed through. As expected, it was convincingly blocked.

"Try to copy that, let's trade attacks for a little first."

I held my blade as hard as I could, whilst keeping an eye on his movements. Our blades clashed for a little while before it looked as if he was pulling back. Usually, this occurred when a swordsman is in a bad position and has to recover, however, Laiex seems to use this movement as bait, to make me attack and leave myself open to a counter-attack. Reading this, instead of instantly striking at him, I leapt to the side, avoiding whatever attack he was going to use.

His sword swiftly fell upon my body, I got into the defensive posture that he showed me. His sword hit mine and I managed to stop the attack. I tried to get in an attack but he quickly recovered his position and stopped my momentum.

"That was good, your positioning and posture were good, just make sure you don't show them your intention too early, otherwise they might be able to change their attack."


We continued to do various drills for the remaining time. Both he and I were able to tell that I was making rapid progress. It was likely due to the fact that I had strength and speed buffs from my Shadow Hunter System. Whatever the case, I would still need to get stronger in order to fight the vampires.

I wanted to get some more information from the city as to the exact situation between us and the vampires. Ever since I began living behind these walls, I haven't been able to see how fast or how strong the vampires were. I could only assume that they were rapidly expanding and crushing human settlements.

Eventually, the five hours were up and I made my way back to my house.

On the way back, I noticed a very large poster hanging from the Guild building. It was oddly colourful despite the contents of it. In very large block letters, the words, 'Recruiting Soldiers - Vampires Attacking!' It seemed that the vampires were starting to threaten even the safety of such a fortified city.

I decided to make my way inside and talk to the guild lady.

"I saw the sign about needing soldiers."

"Yeah, we need more defenders since there are quite a large number of vampires spotted outside."

"I'm willing to go."

"That's perfect, you can join the next battalion."

"Um, I'd prefer to go by myself."

"I'm not sure about that, it's really dangerous."

She took a second, but then she seemed to have noticed something.

"Ah! You're the ninth-rank, aren't you?"

"I'm sixth-rank."

"Oh, sorry about that, yeah, you can definitely go by yourself."


"We can prepare some soldiers if you want to take some with you."

"I think I'll be fine, I've got soldiers of my own."
