Chapter 718 The Sunken Icecrown Fortress

  As mentioned before, Charlemagne has no idea about the Helm of Dominion at all, nor does he intend to obey the rule that there must be a Lich King.

  Now in Northrend, apart from the last group of undead from natural disasters that are still relatively concentrated in Icecrown Citadel, other areas have basically eliminated the undead from natural disasters under the efforts of various forces for nearly a year.

  As long as the group of undead in Icecrown Citadel can be eliminated, the once invincible Scourge will be completely destroyed, and the term Lich King will also become history.

   Terenas saw the confident smile on Charlemagne's face and knew that the regent should have already had a way to deal with it.

  The former king of Lordaeron smiled and nodded, "That's good, the shadow of death covering Azeroth should be gone..."

   Before meeting his daughter, Terenas, like Uther before, turned into a twilight and dissipated on the throne platform.


Malygos, Onyxia, Ysera, and Alexstrasza had already moved to Charlemagne's side. The four of them stared at the broken Frostmourne on the ground with him, while the dragon under their command It was led by Soli Domi to join Krasus and others.

  The Blue Dragon King was the first to speak to break the atmosphere of silence, "So... what should we do with this ruined magic sword?"

  Alexstrasza rested his chin in one hand and muttered, "I can feel that this sword has lost its original function of absorbing souls. Maybe...can recast its remaining part into another artifact?"

  Charlemagne nodded thoughtfully, and knelt down to collect the fragments of Frostmourne.

   "Anyway, you can't let it be exposed here, let me keep it for now, and discuss how to deal with this magic sword that has lost its power when everything calms down."

  Ysera asked in an ethereal and gentle tone, "So, what do you plan to do with the large number of undead from the Scourge remaining in Icecrown Citadel? Will you continue to send a large army in to exterminate them?"



  After hacking the equipment, Charlemagne stood up and shook his head. "Although they have lost their masters, the undead in Icecrown Citadel are the elite of Alsace's subordinates after all. A strong attack may cause a lot of unnecessary losses."

  Charlemagne turned his head and looked in the direction of the storm cliffs and said, "I plan to go to Ulduar and let Azadas and Oni use the power of the earth to sink Icecrown Fortress into the glacier."

"The extremely cold sea water in Northrend is the greatest protection for the Icecrown Fortress that sank into the sea, but just in case, I hope that a few of you can join forces to cast a seal to prevent someone from using these undead locked inside to realize their boredom." ambition."

   Alexstrasza nodded with a smile, "No problem, the threat of natural disasters will be completely ended here, and Northrend will finally return to calm."

  Now that the disposal of Icecrown Citadel was decided, Charlemagne immediately asked the members of the Hidden Passage to convey the news to the Alliance, Horde and Covenant Army still inside the fortress.


  The ancient oath side had been prepared for a long time, and responded to Charlemagne's notification the fastest, and withdrew from the side doors of Icecrown Citadel in an orderly manner.

The lower level where the alliance is located is not far from the gate. Although I feel a little embarrassed that I have been playing soy sauce for half a month, it is always a good thing to lie down and win without losing troops. Under the leadership of Supreme King Varian, they also withdrew in an orderly manner. Icecrown Citadel.

  The Horde is more painful... At least Garrosh has a look on his face right now.

   After working hard for half a month, although I have been at a disadvantage, there is hard work without credit, right? In the end, he was inexplicably beheaded by the monster regent and picked peaches.

  Go'el was not as simple-minded as Garrosh. He, Vol'jin, and Solas looked at each other with wry smiles, and then gathered their troops to prepare to withdraw from the fortress that was about to be sealed.

   "Sure enough... In the end, His Excellency the Regent took the initiative to calm the situation. I hope Garrosh will not take the initiative to offend the oath in the future, otherwise..."

  Vol'jin patted Goel's shoulder to comfort him, "Although I regret your decision to abdicate, I will still try my best to fulfill my duties. I will mercilessly oppose Garrosh's wrong decisions in the future."

  Solas also shrugged and said, "Everyone is a grasshopper on the same rope. The destruction of the tribe will not do us any good. Although I don't know if it will work, I will try my best to dissuade the new chief."

  Both of them are old fritters who have been leaders for many years. They are very clear about the reason why Gouyle had to abdicate. After all, it is just the trend of the times.

The number of Mag'har orcs returning from the foreign land has surpassed the green-skinned orcs of the original tribe. These pure-blooded orcs with a single mind look down on Goel's "cowardly" leadership style from the bottom of their hearts. The quick-tempered Mag'har orcs need a capable The great chief who really led the rise of the tribe.

  Guyle looked at the blizzard that had subsided outside Icecrown Citadel with a complicated expression, "I hope the tribe won't take too radical a path... Now, it's not my tribe anymore."

  The large base of orcs is destined to be the dominant race in the tribe. Others, such as the Forsaken, trolls, and wild boars, are just joining races and cannot shake the status of orcs.

   Once losing power among the orcs, it means losing authority in the entire tribe. In the past year, Goyle has truly experienced the sad feeling of being gradually emptied.

  Before the Frozen Throne, Lorna took a last look at her boyfriend with nostalgia, laid Alsace on the platform, and returned to her father Darius through the portal opened by Charlemagne.

  ‘Farewell, Alsace, let you sink into the sea with this castle that carries your ambition. '

  When the armies of the three parties withdrew from Icecrown Fortress, the half-month snowstorm covering the entire Icecrown Glacier stopped in good time, and the warm winter sun finally broke through the clouds again, shining on the permafrost glacier.

  When Azadas completed Tyr's body building and came from Ulduar under Charlemagne's call, the time had come to the end of December, 27th year of the Dark Portal.

Under the joint efforts of him and Onyxia, the thick layer of glaciers below the majestic Icecrown Fortress shook violently. The fortress sank deeply into the ice below and gradually sank in Northrend. In the extremely cold sea water tens of degrees below zero in the north.

  The four dragon kings and the bronze dragon queen, Soli Domi, cast a spell together and cast a powerful sealing spell for the Icecrown Fortress that sank into the sea.

   At this point, the threat brought by the Lich King's Scourge to Northrend and even the entire Azeroth is finally completely over.

  But... the many changes brought about by the Allied Northern Expedition to Northrend have just begun to appear one by one.

   Thanks to the book friend "Liu Shuo 2015" for his support.
