The entire sect was standing outside, all of them bearing different expressions. Most of them grim, some neutral, some sorrowful but the others had expressions of joy as if they knew that this was about to happen, and who knows? They might have known that this was about to happen.

In front of them, about 200 people were standing in a close circle. The lowest level of cultivation Kai could see was at the 10th stage of the sky spirit realm. The highest level of cultivation was as Raiden had said, a dude with a mustache at the 9th stage of the hell spirit realm

The odds were against the Blue moon sect or rather, the odds would have been against them if Kai and his company were not present there.

"Hear me, the disciples of Blue Moon sect, that cultivator, Kai, has many precious treasures with him. He is an orphan with a huge wealth and killing him would have no consequences!" Junjun shouted and Kai narrowed his eyes.

So what drove him to do this was greed, greed for Kai's wealth. And in a way, it worked. All around him, disciples and elders started to whisper many things and they retreated back, leaving him standing alone.

Mia came and joined him, his five spirits following her, invisible to everyone. Riang also came forward and looked at Junjun with something that Kai couldn't decipher.

Junjun was wearing the sect robes of the Red Flower sect, a red flower etched near the heart area.


"You are going to kill him, why? Because he has a huge wealth? What happened to you Junjun? You are no longer a human." Her words surprised Kai.

He was thinking that she might sell him out but instead, she was on his side. Junjun looked at her as if she didn't matter. He then looked at the crowd of disciples.

"All of you have three choices - join us, fled, or stay with the sect. The first choice will guarantee you rewards, the second will provide you safety, however, the third choice will kill you as we will massacre every single member of this sect." He said in a persuasive voice and the crowd started to shift.

The sect consisted of six thousand and thirteen disciples, five thousand of them being outer court disciples, one thousand of them being inner court disciples and the remaining thirteen being core disciples, including Kai and Mia.

The sect then had thirty elders, fifteen males and fifteen females, divided between the three courts. The highest position was of course the position of the sects masters, currently, sect master as Junjun had left the sect.Out of them, about 3500 disciples went to the other side, almost all of them bearing cruel smiles. The others didn't smile but still had joyful expressions.

Only 2513 disciples remained. One of the core disciples stepped forward and bowed to the sect master before looking at Junjun with malice.


"All of us are thankful for what you did, sect master Riang. But we value our lives and I am sorry to say this but we are leaving the sect." He bowed to her once again and walked away, nine core disciples following him. After that, 2000 disciples followed them, some quickly while others reluctantly dragged themselves away. Only a single-core disciple, excluding Mia and Kai, remained.

Surprisingly, she was Yui. This meant that Yui had been tricking Kai into believing that she was an inner court disciple. She looked at him, her face deprived our her usual mischief. Instead, replaced by a grim expression.

Now the sect elders started moving, 10 of them moved towards Junjun's group, and shockingly Kiana was with them. Riang's face was full of horror when the disciples left and Kiana leaving them was a shocking blow to her.

"You too, Kiana." She softly said, her whole body was trembling. Junjun laughed at her expression and put a hand on her shoulder.

"She had been our creature since the time she joined this sect." He said and threw back his head as he started to laugh.

Out of the remaining 20 elders, 15 of them gave a few last bows to Riang before leaving. Only five elders remained, one of them being the one who distributed robes. What was his name, ah, elder Min.


"So all the traitors and cowards have left the sect." Kai spoke for the first time and casually walked towards Junjun, who had his nose quivered in disgust.

"K-Kai, h-h-elp m-" Kiana began to say but Junjun slapped her. A huge red mark appeared on her right cheek.

"Not a single word!" He shouted and was about to hit her again when she disappeared.She was now standing beside Kai, his hands healing the mark on her chin. Her eyes were strange, focused, and unfocused at the same time.

"The forbidden soul controlling pill." He said in a soft deadly voice. Junjun and the dude with a mustache flinched when they heard him.

Mia and the spirits had expressions of disbelief on their faces. Whereas everyone else was confused about what Kai was talking about.

Kai's face was calm, scary calm. He touched Kiana's forehead and put her to sleep. He teleported her back to her room before appearing back on the battlefield.

"Where did you get that pill?" He said in a commanding voice, making Junjun and the mustache dude feel as though they should answer him.

"Oh, and if we don't tell you, then what will happen?" The mustache dude said mockingly.

Kai didn't say anything and just looked at Mia, who understood what he was saying. He wanted to obtain information and Mia would be the one to do it. Because if he did it himself, he would do something so brutal that nobody could ever forget about it.

She started rising in the air and everyone gasped at her. Only cultivators at the heaven spirit realm could fly. Anyone else had to use a treasure if they wanted to fly.

All of them were hoping that Mia was using a treasure but she proved them wrong when she released her 3rd stage heaven spirit realm cultivation.

"I will ask you once again, where did you get that pill?" Kai asked in the same deadly voice and this time, the mustache dude answered his question.

"A trader sold it to us. He is moving from place to place and we don't know of his location. We don't even know his face. His entire face was hidden and we couldn't sense any spiritual energy from him either. He was using a treasure to hide it." He blurted out and Junjun looked at him in disgust. But as soon, as finished his last sentence, he looked at Kai in horror.

"You were in fear and I used a skill that forces someone to tell the truth if they are feeling fear." Kai had the decency to explain what he did.

"So what, you are not leaving this place alive. We have a huge advantage in our numbers and even with a 3rd stage heaven spirit realm cultivator, we still outnumber you. And furthermore, we have many hell spirit realms cultivators with us, myself included." The guy recovered and said in an encouraging voice, letting his troops have a newfound hope.

"You chose the wrong place to attack. All of you are doomed." Kai said and took out the same sword he used against the dragons.magic

The shiny black blade gleaming in the sunlight. However, a dark aura was surrounding it and a horrible ripple of power spread throughout the battlefield.

The massacre would now begin.
