Chapter 747  

Heavenly Anthem Palace

Boundless Azure Sect

Heavenly Sun Sect

Paradise Pure Lands

Storm Dragon's Palace

Five Sects, five invitations, sent by the Oriental Dragon Organization stationed at the Rising Dragon Great World.


As a Scarlet VIP of this place, Raven unlocked some privilege that will allow him reunite with his friends and his wife in a unanimous manner.

The Oriental Dragon Organization's reputation spans throughout the entire Divine Realm. They have branches everywhere and their expansive intelligence network is officially recognized by the Dawn Council, therefore their operations are legal.

They can protect their VIP's identity and anybody can use their services so long as they can pay. It wouldn't be wrong to say that they are sitting at the top in terms of wealth. This is why Raven didn't hesitate to spend so much Spirit Stones to reach the Scarlet VIP level.

His identity is safe and the services are top notch, plus the meals are great, what else can he say?Raven got the report of their findings within 4 days, a day earlier than the expected timeframe. He got the intel he wanted for his friends. Upon reading them, he couldn't help but smile. It seems that his friends are doing just fine.

'Mighty Turtle King, Crimson Lightning Prince, Vermillion Princess, Emerald Fairy and Holy Maiden, huh?' Raven chuckled.

'Paul Gregory was the 'Mighty Turtle King', the 1st Prince of Boundless Azure Sect. It was said that he came from the lower planes and in less than fifty years, he rose to his current position domineeringly. He carries the bloodline of a Divine Beast – Snake Tailed, Black Tortoise. His cultivation realm was kept in secret and it's difficult to tell since he's a 'Realm Surpassing Genius'.


In the fight for the throne, he said that he challenged all 9 Sea Princes at the same time and defeated them all. From then on, he became the undisputed, next Heir of the Boundless Azure Sect. Additionally, his wife – Princess Vermillion, also has the same status as he is. It is rumored that they were childhood sweethearts.'

Raven chuckled and flipped the clipboard to read what's on the next page.

'Ellen Redcrest, aka Princess Vermillion. She is the heiress of the Heavenly Sun Sect. Just like her husband, the Mighty Turtle King, she came from the lower planes. It was rumored that she made a horrible first impressions on the first day of her admission to the sect since she nearly killed someone because they sexually harassed her.

Her temper got the attention of the Sect Master and it was also discovered that she has the bloodline of a Divine Beast and her compatibility with it was unreal. She was taken as the disciple of the Sect Master and has been unstoppable since then. Many people are intimidated by her but also greatly admired her, unfortunately for them she's already married to the 'Mighty Turtle Prince' of the Boundless Azure Sect before they ascended to the Divine Realm. What a pair indeed!'

A nostalgic smile appeared on Raven's face, he then murmured: 'If only they knew…'

He chuckled and went to the next page.


'Mark Anderson, aka Crimson Lightning Prince. The uncontested heir of the Storm Dragon's Palace. He came from the lower plane with barely anything for himself, when he joined the sect, he was placed as an Outer Disciple of the 'Hidden Fangs' – a group of select individuals that hunt down the defectors of the sect and evil cultivators.

In a span of a single year, he was promoted from an Outer Disciples to a Slaughter Prince. He hunted down criminals and evil cultivators that others can't, he brought their heads back to the sect as proof of his deed. Nobody could've expected this from his rather unassuming appearance. From then on, he was bestowed the title: Crimson Lightning Prince and been the leading figure for his sect and a menace for the evil cultivators.

It is said that he is married to the Emerald Fairy but these rumors were denied by the fans of the fairy herself.'

"Hahaha!" Raven laughed heartily when he read the last line. He shook his head and flipped to the next page.

'Anne Fiore, aka the Emerald Fairy. A goddess of unparalleled grace and beauty. She hails from Paradise Pure Lands – protectors of Nature and bane of evil, and the heiress of the Sect Master Position. She too came from the lower plane with her husband (that her fans refused to accept), and it is said that her entry got a little too troublesome.

