Chapter 285 What's Wrong

However, before he even reached the third button, He Xinyan suddenly grabbed onto his hand and pulled away, "Stop -"

Gu Yechen looked up as his hands froze, "What's the matter?"

He Xinyan turned her head around a little embarrassedly and gulped, "I'm. . . I'm a little tired today. Let's. . ."

However, of course Gu Yechen knew his wife well enough to know that something was wrong.

He turned his body around so he was laying down next to her instead of on top, and he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her in closer to him.

"I noticed that you haven't been in a very good mood recently. . . Baby, tell me what's wrong." He ran his fingers through her hair softly.


He Xinyan pressed her lips together and didn't say anything for a few seconds. Gu Yechen thought she didn't want to respond and he was very patient as he waited.

However, a few seconds later, he suddenly heard a soft whining or moaning sound, and he furrowed his eyebrows together. He lifted his head up slightly but since it was dark and she had her face buried in her pillow, he still couldn't see clearly.

He turned her around so she was facing him, and his guess was confirmed. His face immediately darkened as he lifted his hand up and gently wiped her face.

"Baby, why are you crying? It's okay. . . Tell me what's wrong." This was one of the few times he had ever seen her cry, and it wasn't because she was crying in pain underneath him. She was actually sad. . .

Originally, He Xinyan didn't even feel like crying and she didn't know why she was, but after Gu Yechen's questioning, her soft crying immediately turned into sobbing.

She grasped onto his shirt and buried her head into his bare chest. Gu Yechen frowned at her sudden reaction, and he gently patted her on the back, unsure of what to do or how to react.


He felt his chest get wet but he didn't care. It took several minutes before He Xinyan was finally able to control her tears. Her breathing was still very fast and uneven as she forcefully wiped her eyes and fast with her hands.

Gu Yechen's heart ached with pain as he grabbed onto her hand and gently asked her again, "Baby, do you want to tell me what's wrong? Why are you sad?"

He Xinyan thought that her issues and the reason were kind of stupid, and she didn't know if she should tell him or not.

However, under his consistent persuasion, she finally sat up on the bed and opened the lamplight on the nightstand.

Gu Yechen sat up too, looking at her worriedly.

Hesitantly, He Xinyan slowly unbuttoned the rest of her shirt. When she reached her chest, Gu Yechen gulped and looked down to prevent himself from doing anything he shouldn't during this situation.


She quickly revealed the rest of her upper body, and when she looked down at herself, she closed her eyes in shame.

Gu Yechen looked up, a little confused about what she was doing, "What's wrong?"

He Xinyan looked up, "Look at. . . me."

She placed one hand onto the skin at her waist area, and when she could feel the wrinkles and saggy skin, she immediately pulled away, almost like she had touched something burning.

Gu Yechen looked down at her waist area and didn't seem bothered at all by it. It took a moment before he realized why He Xinyan was feeling upset, "Are you. . . upset about this?"

He asked as he placed his hand onto her waist, causing her to flinch slightly.

She slowly nodded her head, "It looks disgusting! Look at me. . . I - I hate it."

She took a deep breath as tears began flowing down her face again. Just looking at her body now made her feel upset and self-conscious.

Gu Yechen pulled her in and gently patted her on the back of her head, feeling her tears run down his back. Feeling the softness of her chest against his skin made him a little "uncomfortable", but he forced himself to pay attention to the situation at hand.

"Baby, you do not look disgusting. I think you might be going through postpartum depression."

"Postpartum depression?" He Xinyan wiped her face and thought about that possibility, "But look at my body. . . I -"

Gu Yechen could understand. Especially for a woman who had a great figure her entire life. . . Suddenly, because of a pregnancy, it was all ruined. Anyone would be upset!

He felt his heart twist up in pain at the thought that she had gone through the pregnancy to give birth to his kids, and she was also suffering through this now partially because of him.

