Chapter 284 Visitors  

He Xinyan sat up on the bed again, a little worried and anxious about why Gu Yechen still hasn't returned yet, even though she did not know why she was feeling this way.

Just as she was about to get up and look, the door opened and Gu Yechen walked in.

"What took so long?" She asked with a little annoyed tone in her voice.

Gu Yechen blinked a few times and walked over, closing the lamplight and getting onto the bed, "I was just checking to make sure the babies were fully asleep. Why aren't you asleep yet? Come on, let's go to sleep."

They laid down on the bed with He Xinyan inside Gu Yechen's embrace, and she slowly closed her eyes.

"Should we hire a nanny?" Gu Yechen asked, "I don't want you to be so tired after just giving birth. The nanny can take care of the babies."


He Xinyan immediately shook her head, "It's okay. I can take care of the babies, and I'm sure mom will also want to come over to see the babies often."

"Okay." Gu Yechen smiled and gently patted He Xinyan on the back, "It's late. Let's go to sleep."

This time, they both fell asleep quickly and there wasn't any disruption through the rest of the night.


The next morning, the two of them woke up from the sound of crying again.

"Wah! Wah!"


He Xinyan sighed as she got out of bed and walked over to the baby room. Gu Yechen also quickly followed.

He Xinyan's expression softened slightly as she entered the room and lifted up the baby girl, rocking her softly, "Lanlan, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

The baby continued to cry as she scrunched her tiny face up.

"See, your brother isn't crying? Why are you crying?" He Xinyan smiled as she tried to cheer up He Yulan, but she continued to cry.

"Yechen, why is she crying?" He Xinyan walked over to Gu Yechen, "Do you think she's hungry? Or did she poop?"

Gu Yechen took the baby from He Xinyan and gently swayed her, "I fed them formula last night. I'll go get some more?"


Just as he was about to hand the baby back to He Xinyan, she suddenly stopped crying as she blinked her large round eyes up at Gu Yechen.

Gu Yechen raised one eyebrow and the two of them were both silent for a second before a smile appeared on Gu Yechen's face.

"Lanlan stopped crying!" He chuckled and leaned down, kissing He Yulan on her small forehead, which caused her to giggle.

"I'll go get some formula just in case they are hungry," Gu Yechen said as he walked out the room quickly and down the stairs to get more food for the babies.

Inside the room, He Xinyan frowned slightly as she walked over to the girl and lifted her up. She did not cry anymore, and instead looked up at He Xinyan with round, sparkling eyes.

He Xinyan smiled softly with a hint of sadness, "You little baby. You like your daddy more than me, huh?"

He Yulan giggled softly and moved around a little in He Xinyan's arms.

Gu Yechen returned with the bottles and he fed He Yulan while He Xinyan walked over to Gu Anping, who was also awake, and gave him the formula.

For the rest of the day, Gu Yechen and He Xinyan both researched basic information about taking care of a baby.

Although they could very well just hire people to do it all for them, they both wanted to experience the joy and the annoyance of being parents.

After all, Gu Yechen had sworn that Gu Anping and He Yulan would be their only children. After watching her experience the pain once, there was no way he would let his beloved baby go through labor again.

He Xinyan also agreed since she also did not want to have to go through labor again. And, two kids was a perfect amount! One boy and one girl, it was absolutely perfect!

Xu Mengya and Gu Hanyu also came to visit during the day, and they brought several tubs of toys to add to the room.

They stayed and played with the babies for several hours, and this was the first time He Xinyan had seen Gu Hanyu so happy and cheerful.

He usually wore a cold or straight expression without any emotion, but everyone had a soft spot. For Gu Hanyu, it was probably only Xu Mengya and his grandchildren.

While Gu Yechen went to finish up some work, He Xinyan joined Xu Mengya and Gu Hanyu in playing with the two little babies.

They rarely cried in comparison to other babies their age, and they were quite obedient for little babies.

Xu Mengya said that Gu Yechen also rarely cried when he was a baby, and they must have taken the trait of not crying from their dad.

