"What happened?" Kosma muttered to herself as she appeared back in the white room with a confused expression.

But seconds later, Kai's eyes flickered over her as he slowly moved his body. His body looked composed but his eyes were still a little chaotic.

"Kosma, there is something you should know. What you just saw was something only two people know about. Guess you will probably not be the last person to know this." Kai sighed as Kosma looked confused.

"What do you mean by that? Don't your girls know about your past?" Kosma asked as Kai shook his head.

"They don't know about most of the stuff. The only thing they know is that I grew up in the human realm. They don't know anything about what you saw and everything else. In reality, I also didn't know about the things before I appeared in the human realm but as you saw, my memories were blocked. The only things I knew about are my parents and nothing else." Kai replied as Kosma nodded.

"I don't think you even know anything about me." He added as Kosma narrowed her eyes.

"That's not true. Time and space asked me to take care of you and I kept watch over you." Kosma said as Kai raised his eyebrows.


"What is the size of my dick?" He suddenly asked as Kosma was stumped.

"Not a pervert I see. What is the most used word that you have heard me speak?" He then asked as Kosma thought about it again.

"Cultivation." She finally replied as Kai shook his head.

"Cultivation is something I don't use much. My most used words are common words like she, he, I, etc., and of course, the names of my girls." He replied as Kosma sighed.

"Fine. I only started watching you after you got all the seven deadly sins." Kosma admitted with a tch as Kai nodded.

"Can you see any person through this place?" He then asked as Kosma raised her eyebrows."How did you know that?" She asked as he shrugged.


"Judging from what you showed me last time and how you managed to find me so quickly, you of course have a way of seeing everything. After all, you are The World. So my guess is that this is the place from where you see everything." He replied as Kosma sighed and nodded.

"Then can you find Eira through this?" He asked as Kosma's eyes dropped down as she shook her head.

"She is somehow hidden from my sight. I have tried doing everything I can and it always fails." She replied but Kai didn't look disheartened.

"Try looking for Mia." He then said as Kosma frowned.

"Isn't she, uh, dead?" She slowly asked as Kai nodded which made her even more confused.

"She is technically dead but death books are being formed on her name. They disappear and reappear every two to five seconds. Azrael told me that she is somehow still alive and is fighting Eira. Like two souls in a single body." He explained as Kosma nodded and turned towards the screen.


"Two seconds isn't a lot of time and we probably wouldn't have been able to see anything. But, now that you remember everything, there's a small chance that you can use Time's powers to slow down time a little. It just might be enough to see everything." Kosma said as both she and Kai closed their eyes.

Kosma suddenly opened hers as she felt Mia's soul and the screen changed for a sec before turning white.

She then turned towards Kai who his eyes closed in concentration. Kosma sighed and kept doing the same thing over and over but Kai never opened his eyes.

After five minutes of deep concentration, he opened his eyes and sighed as he shook his head.

"I can't feel any time-stopping powers inside me. I guess we will have to manually see some things with our eyes." He said out loud as he carefully stared in front of him.Kosma sighed and kept doing what she had been doing as Kai saw a flicker of movement on the screen.

But instead of looking directly in the center of the screen, he glanced at the sidelines to see the background.

It was a messy black and red background that vanished within moments of appearing. He kept staring at the screen as the background appeared again.

But this time, he managed to capture a symbol as the scene faded again. He looked at the screen with a confused expression as Kosma turned towards him and shook her head.

"Her signal has been cut off. Either she is dead or the power protecting Eira is now hiding Mia as well." She said as Kai's expression darkened.

"I did manage to see a symbol though. It is kind of weird. Let me draw it in the air for you." Kai said as he started tracing lines in the air.

(Check this paragraph comment for the image of the symbol.)

The lines started to turn golden and still in the air as Kosma frowned. The symbol tugged at a distant memory as she tried to remember where she had seen it.

"That's the symbol on Lana's seal!" She suddenly said as Kai raised dishes eyebrows in curiosity.magic

"How do you know that?" He asked as Kosma shook her head.

"I was watching you when you were checking the seal on Lana. Even though you weren't able to see anything, I got a glimpse of her seal. I am sure that this symbol was definitely on the seal." Kosma said as Kai thought about it.

"Look for someone Taizan on the half beats realm. He should be inside the castle on Nyander." Kai suddenly said as Kosma nodded and closed her eyes.

The screens started changing as they showed Nyander. Kai saw the same billboards from before as Kosma suddenly felt a headache building up.

Yet she continued to do what she had been doing as Kai saw the castle. He waited for a while before he could finally see the interior of the castle.

But the first thing he saw inside was a man with green hair and a dark aura.

It was the divine emperor.
