Chapter 597 Zhu Taran? You said the one who frequently vomits blood?

   While sailing on the ship, Charlemagne did not forget to continue to ask Lao Chen about the practice of monks in his spare time.

  Old Chen is very generous. Except for family secrets that cannot be taught, he imparts all the basic knowledge of monks that he knows.

  Lili, who was not very interested in fighting before, became interested when she saw Charlemagne studying hard, and started from the basics again under Lao Chen's gratifying gaze.

  If Lili's small arms and legs were not fully developed, and Charlemagne's first step into the monkhood could not be retracted freely, Lao Chen even planned to let Charlemagne and her learn from each other to improve.

   On the third day after entering the fog, Charlemagne was sitting cross-legged with Lao Chen and Lili on the rear deck of the Voyager that was shrouded in fog, feeling the way of meditation practice that Lao Chen said.

  This kind of meditation has some similarities with the mage's way of improving spiritual power, but there are also major differences in subtle aspects.


  The monk’s meditation is more about purifying the heart and improving one’s mental state. This statement sounds absurd, but Charlemagne, who has an oriental soul in his body, easily understands what Lao Chen said.

  The continent of Pandaria is quite special. Due to the influence of Y'Shaarji's residual energy, if too strong negative emotions are generated in the heart, the Sha will be lured out.

  For thousands of years, the monks of Pandaria have paid the most attention to the cultivation of mental state, admiring the spirit of not changing color before the collapse of Mount Tai.

  Most of the high-level monks are not confused by external objects, and can always maintain the peace and tranquility of their hearts... Of course, Zhu Taran, that shameful **** who likes to vomit blood and is possessed by the evil spirit, is another matter.

  Suddenly, the three people who were meditating opened their eyes at the same time, and the thick fog around them gradually dissipated from the surroundings of the Traveler, or it should be said that the Traveler finally broke through the thick layer of fog and truly entered Pandaria.

  Old Chen suddenly lost the guru temperament he had when he was meditating with his legs crossed just now. He jumped up excitedly, lying on the railing of the deck of Yuanxing, looking at the scenery below excitedly.


  Charlemagne and Lili looked at each other, shrugged each other, and then came to the railing to look at the magnificent rivers and mountains below.

  Old Chen could no longer see the usual funny expression at this time, his face was full of excitement mixed with mixed emotions of anticipation and closeness, and he murmured, "This is Pandaria... the hometown of all pandaren?"

  The beautiful mountains and clear waters below, with a somewhat familiar atmosphere, made Charlemagne's mood a little turbulent. There are beautiful mountain peaks in the Chinese style, winding rivers, and mirror-clear lakes.

   At the top of some peaks, there are still familiar pagodas and tall pines that have been deliberately trimmed. The familiar architectural style of blue bricks and glazed tiles made Charlemagne's mood fluctuate violently.

   "breathe... exhale..."

  Following the method of cultivating the mind taught by Old Chen before, he adjusted his breathing evenly, and his beating heart gradually returned to normal. Only then did he calm down, and began to observe the landscape below with Eagle Eye.


  The verdant woodland and the panda people scattered in the woods let Charlemagne basically guess where they are now, and a magnificent Buddhist temple in the distance to the north and a thick coiled dragon pillar carved into a green dragon also confirmed his guess.

   "Old Chen, this should be the Emerald Forest in the records. If you look at the majestic temple in the distance, it should be the Qinglong Temple where Qinglong Yulong, one of the four gods, lives."

The huge Panlong Pillar on the west side of the Qinglong Temple is probably the Dragon Heart that is scheduled to carry Yulong's reincarnation. At this time, there are still many pandaren who are busy building around this pillar, and the Dragon Heart is obviously not there yet. finished.

  While Lao Chen was fascinated by the towering bluestone courtyard wall of Qinglong Temple, Charlemagne frowned slightly, and dozens of long "flying snakes" suddenly appeared in front of Yuanxing.

   Charlemagne recognized them only after they flew in. It turned out that they were cloud serpents unique to Pandaria.

  Chinese people have always regarded dragons as their national totems, and the cloud serpent in Pandaria just fits this image.

With horns like a deer, head like a cow, eyes like a shrimp, mouth like a donkey, belly like a snake, scales like a fish, feet like a phoenix, beards like a human, ears like an elephant, Xianglong almost completely fits the Chinese totem of the dragon. imagination.

  Old Chen also looked excitedly at this approaching cloud dragon, "Shanglong! Although there are a small number of Wandering Islands, I have never seen such a large-scale Xianglong dispatched!"

   Lili reached out and pulled the corner of Old Chen's clothes, and said with some anxiety, "Uncle Chen, although I don't want to say it, but these dragons seem to come from bad people, and there seem to be people on their backs..."

Charlemagne casually explained to the crew of Yuanxing who came to report to him, and asked him to send a message to Alia to hover temporarily, and then turned to Lili and said, "You read that right, there are indeed knights on the backs of these dragons." , they should be the Cloud Serpent Knights stationed in the Jade Forest."

One of the duties of the Cloud Serpent Knights is to guard the Qinglong Temple. The sudden appearance of a strange-shaped spaceship over the Jade Forest naturally aroused their vigilance. Led by a red scarf-masked pandaren, these Serpent Knights rode His partner took off to intercept and interrogate.

   "Stop! Who are you and why did you come to the Jade Forest?"

  The leading Shoulong Knight first flew in front of Yuanxing, which was already suspended in the air, and his attitude was very serious. After all, he had never seen such an aerospace battleship as Yuanxing.

  Charlemagne greeted Lao Chen's two uncles and nephews, and directly floated into the air under Lili's amazed gaze, and was soon pushed by the wind to reach the leader pandaren.

Seeing the attitude of the other party as if he was facing a big enemy, Charlemagne smiled kindly, "Hello, pandaren, we are visitors from outside the mist. We have important things to come to Pandaria this time and want to meet the four gods. Can you Let me know for you?"

  The Shoulong Knights maintain a good relationship with Yulong, and it is the best way to contact Qinglong, one of the four gods, through them.

  However, it seems that the pandaren in front of him seems to have no intention of being friendly at all. From his dark red attire, Charlemagne can probably tell that this... should be from the Shado-Pan sect known for being radical.

  The Shado-Pan sect was founded by the last pandaren emperor Shaohao himself. Those who join this sect are pandaren warriors with strong restraint and self-control, and are not limited to monks.

  After Shaohao himself became the mist and protected Pandaria, the Shado-Pan became the most important guardians of the pandaren. They have been guarding the pandaren territory in Pandaria for thousands of years.

   It was these Shado-Pan pandaren who fought and resisted to protect Pandaria's stability for thousands of years from the mantid's invasion of the Great Wall and the rebellion of the remaining mogu.

  The current head of the Shado-Pan faction is called Zhu Taran, although he looked very high-end when he appeared on the stage... well, it is a shameful thing anyway, he vomits blood at every turn.

  The Shado-Pan Shoulong knight stared at Charlemagne with his eyes covered under the red cloth, as if he wanted to see whether he was malicious from Charlemagne's words.

   While Charlemagne was explaining to the other party helplessly, a huge cyan dragon rose from the Qinglong Temple, and at the same time a soft voice was heard by everyone present.

   "Zhao Jie, let them come over, I can feel the breath of an old friend from him."
