Outcomes don't kill people unless it's to further our mission or to protect ourselves from life-threatening situations. Us outcomes don't interfere with each other's missions.


Seven years ago.

Within the pure white walls of the room, a young eight-year-old Mackenzie sat, playing with some dolls. It was the facility that produced all of the outcomes--well, not necessarily produced, more like this facility was where all the outcomes were housed. The room was quite spacious, it had enough space for her to walk around, it was about the size of a standard classroom, except the room was just hers, as were the rooms for all the other outcomes.

"Mac, it's lunchtime!" There were caretakers who frequented each room, bringing things the children requested and their designated meals. She put the tray down, and in it was a salad, some macaroni and cheese and an orange fruit drink. With hardly any interaction, the caretaker left the room, to tend to the next one.Mackenzie held onto a little white blanket as she put her dolls to the side. The main selling point of the facility was that the children would almost never interact with anyone else. None of the children knew how many other children there were, the only person they ever saw was the caretaker who would bring them things.

Mackenzie's room was especially clean. Her toys were in order and there weren't any stains or dirt on any part of the room. She would often read novels, which talked about school life and teenage girls and so on. The children's only information on the outside came from these books. It wasn't long before she was to leave the facility and interact with the outside world, however.

Despite never properly communicating with people, all the children from the facility were perfectly capable of imitating normal interaction, for it was why they were special in the first place. But the main difference between the children in the facility and normal children was that these were superhumans, not only that, but they have trapped their emotions deep within their hearts, never to be seen again. They were closer to robots than they were to humans, feeling-wise. They could carry out any duty without hesitation, no matter who they had to kill or what they had to do.


But it wasn't like they'd just listen to any tasks set out by the 'higher ups'. They had nothing to lose ultimately, so there was no way to threaten or even convince the children to do anything. The only thing they'd ever strike for was the 'mission' which was partially created by their inner desires from their younger selves and the 'higher ups'. They only followed these 'missions' to keep their own humanity.

The thing about being unexplainably intelligent is their hyperconsciousness of their own mentality and their own well-being. They knew about the importance of staying sane, not letting their own abilities take over, and becoming an unthinking rabid animal.

It was a few days later when the batch of outcomes was released into the world. They didn't really have a specific purpose, I suppose the ultimate goal of the facility was to experiment, to see what optimal humans looked like and whether they would benefit humanity. In the end, they are also humanity's last weapon, should anything occur.

"Mac, come with me, today, you're going to be allowed to go into the world."

Mackenzie looked up at the caretaker, she didn't have any thoughts on the matter, life in the room and life outside were ultimately the same thing. She let go of everything she ever had in the room, taking out none of her belongings. She followed the caretaker and eventually, they were taken to one of the three schools where the outcomes were to be sent. They lived as boarders and the facility had taken care of all the registration and background information for the students, now, they were out in the world, alone, as they'd been for their entire lives.

The facility wanted to see, what would really happen when these solitary geniuses were left to their own devices. The outcomes are variable in quality as well, some of the weaker ones likely could be simply killed by someone with a gun, as long as they act in surprise and don't let them fight back in time. However, some of the stronger ones would likely need a team of people, all working in unison and with a special plan beforehand to make sure the outcome does not know of their intent. For the two best outcomes, there would be no certainty on defeating them and any plan would likely require other outcomes to also take part, they are truly the smartest and most cunning people on the planet, they have not only abnormal physical capabilities but they're mental capabilities are indescribable.


"So from now on you'll go to this school, I have to leave now, good luck, Mackenzie." With that, the caretaker left, leaving Mackenzie in front of the boarding house. She was taken in by one of the teachers and quickly assimilated into the population. Her entry into the school would be the first step towards completing her mission.

Two outcomes were sent to that school. There were only seven outcomes in total, none of them knew of the existence of any other, but they're likely able to deduce whether someone came from the facility if they're extraordinary.

Mackenzie was able to quickly make several 'friends' by spending a significant amount of time with them. However, it was just the usual 'pretend to be normal' and she did not have any feelings towards these 'friends' of hers. In the end, she only desired one thing. After several weeks, Mackenzie was finally beginning to get leads on her mission. The first lead was Maisie. Thus, she chased her around the school.

Little did she know, her mission would be a lot easier than she had anticipated. Her mission after all was to, '...find the boy who came to visit her that day.'




I was also an Outcome of the Facility.
