Chapter 701 Azadas' Bad Taste

  Compared with other unhandy weapons, Charlemagne prefers to use the one-handed sword that he gradually got used to. He even plans to make it into a magic sword, which is specially used to cast spells in conjunction with the Blue Dragon's Throat.

  After integrating the opinions of Saurfang, Jaina, and Muradin, Charlemagne immediately teleported to Ulduar, and found him in the forging workshop where Azadas belonged in Ulduar.

   "I see, two-handed axe, staff and one-handed magic sword... I see, can I design the style?"

  Charlemagne shrugged nonchalantly and said, "I'll leave it to you. Anyway, no one else has specified the specific style requirements. It's better to design the staff more delicately. After all, it's for women."

  Azadas picked up the hammer of Kazgros and said heartily, "Okay! Because the rough embryo has been built before, and it can be completed soon after the shape is determined. You can pick it up in three days."

   As he spoke, he walked to the big melting furnace and prepared to start working. It was also at this time that Charlemagne saw the rough embryos of the four artifacts for the first time.


  A ball of round cakes emitting lightning light on the surface, a long flaming object, a slender stick that is bursting with cold air, and finally a slightly thick clod of soil.

  'It's really rough...'

  Seeing that Azadas had already started designing the mold, Charlemagne didn't bother him, turned and left his forging workshop, and went to greet Mimiron and Tyr.

  Three days passed in a hurry. During these three days, the three forces of the Alliance, the Horde, and the Oath have returned to the front line and prepared for war.

Lor'themar teleported from Quel'Thalas to Sandarra, and Charlemagne was going to let him lead the group of adventurers... Of course, it was only in the general direction. After all, adventurers are unruly and free-spirited. Rules and regulations are not very appropriate.

  The red dragon and green dragon legions led by Krasus and Isarios respectively have flown around the Sholazar Basin to station on Paradise Island.


  When the battle situation is not urgent, the dragon army will not be dispatched at will, but once Charlemagne judges that the support of the dragon clan is needed, the two of Krasus will leave and lead the dragons to set off from Paradise Island.

   As for the tribe, Goyle has wiped out the natural disasters near the breakthrough after the main force arrived, and is now attacking the natural disaster city outside.

  The alliance has also assembled a large force to march towards the Deathwhisperer post on the west side of the Northern Expedition. Unfortunately, on the second day after they set off, a snowstorm suddenly blew up on this snowy field.

Marching in the blizzard is very difficult, but at the same time, the blizzard also covered the traces of the alliance. The gargoyle scouts of the Deathwhisperer sentry suspended their attacks under such extreme weather. The natural disasters did not notice that the main force of the alliance was approach them.

  The three days agreed with Azadas arrived, and Charlemagne was teleported to Ulduar again. At this time, the flame of the furnace had been extinguished in Azadas's forging workshop.

  This Titan Guardian, who inherited part of Kazgros' talents and was good at forging, had four artifacts exuding different brilliance in front of him.


   Seeing Charlemagne's arrival, Azadas proudly pointed to the artifacts on the table, "All four artifacts have been built. You can check them out. I am quite satisfied."

  Charlemagne stepped forward full of expectations, and first set his sights on the most conspicuous shield bursting with thunder.

  The dwarves, as descendants of the earth spirits, still believe in the **** of shaping Khazgoros in the tradition handed down from their ancient ancestors. Under the love of houses and crows, Azadas has put a lot of effort into this shield.

  The shield is no longer the ugly big round pie seen before, but has been made into a diamond-shaped eagle shield. Considering the dwarf's stature, Azadas has also made some special adjustments.

  The green shield is engraved with a golden iron felt and a short hammer. It is the national flag of Ironforge, and the dazzling lightning flashing on it makes this shield look very powerful.

  Next is a two-handed ax with a hideous shape. According to Varok's usage habits, the ax made by Azadas is not a single-edged ax like Gorehowl, but two-edged.

  The thick color of the earth element flowed on the surface of the axe. Charlemagne tried to hold it, but found that it would be difficult to lift it with his strength.

   "Huh... This is really only a race with great talent and strength can pick it up."

Next is Jaina's staff, and it's hard for Azadas. This staff with the aqua spar inlaid on the top has obviously undergone some special designs. The appearance and texture are very beautiful, and it should be more in line with women's aesthetics .

Seeing the wand, Azadas sighed depressedly, "I asked Freya for her opinion on the design of the wand, and I don't know if it will be liked by women, but Freya is quite satisfied. "

  Charlemagne patted Azadas on the back comfortingly, "Don't worry, it's already very beautiful in my opinion, I believe Jaina will like it."

  Finally... only Charlemagne's fire-type one-handed sword remains.

  When he saw the shape of the sword, his brows could not help but twitch.

   "I said... Azadas, don't you feel blush for copying the design of the Dreadlord?"

Azadas touched his head in embarrassment, "Originally, I wanted to design it in another style, but thinking that you are attacking the Scourge undead now, I simply made it like this, it should be similar to the original one I have seen Bar?"

  Charlemagne patted his forehead speechlessly, and complained frantically in his heart, ‘Of course it’s not too different...Except for the decoration of the sword jaw, it’s almost exactly the same! There are no copyright issues in this world, so you can do whatever you want, right? '

  The shape of this sword is completely copied from Frostmourne...except that the sword jaw is not a sheep-headed demon but a golden Valkyrie with wings, other parts look very similar.

Compared with the ice blue color when Frostmourne is fully used, this magical one-handed magic sword has an orange-red glow, and it is different from the demon runes engraved by the fearful demon king on Frostmourne, the blade of this sword is engraved with The orthodox runes passed down from the Titans.

Charlemagne picked up this one-handed sword with flames flowing on the surface, and tried to swing it. The weapon that Azadas completely tailored for him fits his hand very well, although the shape makes people want to complain... Forget it, use it All right.

   "Ah, yes."

  When Charlemagne sheathed the artifact, Azadas suddenly remembered something, slapped his head and said, "The name of the artifact, you must give your sword a name, right?"

   "The name..."

   Charlemagne looked at the one-handed magic sword in his hand with the sheath and fell into thought. It took a long time for a wicked smile to appear on his face.

   "I don't want to replace other people's artifacts. This called the Joy of Fire."
