Chapter 678 The Gate of Scourge

  As Tyrande said, almost at the same time that the high priest of the moon **** persuaded the alliance, Jaina finally used the name of Charlemagne to get Goyle to agree to lead the main force to support the vanguard.

  After the Queen of Kul Tiras breathed a sigh of relief and teleported away, Go'el, Vol'jin, Solas and others began to discuss with the alliance to attack the Lich King with serious expressions.

  While several of their leaders couldn't see, Garrosh secretly glanced at his warchief with disgust.

  ‘The cowardly and incompetent guy was actually instructed to act by a fragile human wizard. If I were the warchief, I would definitely show the Scourge and the Alliance what a real tribe is. '

  When Varian and Goel led their armies to the vicinity of the Scourge's Gate, they encountered the Lich King Arthas who accepted Bolvar's mocking provocation and slowly walked out of the Angasa gate.

  Accompanied by him, there were a large group of tall undead vrykul and even larger plague giants.


Dranosh Saurfang saw that the elite of Bolvar's Seventh Legion had already made contact with the Scourge, and immediately turned over and climbed onto his own wolf, shouting to the wolf cavalry of the Kor'kron Guard beside him, "Charge! !For the Horde! Lok'tar!"


   When King Saurfang, who was worried about his son, rushed to the front line, he saw the sight of Dranosh leading the wolf cavalry at the first sight, and judging from their direction, they should be heading straight for Alsace.

   "This idiot! I've taught him so many times and he's still only going on a rampage!"

  Worried Varok slapped his own warg's buttocks with the handle of his battle axe. The strong black giant wolf immediately burst into terrifying speed and charged to the front line in a short time.

  The wargs used by orcs are very different from the war horses used by humans. In terms of endurance, the wargs are much worse than the war horses, but when it comes to explosive power... the wargs are far behind the war horses.


When Dranosh rushed straight towards Arthas, Bolvar, who was dealing with a large number of undead vrykul, could only watch helplessly as the heavy battle ax in the hands of the brown-skinned orc was crushed by the magic sword Frostmourne. Crushed, little Saurfang was also sent flying on the spot.

Arthas walked slowly to Dranosh, who was lying on the ground with a face full of pain, stretched out Frostmourne, aimed at his chest, and prepared to draw his sword. The world of the dead, I will give you..."

   "Let go of my son, monster!"


  Alsace didn't have time to collect Dranosh's soul, felt the powerful impact of the attack, and hurriedly lifted up Frostmourne to block the opponent's powerful jump from top to bottom.

   King Saurfang retreated perfectly with his rich experience, but Arthas stepped back half a step in messy steps, which made him feel a little ashamed.


  The fire of soul flickered in his eyes, and Arthas said angrily, "Look who this is, Horde warrior King Saurfang, it seems that you want to replace your reckless son and join the Scourge, I will grant you!"

   "Don't even think about it!"


  With a crisp gunshot, Arthas had to wield Frostmourne again to smash the incoming bullets. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Varok hurriedly picked up his unconscious son and backed away.

  Because of the morality of his temporary comrades-in-arms, Bolvar led the Seventh Army to launch a feint attack on the army under Alsace, allowing King Saurfang to successfully drag Dranosh back to the safe zone behind.

  Alsace abnormally did not take advantage of the situation to pursue, his eyes were slightly lost, looking at the heroic woman who put down the exquisite mechanical sniper rifle on the opposite side.


   This person is the daughter of Darius Crowley—Rona Crowley. Rona is a completely different type from Jaina, who is still very docile at this stage, heroic and extremely assertive.

  Female man is used to describe this kind of woman, but Alsace has seen her right, and the relationship between the two has been very smooth before he fell.

The free-spirited Rhona is not as shy as Jaina, and she will not force Alsace to marry her after having **** with her once. Her hearty atmosphere makes Arthas love her very much. Lorna proposes, who knows...Fatality tricks people.


  Lorna pulled the bolt, pulled out the bullet case from the sniper rifle, and looked at the Lich King Arthas who was also staring at her blankly with a complicated expression on her face.

This time Darius will resolutely launch the Northern Expedition. It is difficult to say that there is no influence of Lorna. When this woman learned that her boyfriend had fallen, she swore that she would shoot Alsace in the head. He was buried.

   There is no time for the two to look at each other for a long time on the battlefield. The main forces of the Alliance and the Horde have arrived at the same time, and the two sides have launched a fierce attack on the natural disaster under the leadership of their respective leaders and generals.

  Although the troops brought out by Alsace from the Scourge's Gate were all elite, they were not many in number. They were obviously not prepared for the sudden general attack of the Alliance and the Horde, and were defeated by the coalition forces.

  Arthas took a deep look at Lorna, raised his hand and raised Frostmourne to the sky, and the ice-blue light flowed wildly on the magic sword.

   "Ka Ka Ka!"

A thick ice wall condensed out of thin air, blocking the coalition forces and some of the Scourge Legion who had become abandoned children. Arthas smiled contemptuously, "Mortals, attack if you have the guts, I will let you understand What is despair."

   After finishing speaking, he turned his head and dragged his heavy armor and walked into the Scourge Gate. Following the signal from Alsace's outstretched left hand, the meat grinder placed on the city wall above the Scourge Gate began to project natural disasters and plagues.

  Guyle's face became tense when he saw this, and hurriedly prayed for the help of the wind element to blow away the large amount of plague stench, and at the same time ordered loudly, "Retreat! This is a plague of natural disasters, try to hold your breath!"

  The alliance has also been on guard against this plague for a long time. The hands of the mecha that Gelbin was riding on turned into two huge fans, and the violent wind blows back a large amount of green plague smoke.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, Bolvar hurriedly called the soldiers of the Seventh Legion of the Stormwind Kingdom to retreat, and the entire front of the Scourge's Gate had turned into a purgatory on earth.

   The Alliance and Horde soldiers who had no time to evacuate were writhing in pain in the plague, and some of them had even been turned into undead on the spot.


   This is Gouel and Varian gritted their teeth and spit out a sentence at the same time.

"hold head high!"

  The Red Dragon Legion, which had long been entrusted by Charlemagne, quickly took off from Wyrmrest Temple, and a large number of red dragons flew towards the Scourge's Gate with high-pitched cries.

  The red dragon's blazing flames of life completely burned the entire vicinity of the Scourge Gate. Under the action of the power of life, these plagues would not spread, but the coalition soldiers who were trapped in it were completely hopeless.


  Varian glanced at Goyle, who was also gloomy, before turning his head and walking back, "Temporary retreat, the Wrathgate's defenses are too tight, we need to find another place to break through."

   Thanks to the book friend "Liu Shuo 2015" for his support.
