Chapter 719 Oh! my sweet home

  Although Northrend still has a lot of messy follow-up work to deal with, Charlemagne has already returned to his heart at this time.

   At any rate, it is better to get rid of the Scourge before the end of this year. Charlemagne plans to go home and rest for a few days, just in time to celebrate the New Year with his relatives and friends.

When the Alliance and the Horde withdrew back to the Borean Tundra and Howling Fjord one after another, intending to return to the Eastern Continent and Kalimdor by ship, Jaina had already opened the portal and sent the tauren under Hamuul and Barre back to their respective hometowns .

  As for the yak people, these distant relatives of the tauren who have lived in Northrend for generations have no intention of moving their nests. They also want to rebuild their homes destroyed by the undead spidermen.

However, their chief, Dongfeng, promised to strengthen ties with other ethnic groups of the ancient oath after they settled down. Most of the time in this battle, the yak people were playing soy sauce because of lack of cooperation, which made Chief Dongfeng feel ashamed. .

  Handing Theramore's fleet to one of his fleet commanders, Jaina took the lead in launching the portal and returned to Theramore with her personal guards.


  She hasn't forgotten what Charlemagne said before. As the lord, she plans to return to Theramore first, take over the command from Aegwynn and prepare for defense.

  The Apocalypse Knights under Mograine voluntarily continued to sit on Icecrown Glacier. On the one hand, they monitored the situation of the sealed Icecrown Fortress, and on the other hand, they also wanted to clear up some remaining wandering souls in Icecrown Glacier.

   Speaking of this, there is another thing that surprised Charlemagne. The search operation of the Apocalypse Knights in Icecrown Glacier actually found two big fish.

   It was Falrick and Marwyn who retreated from Icecrown Citadel before, these two former senior generals of the natural disaster who wandered in Icecrown Glacier in a daze, were finally taken in by Mograine's Apocalypse Knights.

  The two intend to stay in the Apocalypse Knights to atone for the sins they committed many years ago. Although it is a bit self-satisfying, it can at least make their hearts that have been frozen for many years feel better.

   And Mograine also made up his mind during the in-depth conversation with the two. After completing his revenge, he felt so empty that he finally found a new goal for himself and the Apocalypse Knights.


   Most of the death knights under Mograine's command have also caused harm to their motherland and innocent people. Redemption is also something they need to do. In addition, what Charlemagne said before leaving made Mograine deeply think.

   "Who do you think created the Scourge? Ner'zhul? So who was it that tricked Ner'zhul into Azeroth to become the Lich King?"

   "The Burning Legion! As long as these demons persist and the threat of Sargeras persists, we may face a second, third, or even countless Lich Kings at any time, and perhaps even worse."

  Mograine set the tone for the next course of action of the Apocalypse Knights that day, the unchanging revenge and redemption for his past actions.

  By the way, when Charlemagne returned to Quel'Thalas with Onyxia, he also brought back a special guest.

   It was Mimiron, the King of Creation who had just been able to relax for a while.


  This great inventor intends to fulfill his promise, go to Quel'Thalas to see the current scientific research technology of the high elves, and exchange certain technologies if possible.

  Charlemagne can't wait for this. Mimiron's existence is indispensable for the future's ambitious plans. If the relationship between him and Quel'Thalas can be improved, it will be beneficial to the future.

   After struggling in Northrend for nearly a year, although there are still many follow-up tasks that cannot be completely dealt with, Charlemagne can finally return to his warm home and enjoy a rare quiet New Year with his beloved wife and friends.

  ...Oh, yes, and Ah Qiang.

When he brought the excited and curious Mimiron to the Research Institute on the fifth floor of the Royal Library, Charlemagne sent the Black Dragon Princess home first under Onyxia's reluctant gaze, while he had been missing for a long time. Came to the meeting hall of the Tower of Sunfury.

   Seeing Charlemagne suddenly walk in from the outside, Lianda and the members of the Silver Moon Council were all taken aback.

   Sean was the first to come back to his senses, and clapped his hands with a playful smile on his face, jokingly said, "Look who this is, everyone welcomes the return of our hands-off regent."

  Charlemagne gave him a blank look, sat down on the seat representing himself and said, "Come on, it's not like you don't know what I've been up to these days."

   Li Reza asked with a straight face, "So? Has the Lich King been resolved?"

Charlemagne lay on the table like a salted fish and heaved a long sigh of relief, "Ha... It's resolved, I finally got the Northern Expedition done before the New Year... Although there is still a lot of follow-up work to be done, let me Have a peaceful new year."

   Everyone has long been accustomed to Charlemagne's laziness outside of business. Although they felt a little depressed by his decadent appearance, neither Queen Lianda nor the members of the Silvermoon Council expressed any objection to his decision.

   After all, Charlemagne has indeed spent a lot of time in Northrend in the past year, and even his new wife has not had much time to accompany him. With a small amount of ancient covenant troops, he has created greater achievements in Northrend than the Alliance and the Horde.

  Just the battle of Storm Peaks and Ulduar is enough for ordinary people to brag about for a lifetime. How difficult it is for ordinary people to fight side by side with Titan Guardian.

  When Charlemagne said goodbye to the Alliance before, the old boy Bryan almost threw himself in front of Charlemagne and begged his father to bring him into Ulduar.

  ... Of course, it is impossible for Charlemagne to let him in, at least not now, who knows what this Ben Lei Kaihang, who is as famous as Zhou Zhuo, will do in Udur.

   Briefly told the situation of the Northern Expedition and the final battle of Icecrown Fortress, Charlemagne yawned and walked out of the Tower of Sunfury under the gaze of the seven speechless eyes, and launched the teleportation technique.

  Von der Lore rubbed his eyebrows and sighed, "This guy is still the same, once he leaves his duties, he will look like a salty fish with no motivation."

Xiao En threw an apple prepared by the maid into his mouth with a smile, and said vaguely, "You can be content, at least he has to charge outside to ensure the stability of Quel'Thalas. Don't be too demanding."

   Solanlian also simply said the word "No one is perfect."

   "Ah, yes!"

  Rommath patted his forehead at this time, and when his colleagues looked over, he said distressedly, "I just listened to him bragging, and forgot to tell him about the queen's marriage."


  Even the most stable Likert froze, and a group of people looked at Lianda, who was acting as a mascot, in embarrassment.

   Fortunately, the queen didn't care, and said with a chuckle, "Don't worry, my marriage is nothing compared to what Charlemagne has done. I'll tell him after the New Year."

   At this time, Charlemagne still didn't know what happened in the conference hall after he left. He had already been teleported back to the courtyard of the Prince Regent's Mansion in the aristocratic area of ​​Silvermoon City.

  Under the respectful gaze of the maids, Charlemagne closed his eyes in relief, stretched out his hands, and sighed, "Finally back, my sweet home~"
