"You do know that I can't manipulate their memories since their minds have a hereditary seal implanted by Azazel." Kai told Mariel and Mia as they nodded.

"Don't worry about them. Just drop them at their respective houses and they won't say a word about you knocking the unconscious since they have tremendous amounts of pride." Jiyai suggested.

"Will you tell me where they live?" Kai asked her and she nodded.magic

He then grabbed the person on top of the pile before extending his hand towards Jiyai who hesitantly grabbed it.

"Just think about this man's home." Kai said as Jiyai closed her eyes and pictures the man's house.

They then teleported away to the man's house before coming back to drop the rest of the men.

"You actually remember all of their houses." Kai said in an impressed tone as Jiyai shrugged.


"I have to make sure that I don't cross any pervert's house. That's why I remember the houses of every single person present here." Jiyai said which genuinely impressed Kai.

Kai's sense of direction was as good as an owl's ability to speak english meaning that he had the worst sense of direction ever possible.

That was why he created the teleportation skill known as Light steps to help him travel between places without getting lost.

But Jiyai was the complete opposite of him. She remembered everyone's houses in a place where every house looked the same. Kai had to applaud her ability to remember this.

"Just prepare for the wedding and don't let anyone think that you have a problem with it. Tomorrow, we are going to add some extra things to your wedding day." Kai said with a smile as Jiyai decided to trust him since she didn't have any other options.

"That woman trusts you so much even though she had only known you for half a day or so." Mia commented as she saw Jiyai go back to the main house.


"After talking to someone for a few minutes, I can make them feel as though they know me for a long period of time. It's comforting when someone hears anything you will say. I will be back in a minute." Kai said as he disappeared.

Mia and Mariel mysteriously smiled at each other. After all, Kai had been the one who had always heard anything they had spoken.


As soon as Jiyai entered the main house, she found out that it was empty. The place was completely dark before someone lit a lamp that brightened the entire place.

"My dearest bride." Shang said as Jiyai recoiled as soon as she heard his voice.

"I am not your bride." Jiyai spat as Shang laughed.


"But you soon will be. Let's just do the important thing today and make you pregnant since you are getting married to me tomorrow." Shang cruelly smiled at her as she took a step back.

Jiyai had a 6th stage heaven spirit realm cultivation but Shang had an 8th stage heaven spirit realm cultivation.

He moved quickly and closed the door behind Jiyai. She screamed but Shang just laughed at her."Your father reinforced this house with a soundproof barrier and no sound can travel outside because of it. After all, he was the one who planned our marriage to stop you from acting out and breaking the rules." Shang said as Jiyai was shocked.

Her own father plotted against her and sold her to Shang just so he could stop her from breaking some stupid rules.

"Tonight, I will enjoy your body to the maximum." Shang said as he stared at her breasts greedily.

"And that's why I don't have many male friends." Kai suddenly said as he appeared beside Shang.

He then kicked Shang in the balls as he screamed at the top of his lungs. Just for good measure, Jiyai kicked Shang in the balls twice.

The pain was so unbearable that Shang passed out. Kai then raised his eyebrows at Jiyai's ball-kicking and she just shrugged.

"I knew that something like this might happen. But I don't think I need to worry about you since you might have kicked him in the balls regardless of me being here." Kai commented as Jiyai nodded.

"The best defense." Jiyai replied and Kai had to agree with her. After kicking her fiancé in the balls, Jiyai took hold of Kai's hand as they teleported back to his assigned house.

"You can sleep here." Kai said to Jiyai as he gestured at the bed.

She didn't even hesitate as she crashed down on the bed and closed her eyes. She was asleep in a matter of seconds and Kai to rub his eyes to make sure that what he was seeing was true.

"I guess that's the fastest sleeper in the entire world." Mariel commented as Kai decided to teleport to the lake from earlier.

The three of them sat beside the lake as they looked at the starry sky. Mariel traced the constellations with her fingers as the three of them dipped their feet in the water and relaxed.

Their love was not just about having sex. Kai loved his harem for their personalities and how they affected his life.

