Chapter 8 Farewell

   At noon the next day, Charlemagne brought Lor'themar to the outside of Fengxing Village to see Aurelia off.

   Li Reza also rushed over with the Windrunner family. In order to send the eldest daughter out for the first time, Li Reza temporarily handed over the work in hand to one of his adjutants.

   "Aurelia, be careful when you go to the human country this time. Although humans are a young race, they are no less ghostly than us elves."

  Before leaving, Li Reza still solemnly warned her daughter that she, who was used to this attitude, did not intend to hug her daughter to express her reluctance, and she would not do that kind of behavior.

"Try to obey the orders of His Highness the Prince along the way. He has lived in Dalaran for many years, and he knows much more about humans than you young birds. Finally, don't lose face of our Windrunner family! . "

  Aurelia brushed her long blond hair over her shoulders with a confident smile.


   "Don't worry, mother, if you don't tell me, I won't fall into the name of Windrunner. I just want to take this opportunity to observe the situation of other races."

  Li Reza finally showed a gratified smile on his face, "Very well, I will leave the rest of the time to you young people. I will go back to the barracks first."

   As she spoke, she turned around and strode away without hesitation.

   After their mother left, Vereesa and Lilas started chatting around the eldest sister like chocobos running wild.

   "Sister, you have to be careful, I will help you look after this stinky man, and I won't let him mess with women."

   Vereesa pointed at Charlemagne with a look of disgust as she spoke. Both Rillas and Lor'themar couldn't help turning their heads and shoulders twitching.


   "...I said, you don't need to hurt me so much, anyway, we grew up together."

  Charlemagne is very helpless towards Vereesa's blatant hostility. This young elf is still very attached to her sister. Charlemagne, the elf who has taken away her sister's attention, will naturally become a thorn in her side.


  Vereesa turned her head away, as if I didn't want to talk to you.

  Aurelia dotingly hugged the heads of her younger siblings and rubbed them on their faces.

   "After I leave, you have to take care of yourselves, don't cause trouble to your mother, Second Sister, take care of them when you are at home."


  Cirvanas nodded with a smile, "I know, Alleria, you can concentrate on the task, the younger brother and third sister will be handed over to me."

  After Lor'themar also bid farewell to Alleria politely, Sylvanas tactfully pulled the unwilling Vereesa back to the side, and Lilas followed with a look on his face.

   After the 4 people retreated, Charlemagne stepped forward and kissed Aurelia's forehead tenderly, and it took a long time to speak to break the warm atmosphere.

   "Aurelia...I said everything I needed to say yesterday, and I will always miss you."

   "Me too... You must pay attention to safety when you go out for the first time, and be careful of the troll's self-recovery ability."

  Aurelia had already followed her mother to the battlefield many times. At this time, she also took the opportunity to tell her lover about the characteristics of trolls.

  Trolls do not have the same outstanding spellcasting talent as the high elves, but their racial characteristics determine that they are born warriors.

  The self-recovery ability of trolls is quite strong, as long as they are not injured by severed limbs, they can recover in a short period of time, and the more seriously injured this barbaric race is, the stronger its combat effectiveness is, which is really quite difficult to deal with.

  Although they don't have a highly developed magical civilization like the high elves, the spellcasters among the trolls can also use some primitive witchcraft. It is said that they still worship the primitive gods called loa.

  Trolls classify all supernatural beings as loa, including the wild demigods of Azeroth.

  However, according to Alleria's information, it seems that there are no demigods of the wilderness among the Amani trolls, and there are only some natural gods with weak divinity.

   As a traveler, Charlemagne naturally knew the five primitive gods that existed in Zul'Aman. Although he didn't know whether they had been usurped by trolls, Charlemagne would still be extremely vigilant.

  The spirit of the giant bear, the spirit of the eagle, the spirit of the lynx, the spirit of the dragon eagle, and the last spirit of the poisonous snake, these are the five primitive gods that existed in Zul'Aman.

  According to the history that Charlemagne knows, these five spirits of nature will be captured by their respective believers, and their essence will be sealed in the bodies of their most powerful believers to provide them with strength.

   Fortunately, this time it was only to repel the attack of the trolls, and it should not be able to break into Zul'Aman to face these animal gods.

  For thousands of years after the end of the troll war, the high elves and the Amani trolls have been engaged in a long tug-of-war in the forest, and whichever side has the upper hand will try to suppress the other in the forest.

   But generally speaking, the high elves still had the upper hand, and most of the time they kept the Amani trolls in the vicinity of Zul'Aman.

   While the two lovers were exchanging information in a low voice, a ranger came to inform Alleria that it was time to set off.

   "It's time to say goodbye... Alleria, Aldielshala (Bon voyage

  Seeing the arrival of the envoy, Charlemagne reluctantly let go of his girlfriend and said the farewell words in Salas.

   "Shorel'aran (Farewell), Charlemagne."

  Aurelia bid farewell to her boyfriend Yiyi at the end, and then stepped onto the light yellow riding chocobo beside her.

  This meticulously bred and trained chocobo has long been accustomed to being ridden by elves. As Alleria's exclusive mount, the female elf named her Dudu.

  This kind of ranger's preferred mount is docile, agile, fast, small in size, and has very little running movement. It is most suitable for elf rangers who like to move stealthily in the forest.

Due to long-term domestication, some chocobos have even developed an elegant gait, which has also made many mages gradually like this kind of mount. It is said that even Prince Kael'thas has a well-bred chocobo line bird.

  It works from top to bottom. Now, except for a few elf warriors wearing plate armor who like to ride strong Quel'dorei warhorses, most elves have started to promote chocobos.

   "Guys, take care of yourselves, ha!"

  After saying goodbye to the younger brothers and sisters who came over, Alleria didn't stay any longer, and headed for Silvermoon City with the other rangers who also wanted to travel with the chocobo.

  When they arrive in Silvermoon City, they will go to Dalaran through the teleportation spell, and they will go to Stormwind City again through the teleportation spell with Prince Kael'thas after a rest.

  After the visit, Alleria and the others can move freely. On the way back, she plans to stop by Ironforge, the capital of the Bronzebeard Dwarves, and Gnomeregan, the capital of the Dwarves, to gain knowledge.

   Then head north all the way to Stromgarde, Alterac, Gilneas and Lordaeron, and finally return to Quel'Thalas through Stratholme, an important city in East Lordaeron.

  Charlemagne stared blankly at the direction in which Alleria left. This was the first time they had been separated for a long time in ten years, and he was a little at a loss for a while.

   "Brother, it's time for us to go back. Are you ready for the expedition?"

  Lor'themar knew his brother's mood, stepped forward and patted his shoulder heavily to remind him.

"Oh, yes."

  Charlemagne came back to his senses, took one last look at the back of his lover who had left, and walked home resolutely.

  ‘I can’t fall behind either, just use trolls to test my training results over the past ten years! '
