Risea could only stare at the seraph in wonder as her eyes widened in disbelief. The six wings gleaming on her back made her look like like avenging angel. She had only met her mother during her childhood but she hardly had any memories of her.

Her father used to say that she looked just like her mother and would be just as beautiful. He would especially tell her that he had loved her mother's pink hair but he hadn't thought that she would fell in love with him.

Risea's father had been an honest and hardworking man who was well known in the area Risea grew up in.

Her years as a child had been different than most children since her father had to make sure that she didn't use her powers unintentionally.

So the entirety of her childhood was spent with her father and the memories of the two of them chasing each other across fields filled with flowers still lingered in Risea's mind.

There had been a time when Risea had turned 18 and her powers had gone out of control and she had hurt her father.

She had cried later on about that even though her father had said it was ok but she had known that he had been under a lot of pain.


That's when Risea had asked why her mother didn't come to check on her. But she had instantly realized that she had said the wrong thing as her father's eyes and crumbled with despair.

"I... honestly don't know Risea." He had said with teary eyes as she had hugged him.

At the time, they hadn't known that a new law was being passed down in the angelic realm about not giving birth to a Nephilim and killing all the existing ones.

Her mother hadn't originally died at that time but she and been injured beyond any healing. On the night this happened, she had appeared in front of Risea's father and had apologized to him.

Her father was of course shocked at her condition and had wanted to take her to a hospital but it had been too late for her mother.

She had told her father that she wanted to be in the arms of her lover before dying and her father had held her dying mother while crying.


Risea had slept through this and in the morning, her father had been a completely different man from before.

He had asked her to prepare her essential items and they had left their hometown during that day. Her father had been old but was still strong because of his cultivation.

They had traveled for many days and her father had told her that some angels were here to kill her because she was a Nephilim.

"I am not going to let them steal my daughter from me too." Her father had told her with a resolute smile and took had traveled to a very far away place on the human realm.They had lived there for many years before her father had finally succumbed to old age and had died.

But before dying, he had told her everything about what had happened to her mother and why they had to run away.

He then asked her to promise to him that she would never reveal her angelic powers to anyone and would remain safe.


Risea had promised this with teary eyes as her father had died with a smile on his face. After burying his body, she had slowly started exploring the world and that's how she found out that she had a talent for alchemy.

She knew that she could make money using it but she wanted to hide her identity. So during her exchanges, she would use her perfect quality pill to perfectly conceal herself while earning money.

She had thought that she would die like that but that's when she had met Kai. Both he and she were using perfect quality appearance-changing pills when they had first met but they had been able to sense the effects of the pill on the other person.

After their many encounters, they had become partners and Risea had made Kai her first friend. But she would spend minutes staring at his handsome face and his movements during alchemy and would snap out of it when he would look at her with a smile.

She had of course done this while using her loli form to not give Kai any ideas. Even though this had meant that she was using her angelic powers in front of Kai, she didn't think that he would expose her.magic

And she had been right though if it had been someone else, she wasn't whether she would have used her powers in front of them.

When they had their first intercourse, she had admitted everything about her powers to Kai and he had taken it with a laugh.

He had then told about his own half-demon powers and how he had a harem and all and she had been taken back by it a little.

Even though she had been disappointed that she wasn't the only girl he loved, she was happy to be one of them.

But now, standing in front of her dead mother's body, her emotions raged inside her and she wanted to tear the place down to shreds.

"Risea, calm down. She is not your mother but just her dead body. She doesn't remember anything." Kai slowly said as he tried to calm Risea down.

A Nephilim with full control over his or her power was dangerous but an out-of-control Nephilim was one of the most dangerous beings to ever exist and Kai didn't want to see one in action.

'Why did you create such a thing Aizza and Hela?' Kai asked in his mind as Risea's body suddenly started trembling.Besides of her two wings, four more wings appeared from her back and spread out I a majestic way.

"Her full powers are unleashing." Kai said as he tried to touch her body but she suddenly rose in the air.

Her eyes were glowing like crazy as the beams of light around her multiplied from five to ten. The light started to brighten as the entire place started shaking.

Risea extended her hand towards the demon's gut as rays of light shot out from her hand and traveled towards the demon at an unavoidable pace and blew his head in one clean shot.

A second later, her head turned towards her mother as tears trickled down her cheeks. She screamed in frustration as the beams of light started attacking everything and destroyed everything it touched.

One beam hit the woman in the middle of her head and she crashed down beside the demon guy with a thump.

Their bodies vanished but Risea didn't stop. She curled up in a ball as her powers went haywire and continued destroying everything.

"That girl reminds me of my past self. The one who wasn't destined to be a sin and was supposed to leave a normal life." Sahara said with sad eyes as she looked at Risea.

Kai listened to her and went forward as he retrieved the tablet of samsara which was lying down on the floor after its supposed guardians were gone.

"Risea's life had always been full of hardships and she had faced as much as everyone else in the harem. Perhaps I got attracted towards all of you because of your tragic past." Kai said to her with a smile as he looked at Risea.

"Let's go and take her out of her shell." Kai said as Sahara nodded and the two of them moved towards Risea.

The beams of light focused their assault on the two moving figures but they weren't able to land a hit on the lightning-fast Kai and Sahara.

When they appeared near her, they both jumped towards her as Kai patted her forehead with his hand.

Memories of her time with Kai and the others filled Risea's head as two beams of light vanished.

She remembered the many sessions of pill creating she had with Kai that later turned into many sessions of cultivation. Another beam vanished.

She then remembered how he had gone to the fairy realm and destroyed it for her. She also remembered his visit to the angel realm that was specifically done for her. Two more vanished.

She then remembered the recent events in which he had destroyed another continent for her and saved her.

She remembered the time she had spent with the many girls and her body slowly started to loosen. The pillars completely vanished as Risea looked at Kai.

"Please don't leave me alone." She said as she buried her face in his chest.

He gently stroked her hair as he looked at Sahara who was flying beside them. He then teleported them away from the place as he looked at Risea.

"I promise." He whispered to her gently as they teleported andthe entire place exploded.
