Chapter 318 Dance  

"I'm pretty sure we'll die of alcohol poisoning by then," Liam commented with an amused look on his face.

Ying Sheng moved to sit next to Liam as the group chatted among themselves, nudging him with a smile.

"Wow, shots for Liam, huh?" She giggled, her cheeks already tinted pink.

"It's how she would want me to celebrate her," Liam replied with a chuckle. Dong Yishan liked when everyone was having fun with her, so that was his gift to her, on top of the automatic wine opener he had bought her.

"You're right about that," Ying Sheng agreed as she watched a waitress drop off a whole slate of tequila shots for the group to take. She reached forward and grabbed two, handing one off to Liam before playfully wrapping her arm around his so that they were intertwined.

"Oh, we're doing this number?" Liam chuckled as he moved close to her so that he could reach his shot.


"Go big or go home," Ying Sheng pointed out as she beamed at him.

"You bitches are so cute!" Dong Yishan gasped out as she pointed at them before downing her shot, coaxing laughter from Xing Yue and Han Zigao as they lifted their glasses to Ying Sheng and Liam.

Liam felt his face burn a little, but he didn't have time to be bashful because Ying Sheng was motioning for him to take the shot. He tossed the glass back, the searing liquid rushing down his throat and burning through his chest.

"Oh, that'll hurt tomorrow," he grunted out as he placed his shot glass down. Tequila did awful things to him. "Happy birthday, Dong Yishan ."

"Thanks! Oh! I love this song!" Dong Yishan gasped out before grabbing Zhao Li's hand and dragging him out to the nearby dance floor.

Han Zigao watched them run off with a laugh.


"I'll be hitting the bar," he told them before getting up and leaving the lounge area.

Liam smirked a little as he finished sipping on his whiskey, watching Ying Sheng fluff her hair a little before smoothing her hands down the black fitted dress that she wore. He hoped that Ying Sheng had as much fun as Ying Sheng on her birthday. He would make sure that would happen, but he would have to think of a way to make that happen.

"I'm surprised she hasn't dragged you off yet," Liam told Ying Sheng . Typically, Dong Yishan and Ying Sheng danced together.

"She's got boy fever tonight," Ying Sheng smirked as she turned to watch Dong Yishan grind up on Zhao Li before looking back over at Liam. "I mean, so do I."

Liam scoffed playfully as he shook his head at her usual flirting. It still made him a little bashful, but he liked hearing it. She had only started seriously flirting lately, so he took it as a good sign of what was building between them so far.

"How are you doing so far?" Ying Sheng asked him, her playful nature diminishing slightly and giving away to a more serious tone.


Liam was thankful that she thought to check on him. She was a caring person, and she wasn't only like that to him. She was that way with their friends too, even if she didn't realize it.

"I'm good. It's nice to be out with you," he told her, having enjoyed their night out so far. They hadn't done much but drink and chat with their friends, but he liked the company. It was a nice change of pace from long days at work.

"We'll go out again together soon for our second date,"

Ying Sheng pointed out to him as she flashed him a bright smile.

Liam hadn't thought up a plan for their next date yet, but he knew that it would come to him eventually. He wanted to do even better than their first one, so it would take some brainstorming to think of a better effort.

"I know. I'm trying to think of a way to impress you," Liam chuckled. He could go all out, but he wasn't sure in what way. He would have to be creative.

"You know that you don't have to try to impress me," Ying Sheng told him pointedly as she nudged him with her shoulder.

Liam supposed that she was right, but he still wanted to ensure that she had a good time with him. Besides, it was only the second date. He could slow down his efforts a little around the fourth or fifth date since it'll be more of a regular thing for them.

"Well, I'm going to," he smirked at her, intent on making it fun for them.

"I know you are. Stubborn," Ying Sheng laughed with a playful roll of her eyes.

Liam joined in her laughter and leaned over to press a gentle kiss to her temple. The move was automatic, but it still felt natural, like he had been laying his lips on her for years. He wished that he had, but he supposed it was better late than never.

Ying Sheng flashed him an awed look before speaking.

"Careful. I won't be able to control myself if you keep that up," she lightly teased at him.

Liam felt his heart jolt a little at her words, wondering if she was fully joking around or not. He couldn't tell at times.

"It's a party. You're supposed to let loose," he commented, bordering on joking and serious. He wanted her to have fun in whatever way she wanted to. He was just glad to be here with her.

"You're right. You know, you owe me a dance,"

Ying Sheng commented as she raised an eyebrow at him.

Liam glanced at the dance floor with a slightly wary look. The song was an upbeat electronic one, which would require him to move quite a bit. However, he could tell that she really wanted to dance with him, and he wasn't about to let her down. He just had to watch his feet.
