Chapter 598 Azure Dragon Yulong

  The appearance of Qinglong Yulong made the tense atmosphere in the air suddenly eased a lot.

The leader of the Shado-Pan faction named Zhao Jie gave Charlemagne a hard look, and warned, "You better not bring disaster to Pandaria, otherwise the Shado-Pan faction will definitely not sit idly by! "

   After speaking, he turned his head respectfully to salute Yulong, and then without stopping at all, he directly drove his Xianglong towards the northwest direction of the Jade Forest.

  Charlemagne knew that he probably went to the Kunlai Mountain Shado-Pan Monastery to report to Zhu Taran, so he shrugged and said nothing, and returned to the Yuanxing under the watchful eyes of Xianglong Knights.

  Under the vigilant **** and surveillance of these Xianglong knights all the way, Yuanxing finally landed heavily on the square outside the main building of Qinglong Temple ten minutes later.

  The masters and scholars residing in Qinglong Temple walked out of the temple one by one, looking at this streamlined metal spaceship curiously. They didn't know how a huge lump of metal flew into the sky.


  After years of technical exchanges and cooperation with Dalaran, Quel'Thalas finally obtained the floating technology developed by Dalaran after paying the same value of technology.

Today's new space battleships have long abandoned the ugly external propellers, solved the problem of suspension force, and the power system has been greatly liberated. Yuanxing looks like a sci-fi battleship envisioned by Charlemagne. style.

  It is naturally difficult for the panda people who have been trapped in Pandaria for a long time to understand this cutting-edge magical mechanical product, and Charlemagne has no time to explain the principles to these curious babies one by one.

   Instructing Alia to restrain the crew, he took Chen and Lili and followed the Xianglong knights into the main hall of Qinglong Temple.

  The huge cyan dragon that I saw above Qinglong Temple just now was floating in the center of this wide hall, and she was looking at Charlemagne with soft eyes.

  The huge green dragon still ordered the cloud serpents in a gentle voice, "Zhou Ling, take these two foreign pandaren down to rest for a while, I have something to talk to this... elf."


  Although Yu'lon didn't know the race of high elves, Charlemagne's pointed ears were very similar to the night elves she had come into contact with before, so she simply called them elves directly.


  The female pandaren named Zhou Ling hesitated a little, and she looked at Charlemagne vaguely with distrust.

  Although they are not as radical as the Shado-Pan pandaren named Zhao Jie just now, it may be difficult for these outsiders who appeared out of nowhere to win the trust of the panda people in a short time.

  Charlemagne smiled nonchalantly. This is human nature. Pandaria has been blocked by fog for nearly 10,000 years. Charlemagne can be regarded as the first outsider to arrive, and it is normal to be on guard.

   "It's okay, you go down, this elf who is full of the power of order is definitely not a villain."



Zhou Ling frowned and gave Charlemagne a warning look, and then reluctantly led Chen and Lili, who were looking at Yulong in amazement, away. Yulong's attitude drew a chuckle.


  After the gate was closed, Yu'lon's huge body gradually transformed into a benevolent female pandaren. She reached out and guided Charlemagne to the table on the window sill of the main hall. After the two sat down one after another, they finally started to get down to business.

Yu'lon stared at the silver armor on Charlemagne's left arm with soft eyes, and asked softly, "I can feel the aura of Tyre, the king of order, from you, but as far as I know, Tyre was born tens of thousands of years ago. He has already passed away, can you explain to me?"

Charlemagne nodded lightly, smiled and said, "Of course, since there are no outsiders here, I'll just say it straight, Tire is not dead, he is still alive, and now lives in the underground palace of Uldaman. He and Ah Zadas and Elonaya have been looking for opportunities to counterattack Ulduar."

  The four gods of Pandaria—the Qinglong Yulong, the white tiger Xuen, the black cow Niuzao, and the red crane Chijing, these four are revered by the pandaren as the supreme gods, but strictly speaking they are demigods of the wilderness.

  These four are different from other wild demigods who like to live in Mount Hyjal. They have been living in the land of Pandaria in the south of ancient Kalimdor since tens of thousands of years ago, before Kalimdor was divided.

When Thunder God unified most of Pandaria, these four demigods of the wilderness stepped forward to rescue their followers—the Pandaren who had been enslaved by the Mogu tribe. Thor stolen from Ra-den's Thunderbolt.

  It wasn't until the death of Thor and the fragmentation of the mogu tribe that they were gradually overthrown by the pandaren that these four imprisoned demigods of the wilderness reappeared in the eyes of the world.

  But shortly thereafter, in order to seal the residual energy of Y'Shaaji, the Shamo, Shaohao turned into a mist and shrouded the entire Pandaria. The reputation of these four demigods was rarely known in ancient Kalimdor.

  Charlemagne asked Queen Azshara before leaving, she frowned and recalled for a long time before telling Charlemagne an uncertain answer.

   "Shaohao... I remember that the pandaren emperor seemed to come to warn me about the danger of the Burning Legion. At that time, he seemed to have mentioned the four supreme gods of Pandaria."

   "At that time, I thought it was just the four mountain spirits who were deified by these pandaren, but I didn't expect that they were really demigods..."

  At that time, Azshara was extremely confident, and Azshara, who was so conceited that she was inflated, didn't take Shaohao's warning seriously.

  Not to mention that she thought it was just a mountain elf and wild monster, she would not bow down to it even if it was a genuine wilderness demigod. Azshara's strength gave her this confidence.

  With the energy of the Well of Eternity as the backing, even Malorne the White Hart, the strongest among the demigods of the wilderness, dare not say that she is sure to win against her. She really doesn't need to take the Supreme God that Shaohao said too seriously.

Yulong was stunned when she heard Charlemagne's words, and after a few seconds she sighed in surprise, "I didn't expect the King of Order to be alive, but what do you mean by counterattacking Ulduar? Ulduar is not owned by the guardians." Holy place?"

"It's a long story. I'll talk about it in detail when the four gods get together. To put it simply, Loken, the King of Wisdom, was corrupted by Yogg-Saron. A series of chaos came out."

   "The king of wisdom actually..."

  Yulong felt that the number of times she was surprised in the past thousand years was probably less than the ten minutes today. She, who has been trapped in Pandaria all year round, only now knows that the outside world has undergone tremendous changes.

   Reluctantly calmed down, Yulong breathed a sigh of relief, "It seems that a lot of things have indeed happened in the outside world. You must have important things to do when you entered Pandaria through the thick fog, right?"

Charlemagne nodded, and said with a confident smile, "Yes, I now have the Silver Hand bestowed by Tyr. Provide energy for the entire Titanforge manufacturing equipment, and try to create an army of Titanforge to assist Tyr in counterattacking Ulduar!"
