Chapter 319 Shy virgin  

Let's go," he told her before downing the rest of his drink and placing the empty glass on the table. He adjusted his short sleeve, white button down before grabbing her hand and leading her out to the dance floor, slipping through the waves of moving people as the white lights flashed above them.

"I promise I won't keep you out here long," Ying Sheng told him, trying to speak above the loudness of the music.

"I want to be here as long as you do," Liam replied as he squeezed her hand, not wanting her to hold back because of him. He could handle a few songs with her. He just had to focus on her and not all of the chaos around him.

Ying Sheng stopped him in the middle of the dance floor and turned him around to face her, immediately sidling up to him as she swayed her hips to the beat. She reached up to drape her arms around his neck, drawing him close as she smiled against his cheek.

Despite his nervousness, Liam felt excitement pound through him, his hands finding her waist to feel the swaying of her body. He could smell the sweet smell of her hair as she came so close to him, nearly dizzying him. Everything about her captivated him.

"You're doing good!" Ying Sheng told him as she smiled up at him. She tilted her head back, the lights flickering against her face from up above. Her hair streamed down her back, exposing her neck and collarbones beneath the thin straps of her black dress.


Liam nearly lost his breath at the sight, finding her incredibly beautiful under the bright lights. She seemed to glow, capturing his eyes with ease. He moved one hand around to the small of her back, pressing her flush against him as he moved at the same rhythm as her.

Ying Sheng giggled near his ear, her fingers drifting up into his hair. She moved to rest her forehead against his, their eyes briefly colliding. She smiled at him, her hips brushing his to the beat.

Liam moved one hand up to rest on the back of her neck beneath her hair. He felt like he could breathe her in because they were so close, and he wished that they didn't have to part. To his surprise, he watched her suddenly spin around. A faint gasp left him as she pressed her back up against his chest and continued to move.

Ying Sheng turned her head to peer at him over her shoulder, a devilish smile adorning her face as she purposely pushed her hips back against him.

Liam realized that she was being… devious. Heat spread through him at a rapid rate, matching with the beating of his heart. He held her hips, pulling her back against him to let her dance. He didn't even have to move to feel friction, and that grating and grinding was making him feel a type of way that was hard to control.

Closing his eyes, Liam tried to find what control he had left, but she was moving in all the right ways to drive him crazy. He couldn't help himself. Grabbing her hand, Liam whipped her around and pulled her close, his lips colliding with hers in a heated touch.


Ying Sheng gasped into his mouth, but she wasn't jarred with shock for long. She gripped his shirt as she returned the touch, her lips pressing and moving against his to their own rhythm. The song was long forgotten.

Liam pushed his hand into her hair, enjoying the taste of her and craving even more. He should've known that he wouldn't be able to deny his desires when he was around her. She embodied temptation, and he was weak to her spell.

Ying Sheng soon broke away from his lips and leaned up near his ear.

"Want to get out of here?" She asked him, her voice sounding breathy as she caught her breath.

It didn't take long for Liam to realize what she was referring to, and he couldn't stop himself from agreeing even if he tried. He nodded and let her take his hand to guide him out of the crowd. He felt like he was in a daze, the lights streaking through his vision as he moved quickly.

"Wait, what about Dong Yishan ?" Liam asked her when they got off of the dance floor. He didn't want to be rude and leave in the middle of her party without letting her know. Dong Yishan had been looking forward to this for weeks.


Ying Sheng glanced around before smirking and pointing toward the outskirts of the dance floor.

"I think she'll be just fine without us," she mused.

Liam followed her finger to see Dong Yishan with her tongue basically down Zhao Li's throat. He turned away with a laugh and nodded, realizing that Dong Yishan probably wouldn't give them a single thought for the rest of the night.

"Yeah, let's go," he told her.

Ying Sheng smiled boldly before rushing him through the club, intent on getting out of there and back to their apartment to continue the night.


Ying Sheng didn't expect the night to take this turn. She thought that they would dance, laugh at themselves, drink a little more, and then go home to go to bed. She didn't expect to find herself stumbling into his bedroom, her lips melding with his in hot touches. However, despite the shock of it all, she couldn't bring herself to stop now.

It didn't even feel sudden to her because she had been having these feelings for Liam for awhile now. She wanted to feel his touch, to bond with him in a deeper way than before. Plus, she trusted him. She knew that he would never do anything to wrong her.

"Ying Sheng …...wait," Liam suddenly breathed out as he forced himself away from her, his hands resting on her arms. He looked nervous, his eyes shifting around as he tried to find his words.

"What's wrong?" Ying Sheng asked him, feeling struck with worry. She hoped that she hadn't pushed too hard. She knew that she had been heavily flirting with him tonight, which was thanks to the alcohol and her own unspoken desires. She just hoped that she hadn't pressured him too much.

"I haven't… you know… done this before," Liam murmured, seeming embarrassed.
