After many minutes, Risea stopped crying and sniffled a little before putting up a brave expression on her face.magic

"Can I really believe you?" She asked as Kai just smiled.

"It's nighttime. Sleep for now and I will show you around the sect tomorrow." Kai said as he pointed at his bed.

Before she could say anything, Kai teleported Mia and Mariel back to their respective rooms before appearing back in his room.

Risea was continuously staring at the bed before she gulped and went to sit on it. After feeling the softness of the mattress, she slowly lowered herself down and closed her eyes.

Kai watched her for a few minutes before he silently exited his house. Even though he knew that no one would enter his house, he still put up a formation around it.

After that, he went to the second floor and knocked on Riang's door. It looked as though she was cultivating since she was wearing her robes.


"Oh, you are back. Please come in." Rising said as she let Kai enter her room. She then closed the door and sat on her bed as Kai stood near her window.

"Hey Riang, how did you feel when you rescued those abused disciples?" Kai suddenly asked and Riang had to ponder for a minute before answering.

"I felt really happy when I did that. Since I had a terrible childhood, I don't want anyone else to have a childhood like that so I try to protect as many children as I can and they then grow up to become disciples of this sect. Why did you ask about that?" Riang asked as she was confused by Kai's question.

"I asked about it because I saved many abused people in the last week. I saved a group of people from believing in the wrong thing because of a stupid myth and I saved an entire continent from the wrath of a corrupted royal family. And in the end, I saved a very important person and brought her here with me." Kai recited what he did with a small smile as Riang gasped.

"I want to meet her." Riang said with excitement as Kai raised his hand.

"She's currently asleep. You will meet her tomorrow. Can you announce something for me tomorrow?" Kai said as Riang nodded.


"Then tell the disciples that the day aftertomorrow I am going to fulfill my duties as the sect master. Any disciple who is willing to cultivate with me can come to my house and I will cultivate with them." Kai said as Riang's jaw dropped.

Kai then walked towards the door as Riang suddenly grabbed his arm and stopped him. He turned back to look at her as she opened her mouth to speak.

"How did you feel when you did those deeds?" She asked as she didn't let go of his arm.

"I felt at peace inside my heart after I saved those people." He replied as Riang smiled and let go of his hand.

But after leaving her room, he didn't feel anything. He had lied to her face without feeling anything. It was as though he couldn't feel anything anymore.He then reached his house door as he heard Risea's screams. He opened the door to find a sweating and panting Risea sitting on the bed.

"Nightmares?" Kai asked as Risea slowly nodded.


"I understand that. After all, I used to have nightmares too." Kai replied as Risea stared at him in confusion.

"Did your nightmares stop?" She asked as Kai smiled at her sadly.

"They never stopped. Only I stopped sleeping." He replied as Risea's jaw dropped.

After reaching a certain point in cultivation, cultivators don't need to sleep, eat or drink. But some cultivators did that regardless.

Buy Kai didn't understand how he could still live easily without sleeping since he was in the mortal cultivation realms.

And other than that, he still had golden blood and demon blood in his veins which was something impossible.

At this point, he didn't know if he reincarnated or transmigrated or if something else happened. The only thing that mattered to him was that some of his harem was with him.

"If you can't sleep, follow me." Kai said as he extended his hand towards Risea.

She reluctantly took it as he teleported them behind the sect. They were currently in the mixed hot springs and since he and elder Min were the only present males in the entire sect, the holy springs were empty.

"Hot springs can do wonders." Kai said as he sat at the edge of the hot springs and rolled up his jeans to dip his legs in the hot spring.

"Oh, I forgot. You can wear these." Kai said as he handed Risea a pair of outer court disciple robes.

Even though Risea was his lover, this Risea was different than the Risea he knew. So to make it fair, he didn't give her an instant promotion to core disciple rank.

Risea reluctantly took the robes and went to the changing area. She reappeared wearing her new robes and sat beside Kai as she dipped her feet in the water.

"You guys seem nice but you must have a motive for rescuing me. I don't think you did that because your heart said it was the right thing to do." Risea said as Kai chuckled.

"I rescued you since you look like someone I know. That person played an important role in my life and I saved her from a very dangerous place once. Because of that,I rescued you." Kai replied as Risea nodded a little.She then looked at his eyes and saw that his eyes were dimmer than before. She frowned and rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't imagining things. But after making sure that what she saw was true, she decided those two Kai about it.

"Why are your eyes dimmer than before?" Risea asked as Kai smiled.

"It's just a side effect of overusing my powers." He replied as Risea nodded.

Again, he just lied to her face without feeling anything. The reason for this was simple, he couldn't feel anything.

When a true demon goes into rampage mode, their raw emotions radiate from their body. But after going back to normal, they can't feel anything for some time.

Kai didn't know when his emotions would return about now, his soul was just a black void devoid of anything.

Risea stopped staring at Kai's face and her eyes suddenly started glowing. She quickly closed them as she saw a scene play out in front of her.

She was in a room that looked like it was an alchemy room and she saw herself and Kai standing near a table mixing random ingredients.

Kai then took out a pill from a cauldron and jumped in excitement as the other Risea's face lit up with a smile.

"We finally created a new pill! Judging from the energy emitting from it, I am pretty sure this is an underwater breathing pill." Kai said as the scene suddenly vanished.

​ Risea was extremely confused by what she saw. She had only known Kai for a day and she was already dreaming about a future with him.

But what if it wasn't a future. What if it was something from the past. Risea decided to bet on the chance of it being some past memories as she looked at Kai.

"Do you know about the underwater breathing pill?" Risea asked in the most subtle voice possible.

"You can create that pill. I killed a trader who stole those pills from the royal family's treasury. Anyways, believe it or not, I am the one who created that pill. But there was another person who created the pill with me. She was the one I was talking about earlier." Kai replied as Risea's theory was confirmed.

'Am I a reincarnation of his lover?' Risea thought but she wasn't able to find the answer. So instead, she asked Kai another question to distract herself.

"What is your history with those two girls from earlier?" Risea asked as Kai smiled at her question.

"Both of them are my lovers. Both of them have lived most of their life in palaces, Mariel being a ruler and Mia being a princess. Their lives were full of many hardships and I met both of them at a very bad time even though I met them separately." He chuckled as he remembered the past and his eyes glowed for a minute before returning back to normal.

"Your eyes are back to normal!" Risea exclaimed as Kai nodded.

His emotions were back. He was feeling a mixture of love, hope, joy, and sadness as he talked to Risea.

Both of them then sat there as they looked at the moon above their heads. After an hour or so, Kai stood up and offered Risea his hand.

She took it and he teleported back to his room. Risea crashed on the bed and this time, her eyes closed and she slept peacefully.

Kai's face lit up with a small smile as he saw Risea sleeping peacefully on his bed. He then soundlessly left the room to watch the moon alone for the rest of the night.
