Chapter 767  

What the rune showed the audience differ from one person to the other.

For some, it revealed a trail of blazing fire. For some it was a crimson sparks dancing in the darkness. Some people saw a vast prairie gentle winds blowing, some saw a stormy calamity.

The visions were never static, however it did follow a specific pattern which allowed them to discover some clues.

Nobody talked, simply because they don't have time to do so. All of them were mesmerized by the rune that they didn't even dare to breathe loudly. Not even a falling meteor can make them peel their eyes away from the rune. The moment it appeared, it became the center of their focus, fully occupying it from one end to the other.

Raven observed them from the Sky Palace. He smiled to himself when he saw the vivid motes of light and heard the rhythmic hymns of Laws chiming around the people. They are too absorbed in this that they didn't notice how long they've been in that state. It has been a week since this whole thing started.

These people won't feel hunger nor weak, Raven made sure of that when he altered the venue. All of them can devote themselves into perceiving laws without worrying about their health.


Judging by how deep their concentration are, it's very likely that they will remain like this for the entire month. Of course, that's just his initial suspicions. How long exactly they're going to stay like this is unknown even for Raven himself. However, he can at least make sure that they won't be disturbed.

"Overall, I'll call this a success." Raven muttered to himself.

"That's impressive." Luna stated as she watched the audience meditated over the rune that Raven created. "I didn't know that it's possible to do it this way."

"I've got this idea from my Sect Elders, you see." Raven replied as he enjoyed a warm cup of tea. "Besides, this isn't the first time that I did something like this. In the end, it all comes down to experience."…which Raven has a plenty. There were many times when he conducted a public lesson on the Ancient Elysium Sect. He had developed some skills in order to make it easier for himself and make the experience more enriching for the participants.

"With this, their foundations should deepen more considerably." Luna stated once more as she inspected the unstable cultivation states of the participants. "This will allow them to reach even greater heights. We should expect a few more Empyreans in the future."

"Indeed. I only hope that won't forget about the land that raised them." Raven sighed, "It's very likely that some of them will eventually leave this world to search new sights. I just hope they'd dedicate some time to at least make sure that this world is safe."


"I doubt that they'll forget home." Luna said, "I mean, you will always be a figure that they'd look up to. So long as they can remember the kindness you sown in them, I'm sure that they'll never let any harm fall to our world."

"I'll be extremely thankful if that's the case."


Kyle is currently experiencing something very surreal.

He can tell that his consciousness is scattered but he didn't feel scared or threatened. In fact, he felt wonderful. It's as if he was floating above the clouds.

Kyle was experiencing visions flashing through his eyes. He can't make sense of them in his delirious state but he can tell that those were important. It wasn't just that, he can also tell that his body was reacting to the said visions, it was truly bizarre.


As time went on, Kyle's consciousness were coming back piece by piece. As more of it returned, his cognizance were growing as well. He can at least now tell what's going on half of time.

It was weird. Kyle felt grounded but also carefree. He could feel every inch of his body busting with incredible strength and density yet he also felt lightweight.

Kyle can feel an overwhelming amount of information being stuffed in his brain, yet it's not causing him any headaches or whatever. It felt natural. He felt alive and very well…it was truly strange.

When his consciousness returned to it's whole. Kyle finally understood what he felt. It was the sublimation of his Laws.

Kyle understood the aspects of Strength and Earth Laws. He was a blessed individual thanks to his Master's teachings. The aspects of his Laws made Kyle an incredible warrior and a level-surpassing genius. His strength often times overwhelms his foes into submission.

If it weren't for the fact that he got severely injured on his trip to the Divine Realm, Kyle might've exceeded Raven's expectations out of him. He's just truly unlucky.

After experiencing a chain of bad luck and a series of unfortunate events, Kyle was saved by his master and returned home where he was healed from inside out. His injuries disappeared and the gaping hole of loneliness on his heart was filled by the warmth of his home.

In fact, he even found himself a lover during this past six years. He was a changed man and his outlook on life changed drastically.Kyle's changes gave him renewed vigor. With his tempered will, he was preparing to go back to the Divine Realm once more and conquer his fears. But before he could do that, he needed to prepare.

Thankfully, he got lucky this time and a mutation occurred.

Much like how Space and Time Laws can fuse, so did the Kyle's Strength and Earth Laws.

The product of the fusion isn't complete yet. He needed to understand the aspects of the rest of the five basic Elemental Laws in order to complete the Star Laws.

This stroke of fortune was something he won't be able to receive if it weren't Raven's wisdom and kindness. Once again, Kyle felt greatly indebted to him. And with the primary evolution if his Laws, he is determined to make him proud.

With that, Kyle continued his seclusion. It'd be a damn waste if he didn't take advantage of this after all.

Raven never discussed Laws to his twin sisters.

During the time he was teaching them. He constantly emphasized the importance of basics to them, which bored the hell out of the twins. However, this all changed when he challenged them.

The twins were allowed to go all out, meanwhile Raven sealed his cultivation based and told them that he's only going to use one hand and basic punches to defeat both of them. The twins were naturally skeptical, but Raven said that if they can force him to break the rules he imposed to himself it will be his defeat. And if they defeated him, he will take the two of them with him the next time he ascends to the Divine Realm.

Of course the twins for excited about that so they accepted the deal…which ended up in a massive disappointment for the twins.

With one hand and basic punches, both of them were defeated. They went all out yet they stood no chance at all. Raven didn't use any loopholes, he stuck to his rules and defeated them fair and square. Which eventually caused the twins to take his lessons seriously.

It's not like Raven didn't want to teach them advanced knowledge. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Raven would love to discuss it with however their foundations are so awful that it was unforgivable. It needed to be corrected before they went to the more complicated subjects since it will cause their cultivation realms to he unstable.

Raven used the past six years to correct their flaws, and with twins' effort, they managed to do it in time. Now, they can move on to the more complicated stuff, Laws.

Currently, the twins are receiving Law Baptism thanks to Raven's rune. They are in the state of deep Enlightenment and cannot be disturbed. Thankfully, Raven made sure that they won't be.

Raven might be able to predict what Laws his twin sisters will grasp. For Venina, he thought that it's possible for her to grasp Sword Laws and/or Alchemy Law. Either one was fine actually. For Victoria, Raven guessed that it would either be Strength Laws or Destruction Laws. After all, Tori is a bit on the reckless side.

That being said, it can also be entirely different. Even then, it would still be fine. It'll be up to them how far they can reach anyways. Raven didn't plan on holding their hand all the time. They need to learn how be independent if they planned on visiting the Divine Realm in the future.

From Raven can see. The twins are currently lost in the vast space. The state of Enlightenment disperses their consciousness, returning it to its purest state, able to mingle and interact with the world around them.

With their curiosity as their guide, the horizons will widen and the chances of them grasping and condensing a Law Seed will be higher compared to their normal mental state.

Really, all that's left for Raven to do, is to wait and see what kind if surprises this event will bring to him.