He Xinyan did not know if she was a baby that cried often, and she had no one to ask anymore.

Gu Hanyu went downstairs to mix up some more formula for the two babies, and He Xinyan, Xu Mengya, and the two babies were left in the room.

Gu Anping and He Yulan got along very well with each other, and from a young age, Gu Anping already knew instinctively to take care of his little sister. He would play with some toys and then crawl over to He Yulan to show her the toy.

He Xinyan watched with a smile and reached over to grab another toy and gave it to Anping.

As they watched them play, He Xinyan finally decided to softly ask Xu Mengya, "Mom. . ."

"Yeah?" Xu Mengya looked up with a smile and asked.

"After you gave birth, did your skin also. . . get loose?" He Xinyan asked cautiously.

Xu Mengya blinked a few times and looked over at He Xinyan before she smiled, "Most women do, Yanyan. I was very lucky and it wasn't too bad. I definitely did have some wrinkles and saggy skin, but it disappeared in a few days. Don't worry about it."

He Xinyan nodded her head and went back to playing with the kids.

Xu Mengya and Gu Hanyu stayed and Gu Hanyu made lunch today. He Xinyan even heard him humming inside the kitchen when she walked past, and she told Xu Mengya, who was equally surprised.

She said that he wasn't even this happy when Gu Yechen or Gu Yebei was born!

The five of them sat down to each lunch. . . Yes, you read it correctly. Five.

At around 11 A.M., Gu Yebei arrived to visit his nephew and niece and also shamelessly get a free meal.

He went upstairs and played with Gu Anping and He Yulan for a very long time before he finally came down to eat lunch.

He Xinyan was in a much better mood while eating, especially since Gu Hanyu cooked a ton of different dishes and each of them was very delicious.

After eating, Gu Yebei was forced to go wash the dishes and the rest of them returned to the second floor to feed the babies and play with them.

It took about half an hour before Gu Yebei finished his task and he ran back up the stairs.

"Where's my niece?" He asked with a frown as he walked in.

Everyone looked towards Gu Yechen, who didn't seem to care.

In the end, the two of them ended up "fighting" over He Yulan as He Xinyan and Xu Mengya went to go play with Gu Anping.


When they left, it was nighttime already and they had eaten dinner together.

The two little babies had gone to sleep and they closed the door before returning to their room.

He Xinyan took a shower first and then went out to do her skincare routine as Gu Yechen went to take a shower.

Then, she entered the closet again the change, this time avoiding looking at herself in the mirror. However, she still couldn't resist the temptation, and she ended up taking a quick glance.

It seemed to have gotten worst from yesterday, or maybe it was just her eyes and brain playing tricks on her. Just from looking at it, He Xinyan couldn't help but feel disgusted about herself, and she tightly bit her lips as she quickly put on her pajamas.

Then, she walked over and crawled onto the bed.

A few minutes later, Gu Yechen walked out of the shower with only a towel wrapped around his lower body.

He walked over and sat down on the other side of the bed. After making sure she wasn't asleep, he bent down and kissed her on the cheek, "Baby. . ."

He Xinyan blinked her eyes open and turned around, laying on her back. Taking this opportunity, Gu Yechen turned his body around so he was right on top of her, and the next second, He Xinyan felt the familiar taste and feeling on her lips.

"Mm. . ." Her eyes widened in surprise as her hands grasping the blanket tightened. Due to her pregnancy, it had been a very long time since they last had. . . "exercise" together.

It was natural that he was very "hungry". . . He Xinyan blinked a few times before returning the kiss. To be honest, she was also looking forward to it. After all, it had been a long time for her as well.

Noticing that she was returning his affection, he reached down and began unbuttoning the buttons on He Xinyan's pajama shirt.

However, before he even reached the third button, He Xinyan suddenly grabbed onto his hand and pulled away, "Stop -"


And here comes the important announcement!! My new and third novel is coming!!! This time it is official hahaha I promise ^o^ I plan to release it on 6/6, which should be in 2 days!! Please look forward to it :)

It is a contemporary romance novel and I am very excited about it.

Love you
