Warning - this chapter contains depictions of self harm and other things that might not be suitable for certain readers. Read ahead on your won risk or you can skip this chapter.


Risea starred in amazement as she and the other three people flew over the ocean. It was her first time flying and seeing the ocean from this close.

But she didn't let her guard down. Even though these three people saved her from the Fang family, who knows where they were taking her?

But she knew one thing. No matter what happens, she won't break.

After all, she had been accustomed to a lifetime's worth of abuse. Her mother had died from a heart attack when Risea was eight years old.

And after her mother's death, her father had turned into a drunken maniac and a gambler. On most days he would be out gambling but when he was home, he would always be drunk and would beat Risea.


After a few beatings, Risea started to run away to a nearby forest to hide herself. One day, she noticed a group of cultivators coming to the forest to hunt a few spiritual beasts.

The cultivators had belonged to a nearby sect and were here to collect some spiritual cores. But unfortunately, they ran into a hell spirit realm spiritual beast.

In total, there were five cultivators, two men and three women and all of them were in the sky spirit realm.

They tried to run away from the beast but it was quick and decisive and it cut off their escape route.

With no escape path left, the cultivators had no choice but to fight the beast even though they were at a huge disadvantage.

But one of them was injured gravely and the beast pounced on her so that he could kill her. But Risea unconsciously picked up a stone from the ground and threw it at the beast.


It distracted the beast for a moment and the others killed it. After killing the beast, they thanked Risea.

The girl who was nearly killed by the beast introduced herself as Chunhua and told Risea that she was the sect master's daughter.

When Risea returned home that night, she saw some unknown men standing outside her home. They were taking away their furniture. When she stared at her dad's beaten face, she knew that these people were here because of her father's gambling debts.

"We will take away your daughter once she comes home and once she is old enough, we will use her to obtain some money." She heard one of the men speak to her dad and she quietly bolted away.

Despite being eight years old, Risea was much smarter than most adults. She quickly understood the situation and she knew that she could only survive if she ran.But strangely, she ran into Chunhua who was coming to visit her. She quickly told Chunhua about her situation and Chunhua said that she could help her.

Chunhua took Risea to her sect and asked her father to let Risea join the sect. After some persuasion, the sect master agreed to take Risea in.


And after that, she spent the most wonderful years of her life in that sect. She and Chunuua grew closer and became inseparable.

It was like they were sisters but it all started tumbling down when Risea found out that she was an alchemy expert.

The first time, she created a perfect quality pill, it was in an alchemy examination room and the sect elder in charge of the test and the sect master saw it.

And after that, they continued to test Risea'sability and that's when they found out that Risea could create new pills alongside pure quality pills.

But they were a little careless as the news about Risea reached the ears of the Fang family. Within a week, the crown prince of the Fang family, Fang Sungjin, arrived at the sect's doorstep.

He asked the sect master to hand over Rosea but the sect master protested against it but he was quietened by Sungjin or at least that's what Risea thought happened.

But when the imperial guards started to take Chunhua away with Risea, the sect master showed his true colors.

"Why father? Why?!" Chunhua screamed as the guards took a hold of her arms.

The sect master, her father, smiled at Chunhua before walking up to her. He then lifted her chin so that she could stare into her eyes.

"You are no child of mine. Your mother was a whore and she had sex with another man and he is your father. I didn't know about this until a few months back when that stupid fool came asking for his daughter and told me that he had sex with my wife.

I of course killed him but I investigated him to see if he was lying or not. And it turned out that your mother really had sex with him. So when his highness here offered me a large sum of money for the two of you, how could I refuse him? After all, you are going to be his concubine." The sect master said as the guards tightly closed their arms around her.

Chunhua screamed as Sungjin watched her with satisfaction. But Risea knew that Chunhua kept a knife under her clothes and she dreaded what was about to happen.

,m The guards loosened their grip for a split second as Chunhua bit their hands. In one swift motion, she took out the knife and slit their throats before she shakily put the knife near her throat.

"No Chunhua!" Risea screamed but she was restrained by the guards.

Sungjin was watching this with a satisfied smile on his face as Chunhua's entire body trembled. Still, her face lit up with a small smile as she looked at Risea."Remember Risea, never break down. No matter what happens, never break down. Don't give them the satisfaction of knowing that they are in your head. I am not strong enough to do that but I know that you can do it. Stay strong Risea." Chunhua said with a smile as tears trickled down her eyes.

And with that, she slit her throat. But Risea didn't scream. She steeled her nerves and kept on an expressionless face as the guards took her to the prince's carriage and entered it with her.

Sungjin entered the carriage after a few minutes and sat on the opposite side of Risea who was being restrained by two guards on either roof her sides.

"From now on, you will do what I say and you will not think for yourself and will only do anything I order you to do. Now strip." Sungjin said as Risea spat at his face.

He smiled and wiped her spit with the sleeve of his robes. He then told the guards to lower to the floor.

"Already disobeying my orders. I will have you teach you a lesson." Sungjin said as his hand extended to touch her breast but he suddenly jerked his hand back as a golden barrier appeared around Risea's breasts and went down to her thighs.

Sungjin clutched at his hand as the guards tried to break the barrier but it was impenetrable.

"It looks as though someone does not want you to get r*ped. Well, I guess torture on your arms, face, and legs would do well even though I was going to do that regardless of anything." Sungjin said with a sadistic grin.

From then on, Risea was forced to create pills for the fang family while enduring torture. But she never broke.

Sungjin would tell her to some explicit things but she wouldn't do those things, no matter the level of torture she had to endure.

And today, she was drugged but she still didn't lose her mind and now, these unknown people were taking her away to some unknown place.

"Can I ask where we are going?" Risea asked as she expected a slap or a snarl in reply. But surprisingly, Mia answered her.

"We are going to a sect named the Blue Moon sect and it is on the Western continent." Mia replied as she and Mariel suddenly stopped flying.

"Night is approaching. The spiritual beasts would be furious and I don't think we should just hover above the sea." Mariel said to Risea as Kai suddenly opened his eyes.

"About time you woke up." Mia commented as Mariel slowly released Kai.

"A mass memory manipulation while being in the mortal cultivation realms is not a good thing. Let's just teleport back to the sect." Kai said as he massages his forehead and put his hands on Mia and Mariel's shoulders.

They then directly appeared in Kai's house as he crashed on the bed. Mia put Risea down and crashed on the bed beside Kai. Mariel's wings vanished but instead of crashing down on the bed, she hovered above it.

"W-What just happened?" Risea asked in a trembling voice.

One moment they were hovering above the ocean and the next moment, they were inside a house.

"We are at my house in the Blue Moon sect and I am the current sect master of this sect. Also, this sect is a dual cultivation sect but don't worry, nobody is going to force you to do anything. Congratulations Risea, you are no longer a prisoner." Kai said as he sat up. A bright smile covered his face which for some reason, made Rises relax and let her guard down.

All the barriers she had put up broke one by one and tears rolled down her eyes. Kai stood up and hugged her without saying anything.

And after many years, Risea allowed herself to cry in the arms of a person willing to hold her.
