Chapter 766  

It's been six years since the homecoming of Raven and the rest.

A lot of things happened during this time. The Empire and it's people had grown tremendously. Thanks to the teachings of the Legendary Six as well as the evolution of the world, their bottlenecks went loose and their strength promoted to another level.

It wasn't just limited to personal bottlenecks either. Breakthroughs also occurred in their technological state as well as their lifestyles. The Empire fully occupied the area that Raven designated to them,. Given more time, it's even possible for them to go beyond the walls to expand.

With all of the changes in the world, many people decided to leave the comfort of their own home and seek the thrill of battle and riches outside. They explored and discovered areas which allowed them to gain resources for their own benefits.

They fought against strong Demonic Beasts, survived the unforgiving lands and experienced the elevation of their strength.

The Imperial Family was included in the people too, especially since they have a close relationship to the Legendary Six. They were given top-notch resources and were taught personally by them. This resulted in their cultivation speed sky rocketing, even the retired King weren't an exception.


All of this was monitored by Raven and the rest who are still enjoying their vacation at home.

Today though, is a very special day.

After the Legendary Six helped their home to evolve, Raven stated that each of them will give public lessons in order to guide the citizens of the Empire. The session occurs once per year with Ellen going first.

It's the sixth year, which means that the last session is amongst them and it was Raven's turn.

Everyone was looking forward to this. Although the people admired the Legendary Six as a unit, it's inevitable that they will feel a bit biased towards Raven – their Leader.Even though it was established the Luna has the higher cultivation rank compared to Raven, to the public's eyes, he was a God. Their God. Nothing…not even the Emperor himself can compare to him.

Raven's wisdom is heavily sought after, there are dozens of people who are willing – begging even, to be his disciple. It's a pity that Raven never answered their calls, but they were already expecting it.


The Law Discussion was scheduled. Raven himself announced it to the whole world via voice transmission. Everyone, even those who were travelling the world, received it and clamored.

They were excited of course. Their God will descend and point them to the right direction, who in the right mind would miss it? Even Kyle – Raven's personal disciple, was excited. Of course he will be attending it, he'll be damned if he missed it.

Those who set out to travel the world immediately hurried back to the Empire. Raven made the announcement one month early in order to give everyone ample time to prepare. The venue will be at the Imperial Coliseum, a large infrastructure that can host millions of people. With the nascent population of the Empire, this place is large enough to accommodate everyone who will be attending.

As proof of Raven's immense popularity, the Imperial Coliseum was already 'packed' one week before the event started. Those who are more sensible got here earlier and secured a good spot for themselves, they basically camped in here.

The Imperial Court was against this at first but Raven told them to let them be. In the end, the coliseum was filled with people already. Everyone who wished to attend the Law Discussion were already present one week before the actual event was scheduled.

Now, it's just on the matter of waiting. And one week isn't really a long time either. Days passed by fast and soon, it was the day of the event.


Everyone was wide awake even before the sun rises, even the Imperial Court Officials as well as the Imperial Family were present this early.

The whole coliseum was silent. Everybody was waiting patiently, adjusting their mental state for what's about to come.

And in the moment the first light of dawn appeared, a bright light appeared in the coliseum and blinded everyone momentarily.

The moment their vision returned, they found out to their shock that they were no longer at the Imperial Coliseum. Instead, they were sitting above the clouds surrounded with golden orbs of light.

Some people panic and freaked out. They all thought that they were going to fall at any given moment but they didn't. In fact, they can walk just fine in the clouds, they can even lie down in relax.

Everyone was mesmerized by the fantastic view around them. The while puffs of cloud were soft yet solid enough to support their weight. They were basking under the warm and gentle rays of the sun, the air they breathe was clean and the view of the world beneath them was just astounding.

"Beautiful isn't it?"magic

A familiar voice woke them up from their stupor. They all turned towards the direction where the sound came from and saw Raven walking towards them.

Well, he isn't really walking, he's not flying either. He gave off an impression that the world was moving him instead. It was a mystical sight, one that will be etched on their memories.

"Pardon me for the sudden shift in the environment." Raven smiled softly and scratched his cheek, "The Imperial Coliseum was big enough for this event, yes. But it's too packed. There's bound to be disturbances if we remained there so I took you guys here instead. At least, the sky is big enough for everyone.""Actually…" Raven glanced at the people around him and went silent for a bit. After a minutes, he nodded to himself and said: "Let's sort everyone out in order to maximize the efficiency."

After saying that, the people felt their bodies shifting without their permission.

A rune manifested beneath them, serving as a platform that moved towards the location where Raven wanted them to be. They shifted for a bit and after a couple of minutes, the movement halted.

Everyone stared at their current position. They were arrange in a strange formation, some of them were still amongst the clouds while others were elevated a bit higher. Some were close to the sun, some grouped, others were scatted. It was a weird arrangement but none of them voice out any complaints.

"For those who are worrying about their current locations, don't worry." Raven announced, "My voice will reach you no matter the distance, in fact you should be hearing me loud enough as if I'm right next to you."

Everyone nodded, this was indeed the case. They can hear Raven loud and clear. Aside from that, they can also see him quite well despite the distance so nobody complained.

"Your current position is define according to your affinities. Don't think too much and just focus. Remember that how much you all improve after this will ultimately depend according to your personal accomplishments."

"One more thing." Raven said, "Due to the nature of my topic, this session might last for a whole month before I stop. For those who are still at the state of enlightenment after that month, they will stay here until their seclusion ends, understood?"

The crowd nodded again.

"Very well. Let's begin." Raven held a paint brush on his hand and began leaving streaks of light in the air.

"The people before me already discussed the Path of Knighthood from the basics all the way to the complicated stuff. Due to the, I won't be discussing that anymore since it'll be redundant. Instead, the way of my be quite different."

Raven never stopped drawing streaks of light as he talked. Everybody was mesmerized by his movements, they slowly fell into trance-like state as they watched him which was incredible, given that it hasn't even been a minute since he started.

Once his movement stopped, everyone saw the streaks of light converged into a single entity. A mixture of golden and silver radiance erupted from it, blinding them for a few seconds before revealing an incredible sight.

A massive rune, filled with endless profundity and majesty, laid bare in front of them. Everybody was dazed. Try as much as they could, they can't peel their eyes away from this incredible masterpiece.

It was the pinnacle of art. A thing of limitless beauty and mystery. Those who had a first hand experienced in Rune-Smithing couldn't help but feel emotional at sight of this wonder.

"This will be focus of the today's session."

"Everyone perceives the world different from the other." Raven's voice echoed in their head. "Focus on the rune and identify what it's trying to show you."

"Once you see it, focus on it, don't let it go." Raven's voice was filled with encouragement, "Open your eyes and see the world in its entirety."

"What you grasp ultimately depends on you. Study the rune in silence, you have a month to do so."

After saying this, Raven disappeared from their sight but nobody noticed it. Instead, everybody was slowly but surely falling into a trance-like state as they stared at the majestic rune in front of them.
