'What the hell is he doing there?' Kai wondered with narrowed eyes as he saw the divine emperor moving through the walls of the castle.

But before Kai could see where the divine emperor was going, Kosma suddenly gave out a cry of pain as her eyes flew open.

Kai was bewildered when he saw grey spots appearing in the white area of her eyes. He looked around the room as it shook and the screens went black.

Kai had a vague knowledge of what was happening and it was nothing good. He slowly moved forward and placed two of his fingers of his right hand on Kosma's forehead.

He suddenly felt an omnibus dark aura surrounding the two of them as he retracted his fingers with narrowed eyes.

'Why do people keep getting sucked by this thing?' He thought as he looked at Kosma's eyes which were being diluted by the Darkness's powers.

He took a deep breath as he stepped forward and kissed Kosma's forehead lightly. Her eyes suddenly returned to normal as he stepped back with a small smile. The room also returned to its previous white form.


She tilted her head in confusion as she didn't understand what was happening. As she was Kai smiling, she raised her eyebrows in question.

"Is there something funny that I am missing?" She asked as Kai shook his head and turned around.

"I am going to ask Inari about this. After all, she had been gaining information on this organization for a long time. I should probably check up on Lana as well. I will catch up with you later. Till then, take some rest." He replied and suddenly vanished.

Kosma blinked in confusion as her head ached suddenly. Being a primordial being, she never got a headache or any other things like that.But suddenly getting one and hearing Kai telling her to get some rest was clearly not a coincidence.

But despite that, she felt as though she should get some rest. Never in her entire who knows how long life, had she slept.

She didn't even know how being sleepy felt. But now, her eyelids were getting heavy and she could barely prevent them from closing.


She curled up on the white floor and closed her eyes as moments later, the entire place went silent.


"*Cough* Maybe that was a bad decision." Kai muttered as he closed his right palm in front of his mouth and coughed.

He then raised his palm to see a mixture of black and golden blood dripping down his palm. He sighed as he sat down and glanced at his surroundings.

The place looked barren. Dead trees lined the land which was a mixture of red and brown soil. Not a single drop of water was visible for many kilometers and only dead trees filled the land.

He then turned in the other direction to see the remains of a white house as he sighed and stood up.


He glanced at the blood on his palm one last time before making it vanish. His hands then went behind his neck as he slowly took off the golden pendant on his neck.The pendant gleamed strangely in these surroundings as Kai sighed and stood up. He walked towards the remains of the white house with a sigh as the pendant started glowing.

"This place looks so bizarrely different from the one I used to live in with Ayaka. Yet, it's still the same place" He muttered to himself as he suddenly stopped when he noticed something on the ground.

This place was the same place Kai used to live with Ayaka a long time ago. Even though it had become completely unrecognizable over time, it was still the same place.

Kai bent down and picked up a scroll lying on the ground with a frown. It was jade green in color and had a golden seal on it.

He slowly opened the scroll to see that it was blank but his expression remained calm as he realized that it was a memory scroll.

'Where did this come from?' He wondered silently as he laid down the scroll on the ground and bit his finger.

A drop of his golden blood fell down on the scroll as a blue light surrounded it. Kai's surroundings suddenly whirled and shifted to the same old beautiful surroundings he remembered from his past.

But in addition to that, a girl with purple hair and a sad smile stood in front of him. His eyes widened in shock as Ayaka suddenly shook her head.

"No I am not real Kai and you can't talk to me. Guess I really did die since you are seeing this but since I already knew what was coming, I have no problem with it." Ayaka said as Kai's body slumped down in defeat.

"Now you might be wondering why I am making this. Perhaps I feel guilty about leaving you so suddenly or I guess this is just a self-pity thing I am doing but who cares. Now I will answer a few questions that you might be wondering about." She suddenly paused as she took a deep breath before continuing.

"You might, no, would be thinking that my death is your fault but it isn't Kai. It's all my fault for using that wish for such a thing. And I even cursed the entire line of harem overlords to come in the future and if you managed to bounce back, you might be one of them. I am such a stupid person aren't I?" She suddenly paused as though she expected Kai to reply who his head on impulse.

She suddenly smiled before continuing.

"You are probably shaking your head after hearing my last sentence but it's what happened. I guess the only thing I wanted to say here was that you should forgive yourself, Kai. You might think that you already did it but it's not true. So forgive yourself Kai." Ayaka slowly said as she moved forward and interlocked her hands on Kai's waist and hugged him.

His eyes widened in surprise but he didn't felt any living energy coming from her but it was enough for him to embrace her one last time.

And with that, she slowly faded away.
