Chapter 753  

The creature was so big that they can't even see the entirety of its body.

They could see the horrifying silhouette behind the clouds, slowly descending and glaring down at them.

The beast has a round head, covered in crimson colored scales and while under belly. Two slit for eyes and a wide maw. Its forked tongue danced as it slowly peered down to look at them slowly.

"Mother Snake!!" Nina hissed in fright. Tori's eyes widened in shock too.

Nina and Tori couldn't believe their eyes. They've seen this creature before but only in books. A Mother Snake is Demonic Beast that could rival a God Beast. They hunt by constricting their prey not by poisoning them. Mother Snakes in particular can grow into planetary-sizes, meaning their length can allow them to wrap around the entire plane, possibly even biting their own tail.

Despite their sizes, Mother snakes are swift. According to records, before their targets can even realize that they were swallowed, they're already melting at the stomach of the beast.


It was plainly unbelievable for the twins to meet a Mother Snake in their life. The first time read records about it, they scoffed and thought that such a thing shouldn't be possible and its completely illogical for a such a creature to exist but now…there's no denying it.

There's a Mother Snake, alive and breathing in front of them.

And the old man just told them to distract it, what kind of nonsense is that?

"Well, don't just stand there." The old man said, waking them up from their stupor. "Distract it!"

"Are you for real Old Man!!?" Tori raged, "Distract this thing!? How? This would eat us whole in a blink of an eye!"

"You're going to fine, just distract it."


"No we aren't! We're going to die if that thing comes close to us! Are you not upholding your promise?" Nina was panicking as well.

"I am." The old man replied plainly. "I don't plan on letting you two die. So just distract it long enough so that I can grab the ingredient on the top of its head."

Nina and Tori were mortified. They really didn't want to do this but they're bound by the contract. The man said that he's upholding promise and won't let them die but honestly, the twins didn't know if they could trust the old man in this situation.

He's strong but against a God Beast? He doesn't stand a chance.

Still, the twins have no way of getting out of this. They have to follow his orders. Its either they will die from the snake or they will die for violating the contract.

In their panic, the twins decided to gather their energy in their weapons, prepared to attack the Mother Snake in any given moment when they heard the old man speaking.


"Ladies, I told you to distract it, not attack. Trust me, the moment you attack, you'll find yourself melting inside that thing's stomach, I won't be able to save you."

Nina and Tori froze as they looked at the old man in disbelief.In hindsight, the Old Man didn't say anything wrong. He indeed kept telling them to distract the snake, not attack it. It was them who came into the conclusion that the old was telling them to attack the snake which is not the case at all.

Still though, the problem is, how? How are they going to distract this massive snake?

"Nina? Any ideas?" Tori withdrew her weapon and asked her smarter sister.

"Well, fortunately or rather, unfortunately, the thing's just looking at us all this time for some reason." Nina stated, "If it saw us as hostiles, we'd probably be reduced to mere goo at this point. Al least we have that going on for us."

"Yeah but, how is that helping us?"

"It keeps us alive, that's how." Nina replied while rolling her eyes at her twin sister. "Anyways, now that I look at it closely, it doesn't look like it's angry due to out intrusion. If anything, it looks like it's curious about us. Maybe we can use that to our advantage."

"Curious?" Tori was puzzled, she looked at the massive snake and had bold idea. "Oh! I can see that! Hey, I think I have an idea."

Nina deadpanned as she murmured: "Oh dear…"

"What do you think will happen if I show my boobs to it?"


"Ow!" Tori clutched her head after Nina gave it a crisp smack.

"Take this seriously!"

"Hey! At least I'm cooperating!" Tori complained while pouting.

Nina shook her head. She sighed and looked at the snake. Meanwhile, Tori was thinking again. She was struck by a random idea so she asked:

"Hey, do you think it can understand us?"

Nina opened her mouth but no words came out, she has to admit, Tori's question was really thought-provoking. "…well, it is a God Beast. It is young, yes, but a God Beast nonetheless. It should possess some kind of intelligence."

The twins knew that Demonic Beast's intelligence increases the stronger they are. A God Beast should be capable of understand their speech patterns.

"Let's try Elven, yeah?" Tori convinced.

"Might as well." Nina nodded.magic

Tori cleared her throat and said: "Pardon our intrusion, we have no idea that this was your home."

"Indeed, Mother Snake. We were ignorant but it shouldn't happen again. May you please let us leave unharmed?" Nina asked.

The two of them were using the Elven Language to converse with the beast.


A deep rumble emerged from the beast. It opened it's maws and flicked its forked tongue once more.

"What did it say?" Tori asked Nina, unlike her, Tori can't translate raw Demonic Beast language.

"Something about 'familiar'…" Nina frowned.

*Hiss~!*"Huh? I don't get it…" Nina frowned.

"Why? What did it say?"

"It says that we have forgotten something." Nina replied.


"It said 'we used to play when we were kids'." Nina translated.

"Eh?" Tori frowned just like her sister. "But I don't recall playing with a snake though?"

"Me neither." Nina said.

"There we go…"

The twins were startled when they heard the old man's voice, they looked around as saw the old standing on top of the beasts head, holding a black flower.

They saw him jumping down and landing softly in front of them, he showed his is gums with a few teeth missing as he said:

"Well done, with the distraction, ladies." The Old Man said.

"Y-yeah…" the two of them replied.

Honestly, this situation was a bit weird. A few minutes ago the twins were shaking in fear because of Mother Snake, the next thing they knew they were trying to communicate with it and now, the old man just got what he needed.

They were expecting an explosive battle or heart-thumping action but there's none. It's kind of disappointing but at the same time relieving.

"What's the flower for anyways?" Tori asked, "Why did you need to go after all of this troublesome things just to get it?"

"A good question!" The old man chuckled, "Here, smell it and you'll understand."

The Old Man held out the flower and the twins leaned forward to smell it. The moment they did, they instantly felt severe headaches.

The twins collapsed on the ground, clutching their head in pain. Their disguise wore off, showing their true appearances.

Meanwhile, the Old Man looked at the snake and chuckled. The snake released a hiss and the old man replied:

"Well, those guys that did this to them thought they were clever. Unfortunately, their timing is bad."

The old man set the flower ablaze, reducing it to mere dusts. He then looked at the snake and beckoned…

"Come, it's time for us to return."

The snake nodded in understanding. The ground shook and the Mother Snake suddenly shrank in size. It wrapped itself around the old man's neck, turning into a scarf that is both crimson and white in color.

The old man pointed in front and a portal appeared before him. He made the twins float as he took them with him inside the portal.

The twins felt their minds spiraling. Numerous scenes flashed before their very eyes, causing them to be confused but also enlightened.

Their memories were being jumbled. To their surprise, they were starting to recall things differently from how it actually happened. It was confusing at first, but the more they saw, the more they understood what was going on.

Now, what the snake said made total sense.

The twins can finally remember everything. Indeed, they have a playmate before. It was a snake that they loved and adored, it was their bodyguard and also their best friend. To think that it was actually a Mother Snake was unbelievable, even more so the fact that they completely forgotten about it.

Indeed, its presence should feel familiar to them, it's just that they have no idea. Their memories about the snake were sealed for whatever reason. But now, not only did they remember everything, they even knew who was responsible for it.

The moment they wake up from their slumber, there will be hell to pay. They have to make them understand that messing with Valorheart's was never and will never be, a good idea.