Her beauty invoked the envy and ire of the women of the sect, as well as the unparalleled attention of the men. They say that her suitors can over populate a Great World if they were brought together. At first, the sect planned to reject her but her talents were recognized by the sect master himself.

Not only was she beautiful, she's also fierce. According to rumors, she's an archer and she never missed ever since she joined the sect. A huntress that has a godly aim and accuracy, they say she can even shoot someone who's traversing in a compressed Spacetime Continuum. Besides her, there is no other suitable heir for the Paradise Pure Lands.'

"Damn, Annie! Way to go…" Raven was smiling widely upon reading her achievements.

Then on to the last, but definitely not the least, page.'Lunafreya Moonsong Valorheart, aka the Holy Maiden of the Heavenly Anthem Sect. Her arrival on the sect caused a ruckus because she brought a pleasant surprise for everyone in the sect. As it turns out, she is the Heir of their Guardian Deity – Jubileus, she even has the Deity as her Spiritual Constellation.'

Don't mind the fact that she is actually married, to the eyes of everyone in the Heavenly Anthem Sect, she is their Holy Maiden. And rightfully so! It is said that the Holy Maiden was a goddess in every sense of the word. She is beautiful, kind, righteous and so on…she worked tirelessly for the betterment of the Divine Realm that her actions were recognized by the Dawn Council itself.magic

A decade ago, she has been officially recognized as the Dawn Council's Young Ambassador. And if this continues, she will undoubtedly become a nee core member when she becomes a Divine Knight.

As for her husband, he was never named but he is alive and somewhere in the Divine Realm. Many thought that the Holy Maiden was lying but the 'Sigil of Fated Love' on her hand says otherwise. Her marriage broke the hearts of many bachelors but there's nothing they can do about it. Rumors also said that her suitors aren't planning on giving and are still pestering her up to this day.

It really makes one wonder: What part of 'She's already happily married to someone' do you not understand? When will you guys stop? Maybe only time can tell.'

"Hoho…" Raven's eyes narrowed. "I suddenly feel like going out for a murder spree…"

He shook his head and sighed. Well, the suitors of his wife are certainly annoying but he feels really proud of Luna.

'The only problem is the Dawn Council.' Raven muttered inwardly. 'Can't blame her, I guess. That's just her nature. Everything's fine at the surface, my wife isn't some fragile and innocent woman, she probably has a plan which made her join the council.'

'Well, everything is okay so long as they don't touch her. If they even think about harming a single hair on her body, well…'

Raven's eyes narrowed dangerously. He really didn't want Luna to be taken used as a tool by the Dawn Council, unfortunately his identity cannot be leaked out right now since he's an sensitive position. Even going home like this is risky but he can't afford to wait anymore.

It has been too long for him. He yearns to go back and he knows that they feel the same way as he does right now.

The invitations were already sent from his behest. He borrowed the reputation of the Oriental Dragon Org in order to keep a rather low profile. This is best way he can reunite with them without risking any dangers to his identity.

Their sects shouldn't be prevent them from going, unless they are currently doing something important, then they might be delayed. Even than, Raven would wait for them. He can delay the homecoming but he wanted to at least meet his wife since he's about to go crazy from missing her.

"Sir, you have a visitor." Raven was disturbed from his thoughts by the servants, he nodded to them and they allowed the visitor in.

The moment the visitor entered, Raven's breath immediately hitched. His eyes constricted and his heart almost stopped. His eyes began to sting…

The visitor flew into his arms and he welcomed it. He then looked at the servant and said:

"Give us some privacy and keep your mouth shut. If the other visitors of mine arrived accommodate them for at least two weeks…no, make that a month. Got it?"

"Yes, Sir. Loud and clear. I'll excuse myself then."

The moment the servant left, Raven sealed the door shut and looked at the woman on his embrace, he slowly took off his mask and removed his disguise. Tears fell from his eyes but there was a relieved smile on his face.

"We meet again, my love."
