Chapter 7 missions

  After leaving the ranger station, the two had nothing to say all the way, and they really didn't know what to say for a while.

  Since Charlemagne woke up, the two have been together almost day and night for the next ten years, and suddenly they are about to separate. Charlemagne and Aurelia don't know how to say goodbye to each other.

   "Aurelia, I..."


   After a long silence, the two broke the silence by opening their mouths at the same time. When they heard each other's voice, they were both stunned, and then they both burst out laughing.

  The crisp laughter finally relieved the tense atmosphere a lot, and the couple also returned to their usual way of getting along.


   "Aurelia, be careful when you go to **** Prince Kael'thas. I heard that even in the capital of the human kingdom, there are often nightmarish rampages. You..."

   "Hmph! Who do you think I am? How could mere bandits hurt me, and the prince is already a 7th-ring mage. If he wasn't reserved for his status, he could easily handle these miscellaneous fish by himself."

  Under the sunlight that was scattered through the forest, Alleria's proud and confident face seemed to be shining brightly.

  Charlemagne touched his girlfriend's side face with a gentle and apologetic smile.

   "Sorry, I said something wrong."

   "It's okay, I know you're just worried about me."


  Aurelia closed her eyes and rubbed Charlemagne's callused palms due to years of archery, and the two began to enjoy this brief moment of warmth.

   After a breeze blew, the whole forest made a "rustle" sound like waves passing by, which awakened Charlemagne and Aurelia who were immersed in the world of the two.

   "By the way, Alleria, if you have a chance this time, please help me raise the question about the formation of melee troops to Prince Kael'thas."

   After recovering, Charlemagne remembered his worries from yesterday, and tried to tell his girlfriend about it.

  Aurelia frowned slightly with her golden eyebrows. "I can't guarantee this. After all, I'm just an ordinary ranger following the mission. I'm not sure if I can talk to the prince."

   Gently kissed Aurelia's forehead, and Charlemagne gently comforted him, "It's okay, just mention it when I have a chance. Besides, I don't have much expectation for the prince to adopt this suggestion. I can only say that I will give it a try."


   "Well... I don't know when we will meet again after this separation, Charlemagne, you won't go to find other female elves behind my back, will you?"

   Seeing Aurelia's delicate and worried appearance, Charlemagne smiled lightly and pressed a kiss on the corner of her lips.

   "How come, you have been with me for 10 years, don't you know what kind of person I am?"

   "Hmph~ The novel my little sister read mentioned a lot of things about male elves wanting to change their ways. Who knows if you're cheating on me in front of me."

  Knowing that his girlfriend was just looking for an opportunity to act like a baby before breaking up, Charlemagne could only do his best to appease her.

  After the warm moment ended, Alleria returned to the independent and rebellious eldest sister of the Windrunner.

"I don't know what the human country looks like? I haven't been out of Quel'Thalas since I was born. I hope they can have decent fighters. I want to take a good look at the human race after the troll war ended. develop."

   Looking at the confident expression on Aurelia's face, Charlemagne's eyes were a little blank.

  Since the close cooperation with humans during the time of Arathor the Great, the high elves have not had close communication with each other for a long time.

  Every time human countries send invitations, the Sun King always asks Prince Kael'thas in Dalaran to attend on his behalf.

   "This time is actually a good opportunity. You can go and see how the human way of life is different from ours. I think it should be able to inspire you."

   Charlemagne gently touched Aurelia's brilliant blond hair and offered his own suggestion.

   "Well, I see, but..."

   Just as Alleria was about to say something, a voice suddenly came from beside the two.

   "Brother, what are you and Sister Aurelia talking about? It seems quite serious."

  The sudden sound did not scare Charlemagne and Aurelia, who were used to it, but made them sigh at the same time.

   "...Lor'themar, when will you change your habit of elusive and invisible, can you say hello the next time you appear around us?"

  Alleria looked at Lor'themar with an unfriendly expression, after all, she didn't want to be interrupted by this guy who appeared out of nowhere when she was making out with her lover.

   "Ah Qiang, you really deserve to be A Qiang. To be honest, you should change your job as a thief, that's more suitable for you."

  Charlemagne also joked about his younger brother. Although he has developed the habit of paying attention to his surroundings after becoming a ranger, it is still a worldwide problem to find out the whereabouts of his younger brother Lor'themar.

   "Brother... So what is Aqiang? Why do you like to call me this name, besides, I am Aqiang, isn't your big brother Daqiang?"

   Lor'themar looked helpless at his elder brother's joke, but then he also made his own counterattack.


   This title made Charlemagne feel a wave of malice.

   "Don't call me Daqiang! Get rid of all the little Qiangqiang, hurry up, I have something to tell you."

  Charlemagne, who was upset, quickly changed the topic. At this time, he and Alleria had walked to a place not far from Fengxing Village, and the tower of Windrunner in the distance was clearly visible.


   "Join the war?!"

  In Windrunner's home, Vereesa, Rillas, and Lor'themar all exclaimed at the same time.

   "Brother, are you kidding me? Why is it so sudden?"

  Charlemagne shook his head at his younger brother with a serious face, "Do you think I will make fun of such an important matter?"

  Vereesa bit her thumbnail anxiously, "Second sister is going to join the war... Eldest sister is also going to the Kingdom of Stormwind as the **** of the envoy. Doesn't this mean that only my younger brother and I are left at home?"

  Aurelia gently touched her sister's long silver-gray hair.

   "That's right, mother will also go out as a ranger general, so I will take care of my younger brother during this time."

Then she turned her head and solemnly told Lor'themar, "Lor'themar, I'm going to trouble you for a while. Vereesa is frizzy, and Lilas is even more mischievous. I hope you, who have a stable personality, can take good care of you." them."

   Lor'themar nodded sadly, "I see, Miss Alleria."

   "Brother, can you really not let me join the battle with you?"


  After hearing Lor'themar's words, Charlemagne snarled, "What if we both die on the battlefield, what will happen to our family? Do you want to make the Theron family extinction?"

"ok, I get it…"


  Windrunner's younger brother Lilas pulled Alleria's sleeve reluctantly. Having never been separated from his sister for a long time, he still couldn't accept the two sisters going out at the same time.

   "Okay little brother, you are the only male in the Windrunner family, be strong, the eldest sister will come back as soon as possible."
