The sword radiated an aura of extreme darkness. It started sucking the spiritual energy present around it. Mia frowned at the sword, a memory tugging at the back of her mind.

'I have seen that sword somewhere. Ahh, why can't I remember it?!' She thought and looked at Kai's face.

He was standing in a normal stance, his face deprived of any expression. Kai pointed the sword towards Junjun, who retreated back with an expression of horror on his face.

"Is that a peak-tier immortal grade weapon?" The guy with the mustache asked in disbelief. His words made the others fear Kai even more.

( AN - In case you forgot about this, the weapon grades are soul grade, imperial grade, divine grade, and immortal grade. Further divided into - low tier, middle tier, high tier, and peak tier. )

But Kai simply threw back his head and laughed. He looked at them as if they had just told him the world's greatest joke.

"Peak-tier immortal grade?" He echoed, looking at them with joyful eyes.


"This weapon cannot be graded. Its power cannot be compared and only a few weapons like this are out there. And, even those are afraid of this." He said as he swung the sword in a deadly arc.

Shockingly, the air around the sword parted as though the sword cut right through it. Everyone, except for Mia and his spirits, were staring at him.

He then started rising but this time, everyone believed that he was flying because of the sword he was holding.

The wind started blowing as fast as a storm, dark clouds gathered in the sky, the earth started shaking and it looked as though the world might end.

"Ahhhh!" Kai gave a mighty shout as his eyes turned golden. The clouds started rumbling as a golden thunderbolt struck his body.

The thunder was swallowed by the sword and Kai's eyes turned back to purple. But they soon shifted to another color, this time, pure ice blue.


The clouds rained at Kai, soon turning to hail. The sword swallowed the entire hailstorm and the clouds along with it.

His eyes then turned earth brown as an earthquake shook the land below. A huge mass of land struck at the sword and was also swallowed by it.

Next, his eyes turned gray as a huge storm started rising. But before it could turn into a massive tornado, Kai swung the sword at it and the tornado was sucked in by the sword.

At last, Kai's eyes turned black, pure black. He extended his left hand and conjured a black ball of flame. He fed it to the sword and his entire body started glowing. His eyes, now back to purple, also started glowing."I-Is he a god?" Riang asked Mia, as she believed that she had the answer to it. Everyone else also stared at Mia as they thought that she knew Kai.

Their reason for doing this was because what Kai was doing was shaking their entire existence.

Mia also gazed at him, floating alone in the sky. No matter how close he was to his harem, he always fought his battles alone.


He never wanted to be a god but fate led him into becoming the harem overlord, and fate led him literally, or in other words, the creator of fate led him.

"The true power of the elements and the wielder of them." She said in a clear voice as though that resolved everything. The spirits, after hearing her words, knelt down in respect.

This was one of the many titles Kai had earned. The wielder of elements. Everyone could use elements but Kai used them as though they were parts of his own body.magic

He had kidnapped the rulers of elements, a story famous in the entire upper realm. However, no one knew why he did that or how he did it.

After hearing Mia's words, Kai glanced below. He finally raised the sword in an arc and swung it.

A white wave emerged from it but before it could reach the ground, it turned into a huge storm.

Cutting through skin as though it was paper, the tornado started the massacre, taking down five hundred or so people with it, both enemies and the allies.

Kai snapped his fingers as the loyal disciples of the Blue Moon sect came back to life. He could resurrect anyone here for an infinite number of times. This meant that he could wreck as much destruction as he wanted and he would face no consequences.

"He is the Purple Shinigami! Run for your life!" Someone shouted Kai's newly earned title and the enemies started to run.

But where could they run? Everywhere they went was an element, let it be the land below their feet or the water in rivers or the air they used for breathing.

Kai swung his sword once again and a brown wave of energy detached from the sword. It sunk deep into the ground and the land started to tremor.

The land shook beyond your imagination and cracks started to appear. Kai created a formation around the enemies and the earthquake stayed inside it.

The land cracked and lava started to appear from inside the planet. People were screaming, trying to stay alive by pushing each other or trying to secure a safe place.If this earthquake happened on earth, then it could be recorded as a scale 10 mega-quake. The entire piece of land on which the enemies were standing, shattered.

They fell down in a huge hole as lava started burning their bodies. Their screams died down after a while and complete silence was followed after it.

Complete silence till Kai restored the land and the people standing on it. Everyone was back and started to bawl, wondering why they decided to attack such an entity like Kai.

"Mercy? Please show mercy, O the great god of death!" The guy with the mustache fell on his knees and started pleading, tears falling from his eyes.

Everyone else followed him, Junjun along with them. Kai watched them, his face full of disgust.

"Mercy? There's no such thing as mercy. I don't think you would have shown mercy if I was just a normal orphan with a lot of wealth. You would have killed me and taken my wealth. Since every single male, except elder Min, left the sect, you would have definitely rap*d the women and took those who wanted to live as slaves." He said in a cruel voice, his face full of flaming anger.

"I am no god. There is no god and if there is someone who created this, then they don't care about anything. If you are my ally, I am your most desired wish come true. If you are my enemy, I am your worst nightmare." He said in a cold voice and swung his sword twice.

Two waves of ice blue and golden were released as they turned into a huge tsunami and lightning wickedly moved at an unpredictable speed.

The cultivators started to drown as their lungs filled with water. The others started to die by electrocution as the lightning burned them while they were wet.

Their bodies burned to the core and they died screaming. But that was not the end, one final attack was left.

After the tsunami died down and the lightning subsided. Kai resurrected them once again and looked towards the north.

"This will happen if you anger me. My wrath is not something you can withstand, ancestor Zian Watanabe." Kai said to ancestor Watanabe, who had come here after sensing the terrible aura.

She gasped at him as his face was what she had been thinking about for some time. She had witnessed the entire thing unfold and was horrified.

However, she didn't do anything, or rather, she couldn't do anything as her body was overcome by fear.

She herself had appointed the Blue Moon sect as a great sect. She was a pervert in her younger days and loved to cause mischief.

Because of her powers, she had ascended as the ruler of the western continent. She looked at Kai and wondered what would happen if he swung the sword towards her.

Her eyes were full of fear and she couldn't speak anything. She remained suspended in the air and looked at the people below.

The blue moon sect, or what was left of it, had expressions of justice on their faces. Even though some of them were disgusted by what happened, but when they heard Kai say that the males on the other side would r*pe them, they nodded their heads as they thought Kai did the right thing.

On the other side, Junjun and the dude with the mustache bore expressions of dread. The first four waves had caused enough mayhem and pain. What would the last attack be?

They had seen the black ball of flame and knew that it would be more painful than the others. The only thing they knew was that it would be over after it. Kai looked at them with pity, even though he was the one who was doing everything.

"The soul black flames will burn you into nothing and it will burn the foundations of your soul. Nothing could be worse than it." He said in a cruel voice before swinging the sword for the last time.
