Chapter 679 The Broken Prison Gate

  When the coalition forces attacking the natural disasters were frustrated, Charlemagne's progress was relatively smooth.

   After the heavy tank, the Flame Behemoth, was dealt with, the road ahead immediately became clear.

In the battle of Ulduar Square, the families of Raiden and other guardians suffered heavy losses. Anubisath, Frost Giants and Mogu could barely recover, but the flesh-and-blood tol'vir and Brunhilda Valkyrie can't help it.

  Charlemagne sighed somewhat dejectedly, "I should have brought a priest or a druid to restore specialization if I knew it earlier. Watching these tol'vir die in's really uncomfortable."

  Rayden has long been used to this. During the war against the Dark Empire, he had witnessed countless scenes of **** titan creations spurting blood to death. His will has long been tempered to be extremely tenacious.

   "This is their responsibility and destiny as Titan creations. Facing Yogg-Saron, even we can't guarantee that we can retreat unscathed. Let's concentrate on the task in front of us."


Passing through the Ulduar Square, there is a crossroads in front, and the right side should have been a Proto-Dragon leader named Razor, but this Proto-Dragon was exposed in advance because of Loken's plot, and now it is still alive and well, naturally will not appear here.

  Frontscale, formerly known as Veranus, is the dragon mother of the proto-dragon of the storm cliffs. She has served Thorim as a mount for tens of thousands of years, and has always been loyal to the king of storms.

  Because he was going to attack Ulduar this time, it was inconvenient for Veranus to bring it here. At this time, the dragon mother was still living a leisurely life in her lair.

   On the left side of the intersection is a place called the Giant Forge, and the watchman is named Ignis the Furnace Master, who used to be a giant under Azadas who was in charge of the forging furnace.

Even the guardians cannot completely resist corruption, and these lower-level stone giants are naturally not immune. Ignis was also distorted by Yogg-Saron's evil will. This time, Azadas personally went into battle and subdued the struggling Ignis and pressed his core to reboot.

  The others continued to move forward and came to the scrap square full of various mechanical parts. This place was supposed to be the gate to the main hall of Ulduar, and a mechanical creature who was obviously an experimental product of Mimiron was guarding here.


This mechanical creation called XT-002 Dismantler only has a very low-level intelligence, and what he said is stupid and cute. Charlemagne originally wanted to leave it for Taronicus and scholars to study. , As a result, Till and others failed to find the core position of this guy for a long time.

   In desperation, the dismantler could only be completely dismantled, and the group finally pushed open the door of Ulduar's main hall and entered the interior of the city of Titans.

  The first thing that caught Charlemagne's eyes was the exquisite decoration in the hall and the large number of statues on both sides. They were very similar to the starlight material on Eragon's body, and they were clearly made by the Titans.

Leaving Ossirian and other titan builders in the square to clean up corpses, waste and debris and try to let the earthlings rebuild their defensive facilities, Charlemagne, Raiden and other guardians walked into the wide front hall of Ulduar with nostalgia. In the hall.

  Every furnishings and every statue here make these guardians who have been away from home for tens of thousands of years feel very cordial.

  Seeing that several people couldn't recover for a long time, Charlemagne rolled his eyes helplessly, and he clapped his hands when a group of people walked unconsciously to a staircase.


   "Okay, titan guardians, we should split up next."

Charlemagne stretched out his hands and pointed to the passages on both sides at the same time, "You should be more familiar with Ulduar than I am. Please go to each of the two sides to clean up the remaining resistance forces, and the rest will continue to move forward. According to Ig According to Niss, there should be a stone giant that Loken asked Ignis to build in front of him to guard the gate."

Since Azadas stayed in the giant's furnace to restore Ignis to his senses and tell him the truth, Tyr and other guardians looked at each other, and finally Thorim and Hodir split up, and they chose the left side respectively. The Archives on the side and the Observatory on the right.

  The archives are okay, it shouldn’t be difficult for Thorim to win the Iron Council, but the observatory...

When Loken, the guardian of the titan, died, Algalon must have received the news. Hodir's task this time is relatively heavy. He must operate the information terminal of the observatory to slow down the speed of Algalon's least in Yog Saron cannot reach Azeroth until he is dead.

  In case... In case he arrives ahead of time, Hodir will also be responsible for temporarily stabilizing him, preventing him from remotely activating Uldum's Origin Furnace to reshape the planet.

Just as Charlemagne expected, when he and Raiden, Tyr, and Elonaya arrived at the gate to the inner sanctuary of Ulduar, there was no possibility of restarting the guard here, Korongarn, after all, he was When it was manufactured, it had already been distorted.

The itchy Tyre took the initiative to fight, and easily dismantled the huge stone man. Although Tire's current body could not exert all his original combat power, the parallel stone man made by Ignis was safe. enough.

  As soon as she entered the inner temple, Elonaya rushed out with a cry of surprise. Her target was a female stone giant who was wandering unconsciously in the aisle of the temple with a few cheetahs.

   "Aurlia, even you..."

  Aurelia is the archivist of Ulduar. Looking at her sluggish and mechanical patrol route, she may also be infected by Yogg-Saron's corruption.

Charlemagne turned his head to look at Tire and Raiden, Tire shrugged and stepped forward again, taking advantage of the battle between Elonaya and Aurelia to complete the restart for Aurelia, as for those bodies For the big cats who are flesh and blood creatures, I can only say sorry.

  Raiden didn't care about the situation on Tire's side. He looked solemnly at the damaged seal in the center of the temple. The original complete arcane prison had been damaged in many places, and below it was Yogg-Saron's prison.

   "It's not good... Judging from this situation, Yogg-Saron is only one step away from being completely out of trouble. Fortunately, we arrived in time."

  At this time, Azadas, Hodir, and Thorim had also completed their respective tasks and rushed up from behind. The three of them also looked at the broken seal in the center in shock.

  Charlemagne cast a questioning look at Hodir while Raiden was in a daze, and heaved a long sigh of relief after seeing the Winter King giving a thumbs up.

After Raiden came back to his senses, he immediately issued an order to several people in the name of the Great Guardian, "Thorim, Tyr, Hodir and Azadas, the four of you come here first to strengthen the seal, and I will let Frey Ya regained his sanity, Mimiron's side..."

  Charlemagne patted his chest, and said with a confident smile, "Leave Mimiron to me, and I promise to bring him back to the hall."

  Leiden nodded, then turned to look at Aulia, who was shaking her head and waking up, and Elonaya, who was supporting her.

   "Eronnaya and Aurelia, you two are temporarily guarding the memory hall. If Yogg-Saron's minions attack from below, temporarily block them."

  As soon as she regained her sanity, Aurelia looked up and saw the majestic expression of the Great Guardian who had been missing for tens of thousands of years, and hurriedly replied loudly, "Yes! Aurelia will definitely atone for her dereliction of duty!"

Under the joint suppression of the four guardians, the power of the void overflowing from the prison below was finally suppressed back into the cage, and the broken pieces that had been ringing in the ears of Charlemagne and others all the time Thoughts also temporarily stopped.

   After Charlemagne and Leiden parted ways at the fork in the inner temple, they rubbed their hands excitedly and walked towards the invention corridor on the northwest side.

   "Hey, great inventor Mimiron, we are finally going to meet, and the future black technology of Azeroth depends on you."