He pulled away and looked at her firmly, "He Xinyan, you do not look disgusting. I promise you. . . I will find a doctor tomorrow to help you, okay? I promise it will go away. Don't think too much about it. You look perfect either way."

He Xinyan shook her head, "I don -"

"No, you always do in my eyes. And that is all that matters, right?"

He Xinyan took in a deep breath and looked up at him a little suspiciously, like a scared kitten. He smiled gently and placed his hand onto the back of her head, pulling her in.

The kiss soon went deeper and he pushed her back down onto the bed, positioning himself on top of her. Without waiting, he threw the towel around his lower body onto the ground and removed the rest of her clothes as well.

Tonight, He Xinyan noticed that he was unusually gentle, unlike all the other nights together.

It made her feel better.


The next morning, He Xinyan woke up quite late as the babies didn't cry like yesterday. When she did, she noticed that Gu Yechen was still next to her.

"You have work today. . . Why are you still here?"

Gu Yechen smiled and gently kissed her on the forehead, saying in between the moments of affection, "I'm going to stay home today. We can go to the doctor together, okay?"

He Xinyan frowned slightly, "I don't want to go to the doctor."

"Don't worry. . . She will be able to help. I don't really care about it, because I think you are even more beautiful than before, and you are perfect just the way you are. Those marks are there because of me and the kids. However, if you want to, I'm sure we can get rid of them."

". . . You really feel that way?" He Xinyan asked, placing one hand onto her stomach. She did hate those wrinkles as well, but even more, she was scared that Gu Yechen would dislike her for them.

Gu Yechen blinked a few times, "Of course!"

He Xinyan felt a sour feeling grow in her nose, and she looked down with a smile on her face, "Let's not go to the doctor then. They are marks for what I went through for my babies. . . I shouldn't be ashamed of them."

Gu Yechen smiled and rubbed her messy hair, "My baby is always right!"

He hugged her tightly, "Don't think like that again in the future, okay? You are beautiful, okay?" He raised one eyebrow as he said seriously, getting a little angry that she thought that way.

He Xinyan stuck her tongue out playfully and nodded, "Okay, okay!"

She looked out the window and thought that the sunlight looked brighter today. . .

"As a punishment. . ." Gu Yechen was suddenly on top of her again, and before she could react or resist, he had begun -

Gu Yechen was very annoyed at the kids because they started crying about half an hour later after they started. He was forced to finish earlier because of them, and when he walked into the room to see why they were crying, they began crying even louder from his scary expression.

He Xinyan walked in after putting on a bathrobe, and she picked up Gu Anping, gently rocking him in her arms.

Gu Yechen glared at Gu Anping unhappily and Gu Anping looked up at his dad. He soon stopped crying, and after he did, he looked up and shot his dad a grim smile.

Gu Yechen furrowed his eyebrows together and thought that his son had done it on purpose! He purposely didn't want his dad to spend private time with his mom! That tiny devil!

He clenched his fists together and walked over to the crib to go play with his little princess.

After both of the babies had stopped crying, He Xinyan and Gu Yechen returned to their room. Gu Yechen was insistent on getting some "morning exercise" in again, but He Xinyan pushed him away by saying that she was hungry and it was late.

In the end, Gu Yechen didn't get his meal and instead had to go downstairs to go make brunch. Poor Gu Yechen!

He Xinyan took a minute looking at her body again in the mirror before going down to eat. She ran her fingers down the wrinkles with a straight expression.

Although she still felt very upset about it, she looked at it from a different light now. These "scars" came from being a mother. In exchange for her two beautiful children, she had these scars.

She shouldn't be ashamed of them. . . However, that didn't stop her from wanting to get rid of them! He Xinyan flipped through all of her skincare products and decided that it was time to go shopping!



It is almost here!! Please search up 'The Wife of Hades' on Webnovel tomorrow or the day after tomorrow! It should show up very soon ^o^ I already created the story and I am waiting for it to be approved :)

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