Chapter 754  

Nina and Tori woke fuming in rage.

Their murderous aura clouded their immediate vicinity, scaring the crap out of the people who were guarding them.

"Wait! Where are we!?" Tori exclaimed.

Nina was confused to. She began looking around and thought that this place was awfully familiar. Then it hits them.

"We're home." The twins mumbled.

Indeed they were. To be specific, they woke up in their own rooms at the Valorheart Estate. Their disguises were off and there were servants in the room who were cleaning them up while they were sleeping – only, they got frightened by the way the twins woke up.


"Ah, sorry about that." Nina apologized to the servants. "Something happened before we lost consciousness. We're not mad at you."

"Right, we aren't mad at you girls. Relax." Tori chuckled as she pacified the servants who sighed in relief.

"Where's our parents?" Nina asked.

"They're at the garden, Young Miss. Entertaining a visitor." The servant replied.

"Visitor?" Nina frowned, then her eyes widened as she said: "Ah, it must be the old man."

"Right, he probably took us home." Tori said while checking herself.



The servants looked like they wanted to say something but they didn't in the end. They just kept their mouths shut and attended to the twins as they usually does.

The twins were in deep thought. They could now remember all of the stuff that they've forgotten.

Someone messed with their memories starting from the oldest. It was the reason why they can't remember the Mother Snake at all.Her name is Venus, she's a mount that their Big Brother left for them in order to make sure they were safe. She wasn't just their bodyguard, she was their friend and she's part of the family. Venus treasured them and protected them from any harm. The twins owe her so much that the fact that someone was brave enough to place then under a spell and made them forget about her was unforgivable.

It wasn't just that, the twins also discovered most of their memories being forged – fake. It's as if the culprit was trying to slowly convert them into a tool they can use for their own machinations.

Them needing fake identities just to explore the world was a blatant lie. Their parents aren't against them exploring the world so long as they remained safe. Why the hell should they be worried when there's an array can track them wherever they are and will alert their parents if they were in danger?


Them needing disguises was pure bullshit. The culprit was moron and is clearly overestimating themselves.

More importantly though, the twins were ashamed because they fell for such an obvious plot. They didn't even question it nor found it weird, they just went along with it.

…they even thought of them as friends. But it turns out that they were just being used.

"Come, Nina. We have some assholes to apprehend." Tori was incensed yet again. Just remembering how they almost turned into mere tools for those people caused a fiery rage to consume her rationality.

"Let's go visit our parents first." Nina suggested, "If the old man's with them, then we'll deal with them right then and there."

The twins exited their room and proceeded to march towards the garden. The Valorheart Estate was huge, it took them a couple of minutes to arrive where the garden is.

When they arrived, they were expecting to see the old man in there talking to their parents. What they saw however, was different.

Their Mom, Eva was happily humming and grilling some meat, a relieved and ecstatic expression can be seen on her face. Their Dad, Luis was sitting in front of a small table, smiling as well looking really relieved and happy.

Someone sat in front of their father and it wasn't the old man. His back might were facing them but they can tell that the man was obviously a noble.

He has a long aqua-marine colored hair adorned with numerous golden and silver ornaments. He was wearing a crimson colored robes with golden linings and pants and boots, he also a long scarf wrapped around his neck. His back was ramrod straight, the aura of nobility he has might even surpass that of the current Emperor.

The twins were frozen on their tracks, they then saw their parents looking at them and beckoning them to come over but their eyes were focused on the blue haired man. Their breaths hitched as the man slowly turned around and looked at them.

The twins froze. Now that they saw his face, there's no denying it. His face was a youthful but also matured just like that of their father as well as the elegance of their mother.

"Oh, it looks like the Sleeping Beauties have woken-up." The man's crisp and jolly voice woke them up from their stupor.

"Well? Can this Big Brother get a hug?"

"Big Brother!!!"

Nina and Tori rushed forward and hugged their Big Brother – Raven, who had been gone for the majority of their lives.

"You're back! You're back!!" Tori jumped excitedly on his embrace.

"What took you so long?" Nina whined.

Raven laughed merrily and said: "My bad, there was a lot of things that I needed to do."

Despite being gone for the majority of their lives, the twins did not hate Raven at all. In fact, they missed him dearly and just happy that he's back.Growing up, they've heard stories…legends about their Big Brother. How he started from the bottom and climb-up the ranks, piling one achievement after the other. He, along with his group of friends, took the old kingdom like a storm. Raven was hailed as Hero, he was the one that spurred on the changes and made it possible for the kingdom to enter its golden age and eventually turn into the Empire they knew and loved now.

He was the one that propped up the skies for them and even went to great lengths in order to make sure that their safety comes first. He ascended to the Divine Realm many years ago in order to build a foundations there, something that will allow him to ensure the safety and security of their home even if it means leaving his family behind.

"My, my." Raven chuckled, he then pulled back and looked at their faces, "The last time I saw the both of you two, you girls were just some snotty brats that kept pulling my hair and my face. Now you've grown up to be magnificent young ladies."

The twins blushed and giggled at his words.

"Still a little naive but that's fine, we can fix that." Raven chuckled, causing the twins to frown in confusion.

"Ah! This might help actually."

The twins then watched as Raven suddenly shrank and turned into the Old Man who they met a couple of months ago.magic

"Eh!!?" The twins were rightfully shocked. Meanwhile, Luis and Raven were laughing loudly at their reaction.

"Son, can you quit that? It's creepy." Evan frowned in displeasure, there was endearment on her voice. She knows that this is just a harmless joke.

"Alright, alright. My bad." Raven then returned to his original appearance.

"That was you!?" Tori shook Raven's arm. "Why did you do that? You could've just approached us, you know?"

"Right! There's no need for a disguise!" Nina added.

"Well, it was amusing to see my twin sisters disguised as men so I thought that it was some new trend around the empire and wanted to join in the fun." Raven laughed, "But see, I also discovered that you were hanging out with some delusional thugs. Tsk, tsk. You two hurt Venus' feelings. Isn't that right girl?"

The twins then saw a snake head popping out of Raven's scarf, it let out a sad hiss before burrowing its head again.

"See?" Raven had a look of admonishment as he stared at the twins.

"We didn't mean it." Tori whined, "We were duped! Let me at them! I'll beat them up!"

"Yeah! Where are those filthy guys?" Nina looked upset as well.

"Dead." Raven snorted, "Turned them to ash the moment I got a hold of them."

"Oh." The twins were mildly disappointed. They wanted to do it themselves, but since their brother already did it, they can't really do anything now.

"Those thugs should be a lesson to you two." Raven sighed, "That being said, it's not like you two were in any danger even without me interfering."

"What does that mean?" Nina frowned.

"Dad's got you both." Raven chuckled, "The moment those thugs' actions escalated more than that, he'll interfere. Plus, Mom was the one who planted the flower on top of Venus' head."

"Eh!? Why go through all of that trouble though?" Tori was confused as she looked at their parents with a betrayed expression.

"To teach you a valuable lesson, Young Ladies." Luis snorted. "Unlike you're Big Brother right here, you two act willfully and clearly very spoiled, you have to get a taste of what the real world has to offer or else, you won't truly grow."

"Girls, we won't be forever at your side." Eva added as she continued grilling, "At some point in time, you two has to be independent. How can we be at ease letting you leave our nest if you continued acting willfully? So don't take it against us. Learn, grow and do better next time, okay?"
