Chapter 602 Talking with the Supreme God

  The other two of the four gods are Xuanniu Niuzao and Zhuhe Chijing, who are respectively in the shape of a black yak and a red-crowned crane.

However, these two Gods of Light knew that they were unusual from the outside. Zhuhe Chijing's body exuded a warm orange-red light all the time, and the pattern on the wings with a bit of Tai Chi charm also made her look more aggressive. Not a lot.

The abnormality on Niuzao's body is even more obvious. The plush scarf exuding a thick khaki light and the super long horns that look very lethal, coupled with the eyes shining with blue light, make this mysterious The cow looks full of majesty.

   Niuzao's voice sounded a bit muffled, and after the gathering of the four gods, he first asked his own question, "Outsider, you said that you want to restart the engine of Nalaksha, do you know what this means?"

  Charlemagne nodded confidently, "Of course I know, the engine of Nalaksha is the energy source for all the equipment in the Mogu'shan Treasure Vault. Only by activating it can the Titan-forged production equipment inside the Treasure Vault start running again."

  Strictly speaking, the completion of the Mogushan Vault was much later than the time when the Engine of Nalaksha was created by Ra-den.


  Thunder God built this treasure house only after he discovered the Nalaksha Engine left behind in Kun-Lai Mountains. He used it as the base camp of his violent soldiers.

   It was powered by the engine of Nalak'sha that Thor produced many successful or failed life forms from the manufacturing equipment. The failed products included savage lizardmen and cunning land spirits.

  Thanks to the fact that Pandaria has always been lonely in the south, Y'Shaarji, which originally guarded here, has been crushed and exploded. After the continent was separated from ancient Kalimdor, it gradually became a vacuum zone for the ancient gods.

  The engine of Nalak'sha and its supporting production equipment have not been completely corrupted by the curse of flesh and blood. The biggest proof lies in the mogu.

Also created by the first generation of Titans, the Iron Vrykul living in Northrend have been weakened for countless generations, and finally degenerated into the current humans, while the Mogu still retain their stone bodies to a large extent, and the degree of corrosion is high or low. It can be seen from here.

Hearing Charlemagne's question and answer, Chi-Ji stared at him closely, and asked with a beautiful singing voice, "Then you should know the usurping act that Thor had mastered the engine of Nalaksha back then? How can we believe it? You won't be a second brutal Thor?"


  Charlemagne looked at Chi-Ji and Yulong in surprise, "Could it be... Yulong hasn't told you my origin yet?"

   Daozao and Chi Jing were taken aback at the same time, and turned to look at Yulong who was suspended in mid-air.

  The gigantic Qinglong said apologetically, "It took me a lot of time to wake up Niuzao who was sleeping and Chi Jing who was out to play, and I haven't had time to explain it clearly to them."

Charlemagne patted his forehead speechlessly, sighed softly, stretched out his hand and raised the silver arm armor on his left hand and said, "Okay, let's start from the beginning, I am here to represent the guardian of the titans, Tyr, the king of order. Pandaria receives the estate of Grand Guardian Ra-den."

   Niuzao and Chi Jing showed shock at the same time, and it took Charlemagne a lot of effort to tell the four of them about Tire's situation in detail, and told them all the important things that happened to the outside world in the past ten thousand years.

  Charlemagne, who had a dry mouth, picked up tea to moisten his throat, but the Four Heavenly Gods fell into silence for a while because of the various important events he narrated.


   After a long time, Yulong was the first to sigh softly, "Although I had expected it when you came to Qinglong Temple, I didn't expect so many major events to happen in the outside world in 10,000 years."

  Xue Nu gritted his teeth in regret, "I actually missed so many battles, really..."

Chi-Ji rolled his eyes at Xuen, "That's not the point, is it? Ulduar, the strongest fortress of the Titan Guardians, was actually breached by Yogg-Saron from the inside, and only Tyr, Azadas and Elona The three guardians escaped, so it's no wonder Tyr wants to gather enough troops to counterattack Ulduar."

The stable Niuzao ignored the quarrel of his companions, and stared at Charlemagne closely with a pair of bull's eyes and asked, "Since it is the guardian's order, we are willing to trust you temporarily, but are you sure that you can fully control the use of the Nalaksha engine?" method?"

   "Thousands of years ago, Thor used manufacturing equipment many times to increase the combat power of his army, but sometimes he would always create some weird creatures, wasting a lot of unnecessary energy for no reason."

  The Nalaksha engine is not a perpetual motion machine after all. Although it has a huge amount of energy, it is impossible to unrestrained violent soldiers. There is a certain limit for the use of energy, and it will take a certain amount of time to recover if the limit is exceeded.

  Thor created many lizardmen and land spirits back then, and wasted too much energy on these weird and useless creatures. Niuzao was worried that this would happen to Charlemagne, so he kindly gave him this reminder.

  Charlemagne had planned this long ago, and he smiled confidently, "Of course I am not sure that I can accurately create a useful Titan creation. I am going to let Azadas, the earth shaper, take over this work himself."

   Azadas was created by Kazgros, the **** of forging, and inherited part of Kazgros' talents and abilities.

In addition to the great guardian Raden, he is the most suitable candidate to guard the Nalaksha engine riots. It just so happens that Tyr and his team are about to start their operation in Uldum. Durr's army.

  Eronnaya sits in Uldaman to suppress and guard the heart of C'Thun. Tyr leads Anubisath and the original tol'vir to Uldum to recruit the local tol'vir, and recovers the furnace of origin that has been lost for tens of thousands of years.

  Azadas came to Pandaria to personally guard and activate the Nalaksha engine, and consumed the energy in the engine in a short time to build a sufficient army for the attack on Ulduar.

  Both aspects require Charlemagne's assistance and planning. At that time, he will inevitably have to teleport back and forth between Uldum and Pandaria.

  The four gods heard that Azadas would come in person, and lifted their spirits while breathing a sigh of relief. They hadn't seen the Titan Guardian for tens of thousands of years.

While the other three gods were discussing in low voices, Xuen asked a key question, "There is one more thing, what are you going to do with the Thunder God who usurped Raiden's power? Although that guy is dead, according to some folk rumors, it seems that he Those left behind can be resurrected."

  Charlemagne heard Xuen's words, and his expression suddenly became serious. "As far as I know, this is not just a rumor, but a fact."

   "Thunder God and the Zandalari trolls made a covenant at the beginning. Although both parties have their own ghosts, one of the contents of the covenant does mention this."

  "When Thor dies accidentally, the Zandalari prophet will use a secret method to resurrect him, and Thor will fully assist Zandalar to restore the glory of the trolls after the resurrection."

  Charlemagne's words made the expressions of the four gods change at the same time. Yu'lon frowned and said, "Zandalari trolls... I remember their island is not far northeast of Pandaria."

   Chi-Ji added, "Fortunately, Pandaria is still shrouded in mist. Those Zandalari shouldn't be able to find their way in. Otherwise, Thor would be resurrected, and the whole of Pandaria would be devastated again."
