Huan fell to his knees and bowed his head to Kai as Jiyai stared at Kai in amazement as every single person in the outcasts was bowing down to him.

"You guys are boring and trash. I mean you should have evolved and advanced in your civilization but you are still the same. The real reason I killed half of you a few years ago was because they didn't evolve. I even left a message that if you won't evolve, I will kill all of you." Kai said, his voice a pitch higher than usual.

His words felt like the words of a true demon king who would destroy anyone for just annoying him.

"Oh, the great demon king! Forgive us for our impotence. I promise that we will change." Huan trembled in fear as he thought Kai might kill all of them.

"Well, since you are this honest, I will let you go on two conditions. Jiyai here is smarter than any of you assholes so she is going to be the next leader and is going to make this place equal. Any problems?" Kai asked as not a single person disagreed with him.

"And in case you ever think about changing anything, I will take a random person with me to burn in the flames of hell." Kai added as his hand lit up with black flames.

His Amatera was also known as the flames of hell that could burn through everything but hell doesn't exist so that was just a myth.


"Hmm, you are coming with me." Kai said as he grabbed Shang from the crowd of people.

[ Meet me at the underground lake in 10 minutes. ] Kai said to Jiyai through a spiritual message before he vanished.

"Wake up. We are leaving." He said to Mariel and Mia before he killed Shang with his black flames.

The two of them then woke up and stretched their bodies. They just grabbed Kai's extended hand as the three of them vanished and appeared at the lake.magic

After a few minutes, Jiyai also entered the lake and she saw the trio standing there.

"How did you do that?" Jiyai asked the second she jumped down onto the land beside the lake.


"You don't need to know that. Can you please tell me about the royal capital and the Fang family?" Kai decided to ask the most important thing without explaining anything.

"The royal capital is about three hours of flying from here. as for the Fang family, as you already know, they have been ruling this continent from almost the creation of it. But nowadays, their strength has been breaking through the sky since they enslaved a female alchemy master who has created otherworldly alchemy pills.

Our spies told us that her nickname is the pink-haired alchemy master and according to the rumors she looks about 16. But the spies also told us that people in the royal capital tell wild rumors that the alchemy master looks too young for her age. Maybe it's the effect of a pill." Jiyai whispered as Kai mysteriously smiled.

"Thank you for your help Jiyai. Take this scroll and if anything comes up, use this to contact me. I hope you can lead the outcasts in a new era." Kai said as he handed her a communication scroll.

Jiyai also bowed to him before she went back to the outcasts HQ with a small smile on her face. The trio watched her fade into the distance before Kai teleported them to the royal capital's entrance."Even though I don't want to do this, it is still necessary. I will have to place a barrier around us to make us look like normal people. Our story will be that we are tourists who are here to visit the royal capital." Kai said as Mia and Mariel nodded.

He then carefully created a barrier around them as their appearance changed to that of a normal person.


They walked towards the city gate where two guards were standing with a bored expression.

"State your purpose for visiting the royal capital." One of them said in a bored voice as if he could care less about it.

"We are tourists." Kai replied as the guard sighed.

"Five thousand spirit stones per person." The guard said as he extended his hand. Kai took out a space ring from his pendant and handed it to the guard as the trio entered the royal capital.

"Five thousand spirit stones just for entering a city. They are ripping off tourists." Mariel commented as they walked through the luxurious streets of the royal capital.

The roads were made from marble and every shop gave the message that their owners were extremely rich.

The people were wearing various types of jewelry and everyone was showing off. If the trio wasn't under a formation, they would have stood out the most.

"So our goal is to gather information about Risea. We will have to check the memories of the members of the Fang family. It's not going to be easy but that might be the only way to obtain information on Risea." Kai said as they started entering shops one by one.

They encountered many Fang family members as all of them were wearing golden robes with the symbol of the Yellow Dragon. But it was useless to do that.

Every single Fang family member they met had the same kind of thoughts. They wanted to find out about this 'pink-haired alchemy master' but the ruler of the Central continent, a man named Fang Tianjin, would not tell anyone about this information.

"So only the emperor, his wife, the empress, and the ancestor knows about Risea. Normally I would have just barged in and taken Risea's whereabouts from their memories and then I would have killed them. But since Risea's life is on the line, I cannot do that." Kai sighed as he found a hotel as the trio entered a restaurant to have lunch.

"What should we do?" Mariel asked as the three of them ate their lunch and exited the restaurant.

"Maybe we can do that." Kai said as a certain flier caught his eye.

"The Yellow Dragon tournament is currently open for any challengers. Whosoever will defeat the previous winner will get the chance to meet the emperor himself and might even get the chance to become his majesty's personal bodyguard." Kai read the flier as his lips curled up in a sinister smile.

"Let's go and meet this previous challenge shall we?" He said as he handed the flier to Mia.She guided them towards the arena where the tournament was taking place. The arena was completely different from the one on the western continent.

It was a dome-shaped building and was open on the roof. The audience was cheering madly as the sounds traveled to the outside of the arena.

The trio entered the arena and saw a 6 foot 5 inch guy throwing five people at once. Surprisingly, all of them were at the peak of the hell spirit realm while the 6.5 guy was at the 5th stage of the heaven spirit realm.

"I wonder how will I enter the tournament?" Kai asked as he spotted a small desk near the starting of the stands.

"I want to participate in the tournament." Kai said to the guy sitting at the desk.

"Are you sure about that? If you die, we won't take any responsibility for that." The guy said doubtfully as he looked at Kai's normal physique.

"Don't worry about that. I just want to participate in this tournament." Kai said as the guy sighed.

"1000 spirit stones please." Kai handed the guy the spirit stones and entered the stage.

The previous champion just growled and charged at Kai. Everyone expected the man to hit Kai and make him fly across the arena stage but nothing like that happened.

As soon as the guy launched his fist towards Kai's face, Kai stopped it with a finger. The man and the audience were dumbfounded by this.

But Kai's didn't give the man time to think as Kai grabbed his fist and tossed him away. The man flew across the entire stage and hit against a wall.

Cracks started to appear in the wall and the entire part of the wall crashed down on top of the man.

The audience just silently sat there as they didn't know whether they should cheer or run for their lives.

"I think we have a winner." The aura of an imperial spirit realm cultivator covered the entire arena as a man with brown hair and golden eyes landed on the arena stage.

"Fang Tianjin." Kai muttered as the man started walking towards him while emitting enormous pressure that was enough to make the audience cough blood.

But Kai stood straight as he smiled at the emperor. He extended his own aura but he didn't release his cultivation.

Tianjin was taken back by surprise when he felt Kai's aura. Tianjin released his 2nd stage cultivation to the maximum to make Kai cough blood but he didn't even flinch.

Instead, he walked up to Tianjin and touched his shoulder with one of his fingers.

Tianjin's body suddenly grew heavy as Kai smashed him into the arena floor with only a finger.

"The ancestor should show up in three... two... one." Kai said as a 7th stage imperial spirit realm cultivation was released.

The aura was so overbearing for the audience that they passed out. It was anything but overdramatic.

"So you are the ancestor of the Fang family." Kai said as the ancestor straight up attacked him.