And sitting here with two of his lovers, he was happy and sad at the same time. Happy since he had at least two of his lovers, and sad since the rest of them were still spread out in the universe, living their lives until Kai would find them.

"Do you think I should have just left you to your new lives and not pursue you?" Kai suddenly asked.

"This life was more peaceful than my previous life even though this one still had some problems." Mia replied.

"I was still a ruler even though my burden was lessened by 75% since I only had to rule some humans and not an extremely large population of spirits." Mariel said after a while.

"But..."Both Mia and Mariel said at the same time as they hugged Kai. He didn't speak anything and waited for them to complete their sentences.

"This life still had many problems and you destroyed those problems for us even before we received our memories." Mariel said first.

"That showed that you truly loved us and not just our bodies. And this is something that I am saying from the depths of my soul, I truly love you and I don't regret my decision of falling in love with you whether once or twice and if given a second chance, I will still choose you ." Mia finished.

"Hey, I wanted to say those lines." Mariel complained.

"Then you should have said them." Mia replied and Kai laughed at their little banter."I have decided something. I will not do anything excessive to make Levina fall in love with me. If she falls in love with me, it will be on her own accord." Kai said as he sat up.

"What you are saying is true. Even though she looks just like Levina I remember, she doesn't have her memories of her past life." Mariel also agreed with him.

Clouds were covering the moon and Kai removed them as he had the blessing of the elemental ruler of wind.

Moonlight fell inside the cave and reflected itself on the lake. Mia touched the lake with her hand as a ring of ice surrounded the reflected image of the moon.

"It will disappear by tomorrow." Mia said as she yawned and pushed Kai down.

She snuggled on his side and Mariel took the other side as both of them fell asleep like that. A gene breeze came their way as Kai silently stood up and covered Mia and Mariel with a blanket.

"Now I have to think how I will crash down her wedding." Kai thought as he started walking over the lake.

Looking at the night sky, Kai remembered Jiyai's words about a demon king punishing the outcasts if they didn't follow the old rules.

"A demon king huh." Kai said to himself as the moonlight vanished once again and clouds covered the entire sky and everything plunged into darkness.

The next morning, the outcasts were happily preparing for the wedding, some relieved because Jiyai won't be breaking rules anymore.

As for Jiyai, she woke up in Kai's house to see that Mia and Mariel were sleeping on either side of her.

Whereas Kai was standing outside as he watched the outcasts preparations. A huge platform was built overnight for the wedding and Shang was personally examining it.

But when he looked at Kai, he grimaced inwardly as he still remembered his balls being kicked.

"So have you decided on how you will crash my wedding?" Jiyai said as she walked to stand beside Kai.

"Instead of waiting for the wedding to begin. Let's just crash it now." Kai said as he grabbed Jiyai's hand and both of them teleported on the stage.

"Just tell them that you don't want to marry Shang or anyone for now." Kai whispered in Jiyai's ear as everyone dropped whatever they were doing to look at Jiyai and Kai.

Jiyai gulped a little before she put her hands around her mouth and took a deep breath.

"I don't want to marry Shang and as for the supposed demon king, he could fuck himself for all I care!" Jiyai shouted at the top of her lungs as the outcasts gasped.

The crowd parted to let Huan through as he went up on the stage and stared at Jiyai with hatred.

"Even though you are my child, you have crossed the last line. You foolish bitch." Huan badmouthed his own daughter as he was about to hit her when Huan suddenly clutched at his mouth.

Blood started to drip from his mouth as he choked.

"You are badmouthing Jiyai in front of me." Kai said as Huan gobbled some nonsense.

Kai had cut his tongue to make his point but since Huan couldn't speak without his tongue, Kai healed it.

"You will be taken down by the demon king too. I am going to-" Before Huan could finish his sentence, Kai smiled at him.

But his smile was enough to terrify everyone in the area. Jiyai didn't understand what was happening and she stared at Kai's face in confusion.

"Demon king." Huan whispered in fear as everyone bowed down to Kai.
