Chapter 700 Jaina Staff


  The scene was very awkward for a moment. With everyone's speechless expressions, Charlemagne, who presided over the meeting, directly ignored Garrosh and turned his gaze to Go'el.

   "Chief Goel, do you think so too?"

  Guel's face was very ugly, he stood up and put his hand on Garrosh's shoulder and said in a deep voice, "Sit down! You don't have the right to speak here, at least not yet!"

  After Garrosh sat back in his seat with his chest folded unwillingly, Goel cleared his throat and said, "Please don't pay attention to the joke Garrosh just said, the Horde has no objection to this attack plan."

  Charlemagne nodded, but felt sad at Goel's weakening prestige among the orcs.


  After Garrus spoke just now, Qi Qi, the leaders of all the tribes, showed disgust at his nonsense. Only a group of Mag'har orc generals seemed very excited and agreed.

   And when Goel suppressed Garrosh with the authority of the great chief, it was obvious that the disharmony among the orcs could be seen.

  Except for King Saurfang and a few green-skinned orc generals, the Mag'har orcs... all looked at Go'el with disdainful and contemptuous eyes.

  Charlemagne sighed in his heart for Goyle, ‘It seems that this wise great chief may not be able to do it for long, and if he continues...the orcs are really going to be in civil turmoil. '

   What Charlemagne can consider, Go'el, the chief of the tribe, can naturally think of it. He has already told everyone in front of the high-level tribes that he will give up his place to Garrosh after the Northern Expedition.

Far-sighted people such as Solas and Vol'jin were worried about the future of the tribe, but the chief of Kokar, Kiztan, was easily attracted by Garrosh's barbaric and primitive style of behavior. Whether there is mutual exchange.


  The attitude of the wild boar leader, Calgar Thornrib, was rather intriguing. He neither expressed opposition to Garrosh nor expressed support for him. He should have his own plans.

   The turmoil within the tribe had little to do with Charlemagne. After the three parties agreed with the plan, he turned to talk about the artifact issue mentioned by Aurelia.

   Briefly told the situation of the treasure house of Wintergrasp Lake to everyone present, and under the gaze of many people with sparkling eyes, he said the sentence they were most looking forward to.

   "Since the four artifacts have been scheduled to be used by mortals, we need to discuss how to divide the four artifacts. You may wish to share your opinions."

  As soon as this sentence came out, as expected, the whole venue immediately exploded. There were all kinds of discussions, quarrels, and curses.

Anyway, as a hero in the Battle of Ulduar, Charlemagne will at least allocate one artifact to the oath, and the other three... Unsurprisingly, the Alliance and the Horde will each have one, and now the two parties are fighting for nothing more than the last one. Who should belong to the artifact.


  Charlemagne and Queen Azshara looked at each other helplessly, but they felt a little complaining about the behavior of the guardians in their hearts, ‘Why are there four pieces? Is this a routine of playing two peaches to kill three warriors? Probably not...'

  Under the watchful expressions of the high-level oaths watching the show, the bosses of the Alliance and the Horde were red-faced and spat at each other for half an hour without any results.

  Varian and Garrosh were almost instigated by the Mag'har orcs to hold Mak'Gora outside, but fortunately they were finally persuaded by Queen Calia and Go'el respectively.

   After a long while, the dry-mouthed two parties finally calmed down temporarily. Goyle and Varian discussed in private, and finally reached a consensus.

  The two stood up at the same time and expressed their opinions separately... As Charlemagne expected, in the end this extra artifact fell into the hands of the oath.

To Charlemagne's surprise, Goyle mentioned him by name, "In this battle of Ulduar, the Regent Theron played an important role. I suggest that this extra artifact be handed over directly to him." Let him use it."

  Varian also nodded in agreement and said, "The alliance has no objection, this is what Charlemagne deserves."

Garrosh snorted, and agreed with Goel's proposal for the first time, "I have no objection either. Those who contribute the most get the most. This is a matter of course, but the extra artifact can only be used by the regent himself. , cannot be handed over to other people under the oath."

  Queen Azshara glanced at the innocent Charlemagne, stood up gracefully and said, "Since you have decided, there will naturally be no objections to the oath, so the distribution is decided like this?"

  After the three parties nodded, the distribution issue was decided in this way, and the subsequent selection of artifacts did not cause too much dispute. The tribe chose the earth-type two-handed weapon, and the alliance chose the wind-type shield.

   What is left for Oath and Charlemagne are fire-type one-handed weapons and ice-type polearms.

   There is no suspense about the distribution of weapons on the tribe's side. After a little discussion, it is determined that the artifact will be made into a two-handed axe, which will be used by the prestigious King Saurfang.

  The shield chosen by the Alliance was given to Muradin, Prince of the Bronzebeard Dwarves, as compensation for his wandering in Northrend for several years without being found.


   When it was the oath's turn, Charlemagne was in a bit of trouble.

To be honest, he already has the three artifacts of Solidar, Eagle Claw, and Silver Armor, and he really can't think of what he needs for a while. A one-handed wand like a throat is just right for him.

   Kane and Ulan were the first to abstain. They believed that they had previously obtained a handy weapon whose quality was very close to that of an artifact, and there was no need to participate in this allocation at all.

   Azshara also shrugged to give up. She has her own special artifact staff, so there is no need to compete with others.

  Zhu Taran also followed up. He was used to using monk gloves, so he would definitely not be used to switching to a one-handed or long-handled weapon suddenly.

  When everyone's eyes turned to Fandral, the **** archdruid took out a bunch of daggers that he didn't know where to get——Ashaman's Fang, proudly expressing that he didn't need it.

   Subsequent abstentions were old Mograine, who held the apocalypse, and Khadgar and Garona, who also held the artifact.

  After excluding these people, there are only three high-ranking women, Tyrande, Maiev, and Jaina, who are eligible to participate in the distribution.

ha? Lianda? Holding the Flame Strike and Phoenix Altar inherited from Kael'thas, will she still need artifacts...

   Maiev and Tyrande glanced at each other, and the leader of the watchmen first raised her hand to abstain. She was used to using her own saw, and the two weapons that she had been assigned to the oath obviously couldn't make such a shape.

  As the High Priest of the Moon God, Tyrande doesn't have much need for artifacts. Anyway, she relies more on divine arts to heal and cause damage. The bow in her hand is just a carrier.

  In the end, Jaina, who was a little embarrassed, got the long-handled ice artifact under the humility of everyone, and she planned to let Azadas make it into a staff without any suspense.

   All that was left for Charlemagne was the fire-type one-handed artifact. Charlemagne rubbed his chin and thought about what weapon he wanted to make it into.

  ‘The dagger comes with a matching go-getter, Moxie, no need, I don’t know how to use hammers and axes, and I don’t like daggers that are too short, that is to say... it can only be made into a one-handed sword? '
