"This looks like an arena." Risea said as the trio appeared in a square-shaped, sand-filled, arena-like building.

It was a structure made from stone and enclosed the trio in a sand-filled pit. There were no stands for any type of audience but there wasn't any need for them anyway since anyone can hardly come here.

Just as they were figuring what the next challenge was, the words started to appear on the sand.

"The sand of pit will swallow you all and there is nothing you can do except choosing who gets to live. If all want each other to live then you all get to live. But if even one of you doesn't want anyone to live, all will die here." Kai read and smiled as the letters rearranged themselves a few minutes later.

"An error has occurred. Please proceed ahead." Kai read as the trio burst out laughing.

They managed to break down an invincible test giver with their bonds and the poor thing couldn't even figure out what happened.

"If we were normal people taking this test, we would have certainly failed since demons and angels hate each other and they will certainly want the other one to die. But we have an unbreakable bond." Kai said with a smile as they teleported once again.


"Final challenge awaits before you. After clearing this, you will reach the tablet of samsara and save your respective races." Kai read as they appeared in a boss room type of place.

The room was lit with menacing blue torches as the fire raged on them. The entire room had an ominous aura as Kai raised his eyebrows at the words that appeared next.

"What if you were fighting an evil version of yourself? Do you know yourself enough to defeat your own evil self?" Kai read in confusion as boss music suddenly started to play.

"Where is that music coming from?" Risea frowned as three shapes moved from the shadows.

"Now we know what those letters meant." Kai said slowly as the figures moved in the light.

Their expressions tightened as they saw the figures. They looked exactly like the trio but had purple outlines around them.


Their eyes were pure black like a demon's eyes and they were snarling at the group with fierce expressions.

"How the hell did they manage to close us?" Sahara asked as she got into a battle pose.

"They are not illusions. They are our exact clones that are probably created using Aizza's powers. They can do anything we can do and they know us better than us since they are us which is a very confusing sentence but you get the point." Kai said as he tested his theory by taking out Hellbringer.

His clone did the exact same thing and took out a shadow version of Hellbringer. Kai put the sword away and touched his neck with his fingers.His clone, however, didn't mirror his actions and just stared at him lifelessly. Kai's hands fell down as entered a battle stance and his clone did the same thing.

"This is going to be annoying." Kai remarked as the clones suddenly launched themselves at the originals.

The clones swiftly moved through the room and they crossed the distance between them and the originals in a matter of moments.


Risea stood back as Kai and Sahara went forward. Clones Risea did the same thing as the original Risea and fell back to support the clone versions of Kai and Sahara.

As Sahara's nails extended into claws, the same thing happened to her clone. Sahara grinned at this and suddenly jumped in the air and her clone did the exact same thing.

Sahara extended her right claw forward and her clone did the same thing. But Sahara surprised herself and the clone as she suddenly grabbed the clone's claws and went behind her.

She swiftly cut her neck in a swift motion and her clone's lifeless body fell on the ground with a thump before it vanished.

As Sahara's claws retracted, she saw Kai fighting his clone and smiled at him as she saw him toy with his clone.

Even though Kai's clone could do everything that Kai could do and had the same unpredictable attacks as Kai, it could still not beat the original's unpredictability as Kai literally attacked the clone from all four sides.

He used his teleportation at the max power as he teleported the second he landed. His clone also tried to teleport but before it could even think of that, Kai had already completed his teleportation.

After having his fun, Kai decided to kill his clone. He suddenly teleported behind his clone and enflamed him with black fire. magic

The clone burned down to nothing as Kai turned to look at Risea's match. Both Risea and her clone were attacking each other with arrows made from light and both had the same power.

It looked as though Risea was testing her skills against her clone as she wasn't attacking vigorously and was using calculated moves and strategies.

The beams of light suddenly appeared around her as she focused her concentration on her bow. She readied her bow and pointed it at the ceiling.

For some reason, her clone couldn't do that as it stared at Risea lifelessly. She released a large glowing arrow towards the ceiling as it started ascending towards the clone.

The clone just stared at it as the arrow started sparking and dropped on the clone. The arrow exploded with a blinding light as the clone started to melt.The trio saw a trace of a smile on the clone's face before it died as the music stopped playing. The blue torches turned to normal and the ominous surroundings turned to normal.

"Is it over?" Risea asked as she walked towards Sahara and Kai.

New letters started appearing in front of the trio as the place was swept with a fragrance of flowers and spring.

"In the end, nothing can exist without another person. Just as life and death make samsara, people create bonds throughout the span of their life. Congratulations on defeating the challenge. The tablet of samsara will await you in the next room. But beware the guardians that protect it." Kai read the words with a sigh.

It looked as though the challenges were yet to complete. The trio then looked at the far end of the room and saw a door open.

They walked towards the room and calmly entered it. The door was attached to a small hallway that was lit with the same white light if the corridor they had first encountered.

They reached the end of it pretty quickly as they entered another room. This one was made entirely from gold and other expensive materials as the trip examined it.

In the center of the room was an encased glass case etched with formations. Inside the case was a tablet made from stone but something about it made it look ominous.

There were words written on the tablet but before they could read it, the light suddenly dimmed. The tablet started glowing as the glass case suddenly shattered.

"Oh no, Hela, why did you use that spell to create the guardians?" Kai said in a grim tone as dark energy started to swirl around the tablet.

It rose in the air as two holes appeared in the ground below them. Two hands claimed out of each hole as two figures appeared from them.

"Necromancy." Kai said with a grim face as they examined the figures.

Necromancy was the art of summoning the bodies of the dead and controlling them. Though the dead bodies didn't have any soul or their past memories, they were as strong as they were before dying.

The two figures in front of the trio were a man and a woman. The man was fully clad in battle armor and had a thick brown beard.

His eyes were hollow and his cheeks contained wounds and frozen black blood this marking him as a demon.

His hair was long enough to reach the end of his spine and were tied back in a ponytail. A sword was strapped to the waist of his armor as he stared at the trio lifelessly.

The woman was dressed in a white dress that reached down to the starting of her lower thighs and had six beautiful white wings coming out from her back.

The wings were scarred with claw marks and golden blood was frozen around the wounds. But her face was the most remarkable thing about her.

It wasn't scarred and was extremely beautiful. She had pink hair that were braided down the side of her shoulders and a feather from her wings was attached to her hair.

But the most attractive thing about her was her deep pink eyes which were as beautiful as gems. Her appearance reminded Kai and Sahara of...

"Mother?" Risea whispered as her eyes turned to disbelief as she stared at the seraphim who was her mother.
