Chapter 746  

"Going home, eh?" The Sect Master muttered, "Well, we do have time and your avatars are here anyways. Sure, just make sure to hurry back before the war starts."

"I can swap anytime with my Avatars so don't worry, I won't miss it." Raven nodded and expressed his thanks. He then stood up, received the writ from the Sect Master and returned to his estate.

Since the Sect Master gave him the consent he needs, Raven wasn't planning on wasting time, he wants to go home as soon as possible. God knows how much he missed everyone.

Raven had been wanting to return home for a long time. It's been so long since they saw their faces. It's been so long since he last felt the warmth of his family. It has been so long since he held his wife into his arms.

He feels guilty deep down, he felt like he had been really unfair to Luna. They only got to enjoy their marriage for a bit. The time spent separated was longer than they were married. Still, Luna was irrevocably committed and loyal to him. The sigil of Fated Love had remained pristine and untainted. She never even had the thought of replacing him even with all this.

Raven was extremely lucky to have her, but he had been a bad husband. That being said, if Luna were to be asked. She'd probably never think of it this way.


Now though, Raven was determined to make-up for it. There's still time before the war. Additionally, he has tons of Avatars. He can leave some here and they should take care of his work while he's away. If something really needs his presence, he can swap with his Avatars anytime he wants no matter how far away they are from each other. Even if they were realms away…

Raven's home – the Grand Ancestral Plane, was already bound to him. Since he was next in line to be the Sect Master of the Ancient Elysium Plane, his home was technically the sect's territory as well. He could easily connect his home to here but for now, that's not necessary.

Now what he had to do is to prepare for the things he needed before leaving. Upon his return to his estate, he called for Kyrie. When she arrived, she asked:

"What can I do for you, Young Lord?"

"Can I trouble you to prepare the items on this list? I'll be going out for an errand."

"It shall be done."


"Thanks. Just give it to me here."After that, Kyrie left to prepare the items. Meanwhile, Raven went to the secret chambers for a bit and then took out a couple more Avatars. He released ten and then told them:

"You guys know the drill. I'll be away for a bit. I'll trouble you keep things safe and secure here. Work with the Sect Master and the Grand Elder. Alert me if there's a sudden development so that I can swap with you anytime I'm needed."

"Got it, Boss."

"I wish you a house full of children!"magic

"Go big or go home!"

"Idiot! He is big and he's going home!"


"Ah, shit you right!"

Raven shook his head at the antics of his Avatars. He then gave them some more reminders just in case and left them there to chill-out. By the time he returned to his room, Kyrie was already back and had all the materials ready inside a spatial ring.

"Thanks, Kyrie." Raven smiled.

"Your welcome, Young Lord."

"I'm going home for a bit." Raven informed her, "I left some additional Avatars in there, if there's anything that requires my attention, relay it to them. Also, I can swap with any of them anytime I am needed so I will be here when the war begins. I'll leave this place to your capable hands."

"I will do my best, Young Lord. Do have a safe trip."

"Mn!" Raven beamed, "Thank you."

The mere sight of Raven beaming in joy and excitement cause Kyrie to feel a pang of sadness within her. But she is an expert of keeping up appearances so he didn't notice anything.

Kyrie knows that her Young Lord will definitely search for his wife to bring her with him. Now that she thought about it, it's even possible that they will start a family while he's away, after all the Young Lord is already old enough for that. It's about time anyways.

That hurts…but oh well, what can she do? It's just wasn't meant to be. The Young Lord probably never even noticed her in that manner, and if that happens to her, the Anna has no chance either. The Young Lord's very loyal to his wife. She's probably the only one for him.

'Just move-on, Kyrie.' She told herself, 'He's one of a kind, yes. But he's also the kind that you'll never have. Just find another.'

Kyrie sighed and shook her head, she slapped her face a bit and placed on a determined expression. She decided that she'll just focus on what she could do. As for love interests, well…put that aside for now. War is coming.

Is Raven that dense? Well, maybe yes in some ways…but he knows.He knows the look Kyrie's giving him, even Anna – the next Aphrodite and Julia – the Winter War Goddess. He's aware and he definitely noticed the subtle messages they're giving him. At least in this area, he's not that dense.

But what can he do though? It's not like he openly seduced them. They were attracted to him even though he never shown them any interest in that particular area. Raven's heart is already occupied and it's full. There's no space for anyone else.

All he could think about was Luna. She was the one for him during his past life and the current one.

Raven was too excited to meet her. The moment he got the spatial ring from Kyrie, he checked its contents and went towards the exits. He already got the permission from the Sect Master and at this point, even if he doesn't, nobody will probably stop him.

The guards opened the gates for him, he showed them the writ from the Sect Master and they gave him passage. Raven turned into a streak of light and bypassed the 33-layered Seal he made – which has been improved during the last couple of days, and finally left the sect. He made himself undetectable as he did so in order to not raise any alarms.

Raven travelled at the vacuum of space for quite sometime before entering a great world.

The name of this Great World was Rising Dragon Great World. It was the territory of Empyrean Rising Dragon and is the closest Great World to where the Ancient Elysium Sect.

Raven already put on a disguise as he landed. Now he blended in with the crown in order to not raise any suspicion. Now, he looked like just any other travelling cultivators.

The Rising Dragon Great World is an open world, meaning that just about anyone can enter and exit this place. It has its own rules and regulations of course but besides that, it was a place where anyone is welcomed.

There is an entrance fee, 30 Spirit Stone Chunks. Quite expensive for some people but Raven was literally overflowing with wealth so this was nothing to him.

After entering, Raven went towards the nearest Spirit Restaurant. From what he can remember, this world is famous for its delicacies and Raven wanted to eat some. Thankfully, the Spirit Restaurant was too high-profile, he didn't need to ask directions since he can literally see from where he is.

He walked towards it and registered for a room, yes this isn't just a restaurant, it also functions as an inn. Everything was expensive here so despite the restaurant being huge and high-profiled, it hardly has visitors.

Moments later, someone came to him and lead him towards his room. The place he got for himself looked simple and serene, it is actually within a pocket dimension so it's even better.

After settling down for a bit, he viewed the menu and started placing his orders. Raven tried their signature dishes, namely; The Dragonfish Stew, Sky Bison Curry, Grilled Drake, Salad Aurora, and so on…

The service was great and fast, despite the difficulty on preparing the ingredients, his orders arrived one hour after placing his order. Due to the amount of spirit stones he spent, he got a membership card offer and got an unlimited refill for his rice and drinks.

Raven got the membership card since that's what he came here for, after receiving it, he upgrade it all the way to the 'Scarlet VIP' level, which is the highest it can get, meaning that he is this restaurant's patron right now. He noticed the workers being extremely polite and welcoming of him, he also enjoyed numerous benefits due to his status but that's not really what he's after.

"Excuse me."

"How may I help you, Honorable Guest?"

"May please receive some information for these people? I'd like to have them as soon as possible." Raven gave the man a list.

The servant respectfully received the list and replied: "Please wait anywhere from 5 to 7 days for results, Honorable Guest."

