Chapter 603 Layout of Pandaria

  In the original history, the continent of Pandaria lost the protection of the mist during the cataclysm, and the Alliance and the Horde strayed into this unknown land due to naval battles.

At the same time, Zandalari, a group of trolls who are keen to make trouble, also took the opportunity to sneak into Pandaria. Their purpose is to resurrect Thor, prompting this powerful tyrant to fulfill his original promise, and help the trolls complete the revival .

  In the end they succeeded. After the resurrection of Thor, some trolls were given powerful power, but... this guy didn't have any good intentions. He probably wanted to solve the rebellious slaves of the Pandaren first, and then find a chance to kill the Zandalari.

  But in the end, because of the foot man's hard work, Thor's ambition was completely terminated, and Zandalar was once again driven back to his island like a bereaved dog.

Until a certain version 8.0, the two most powerful people in Zandalari finally had an internal conflict. The emperor Rastakhan who defeated the prophet Zul had no choice but to kneel and lick the tribe to seek survival space. .

  Charlemagne would not give Zandalari trolls the chance to revive Thor. As a high elf, he had a bloodline hatred for most trolls.


  If there is a chance, he would like to bring a large army to directly destroy the broken island of Zandalar, and completely wipe out this group of **** who have been secretly provoking troubles since ancient times.

In Charlemagne's view, apart from letting the Burning Legion enter Azeroth, Azshara's most wrong decision was to let them go under the kneeling and licking of the Zandalari. These trolls are extinct.

  Of course it’s too early to kill Zandalar. The fog of Pandaria has not dissipated, and the swarm of flies can’t sneak in to revive Thor. Before that, he will completely cut off the last hope of Thor’s resurrection.

   "I have already considered the issue of Thor, but the person who tied the bell is still needed to untie the bell..."

  Charlemagne showed a meaningful smile on his face. Leiden, who had lost his fighting spirit, had squatted under Thunder Mountain for thousands of years, and it was almost time for him to come out for some activities.

  How to make him come out willingly? Then it depends on Duke Theron's flicker... persuading Dafa will not work.


  The most valuable thing in Pandaria, apart from the engine of Nalaksha, is the huge Titan underground palace under the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. This underground palace was built by Raiden to suppress the heart of Y'Shaarj.

  In order to avoid the possibility of someone's death in the future, Charlemagne planned to take Y'Shaarji's heart out of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms and hand it over to the Four Heavenly Gods to bury it in a new place.

  Due to the influence of the underground Titan energy in the Valley of Splendid Blossoms, the plants planted here take a very long time to mature.

  Although it is not as exaggerated as the one-day-cooking mentioned in a meme, there is no doubt that this is a holy place for grain production that is better than Quel'Thalas.

  Now that he has come to Pandaria, Charlemagne will certainly not let go of this rich and little-known continent. He intends to win over the pandaren to join the ancient oath.

  After all, the Pandaren are also one of the races that have existed since ancient times. Shaohao had planned to form an alliance with the Night Empire, but Queen Azshara rejected it.


   Once Deathwing rushes out of Deep Rock Continent with the power of the ancient god, even if Onyxia suppresses it, it will inevitably have some impact on the entire world, and there is a high probability that the fog of Pandaria will dissipate.

   Before this point in time, the layout of this unknown continent is planned in advance. Even if the Horde and the Alliance have some ideas about this rich continent in the future, they should not attack Pandaria without any scruples... unless their leaders are brain-dead.

  The overall situation in Pandaria is very peaceful now, and the elite Klaxxi of the mantid are still sleeping. The existing troops alone cannot cause much trouble to the pandaren with the Serpent's Spine.

  The buffalo have not yet lost their homeland, and they live in peace with the pandaren in Kun-Lai Mountains. The only dispute is probably between the jinyu and the hozen, but that has nothing to do with the pandaren.

   In addition, Charlemagne still vaguely remembers that there seem to be oil resources near the Krasarang Forest, and this must be prepared in advance.

  Although oil is not very useful to the high elves who rely on magic power and the draenei who rely on crystal technology, it is different for the alliance and the tribe.

   It is no exaggeration to say that if there is oil as power, the steam mech of the gnome may enter the era of diesel engines in advance. Once this important strategic resource is known, it will inevitably start a **** battle around it.

  The four gods then asked some detailed questions about the use of the Nalaksha engine and Thor's disposal, and Charlemagne, who had been prepared for a long time, answered them one by one.

  At the same time, he also suggested that the four gods open the enchantment of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, so that this land full of titan energy can reappear in the eyes of the pandaren.

   The four gods are still cautious about this. Although the silver arm armor in Charlemagne's hand does prove his identity to a certain extent, they cannot fully trust this outsider until they see the Titan Guardian with their own eyes.

  Charlemagne didn't take it seriously either. After the meeting with the Four Heavenly Gods, he asked Yulong, who was about to return to the Qinglong Temple, to bring a message to the captain of the Yuanxing, Alia, and let them return to the voyage first.

He himself obtained the magic net structure of the Valley of the Four Winds Half Mountain Collection from Yulong, but Yulong did not understand arcane spells, Charlemagne would need to spend a while researching the exact coordinates of the magic net to connect to Pandaria with the outside world.

  In the next period of time, he plans to go to Qingri Peak to practice for a period of time according to the original plan. Anyway, the analysis of the magic net is not a matter of overnight.

  But when the three gods were about to leave, the person who should come finally came.

A loud greeting suddenly came from outside the closed gate of the main hall of the White Tiger Temple, "Dear Xuen! I am Zhu Taran from the Shado-Pan Sect. Shall I talk to him?"

   Xuen's face moved slightly, but he was not too surprised, after all, this is the duty of the Shado-Pan faction.

   "'s Talan, come in."


  As soon as Xuen's voice of agreement fell, the thick door was pushed open in a somewhat rude way by the people outside. Charlemagne raised his eyebrows, and he instinctively felt that the other party was not kind.

Sure enough, there were five people standing outside the door, all of whom were dressed in the same fashion, basically all dressed up in the Shado-Pan school. The headed strong pandaren wearing a bamboo hat and red scarf should be Zhu Taran, the leader of the Shado-Pan school. At this moment, his sharp eyes were examining Charlemagne's whole body.

  The other four people did not enter the interior of the main hall. After saluting the four supreme gods respectfully, Zhu Taran directly turned his finger on Charlemagne, who was resting on the sidelines.

   "I don't like to beat around the bush, so I'll just say it straight."

  Zhu Taran stared at Charlemagne with a serious face and asked, "Outsider, who are you? Why did you come to Pandaria? How did you break through the fog?"

   Thanks to the book friends "鬼ovo Remnant Soul" and "Liu Shuo 2015" for their support.
