Tasier was having some difficulties in making his internal Lightning Energy compatible with External Lightning Element. It's not that he doesn't have a talent for it, it's just that he got too used to his own way of doing things. He then asked Krune if there was a way to keep using his own lightning only, but Krune was merciless.

"If you can't do even this least bit, then you can go away! This is nothing more than laziness from your part. If I say it's possible, then it's possible. Lofa was a much better student than you, she didn't complain about anything I said and tried all be herself. Are you telling me that a mighty Thunder Hawk Demon Beast can't even do as much?"

The reason that Tasier could use three elements at the same time had a lot to do with his innate Lightning Energy. It was very natural for him to the point that he almost didn't have to control anything. Now that he had to control the external Lightning Element, he is having a problem to do that together with wind and metal elements.

But as soon as he heard Krune comparing him with a girl that couldn't even confess and saying that he was worse than her, the fire on his heart burst forward!

'Who the hell can't do it?'

Demon beasts are very good in situations like this, nothing is more effective than saying they are worse than anyone that they thought to be weaker. Those who saw Tasier during the next day would believe that he was possessed. He really pushed his limits to the max, and he couldn't tolerate being looked down upon at all!

Krune had already told him what to do, after talking a bit with Ao and Arlan, he went back to watch the matches of the second day. He only needs to reinforce his foundation for the next few months, so he didn't need to seclude himself or anything like that. Not to mention that it was quite entertaining to look at the others' battles. There was always one or two skills that gave him a few ideas to use on his own ones.


As for Yusa and Shinja, they were still together with Lofa helping her with the Water and Ice Elements. The further you go, the harder it is to make progress, so she wouldn't change much in just a day or two. But at least Lofa's mind was back on track, so she would improve sooner or later.

After talking with Krune, Arlan went back to his room and continued to work on his eight pseudo energy meridian. As for spirit stones? He was the star of the Makui Continent Mercenary Guild. As the biggest mercenary guild between the five continents, they gave him a lot more resources than Krune got from the Yule Continent one. All he needed was time.

Tasier efforts paid off. At the end of the third day of training, he finally showed some control over both his internal Lightning Energy and external Lightning Element. The main reason might have been Krune's ideas of how to do that, but the provocation really played a big part too. Of course, this was something he learned in just three days, so he was far, far away from achieving proficiency.

Krune looked at his progress and finally nodded.

"Now that's more like it. For now, there isn't much for me to say. Because of the long-time using only the Lightning Element of your body, your senses got numb to the Lightning Element from the surroundings. So there is no point in me teaching anything about the Wind of Metal elements at the moment. Focus on your Lightning Element for the next two or three weeks, and then we will see what you can do."

Tasier nodded. He could feel those issues himself, so he was already planning to do that anyway. But before that, he decided to take a look at his Lightning Element Score again. Elder Loni had left the testing machine equipment in their places for everyone to try out. So he was curious to see if there was any significant difference now that he got a little better at both Lightning Energies.


Arriving there, he found out that there were quite a few cultivators and demon beasts as well. That wasn't anything hard to imagine. It was hard to gather the best Foundation Establishment Cultivators and Demon Beasts from the Makui Planet at the same location. So it was an excellent chance to see if their Elements Control was getting better after the several battles.

Tasier went to the equipment and started his test as well. He channeled his Internal Lightning and made sure to make it as similar as possible to the Lightning Element of the surrounds. He then made the same thing again and tried to bring the external Lightning Element compatibility as close as possible to his Internal one. Only then did he bring it to the equipment.

-Lightning Element, 4521 points.-

Tasier was delighted! The increase in points was only 191, but he had been doing Krune's training for only three days! Not to mention that only on the third day, he was successful in making his internal Lightning Energy compatible with the external Lightning Element. He knows better than anyone else how numb his feelings for the external lightning is at the moment.

'This is great! Krune, I really own you one now. Haha!'

Tasier took flight dashed outside, he was determined to train until he got half-dead. But just as he was about to start, Krune sent him a message.


"I'm cooking some food, come over and take a bite too."

Tasier got a little conflicted if he should go or not, he really wanted to go back to training again. But thinking back to how much Krune helped him, he decided to pass by anyway.

Back at Krune's place, he was taking his cooking tools out while the rest was helping to prepare the table.

"Lofa, come and help me with the cooking."

Lofa immediately rushed over with a happy face. Of course, on Krune's eyes, she just enjoyed cooking like him. Back where Ao, Arlan, Yusa, and Shinja were preparing the table, Ao commented.

"I hope she wakes up soon. Haha!"

Yusa just shook her head.

"Let her be, considering that it's Krune who we are talking about, there is no way it will advance anywhere."

Arlan and Shinja couldn't help but nod.

Suddenly, they felt some strong wind, and a second after, Tasier landed close to the table.

"Hey, don't land so close next time, you almost turned the table!"

Tasier could only apologize since it was Krune who rebuked him.

Sometime later, the food was finally ready. Tasier couldn't take the human form yet, so Krune prepared a big bowl precisely for him.

They then chatted for a while when suddenly, Tasier made a request to Krune.

"Krune, we are going back to Makui Planet to wait for the next four to five months for the Divine Path Sect Entrance Exam. Is it a problem if I stay with you guys for the time being? I was hoping you could check my progress while I'm training my Lighting element."

Yusa looked at that and then said.

"Aren't you being a little too shameless, he also has his own training to do, you know?"

Everyone else agreed with what Yusa said, to help someone with their training, some time is necessary. Krune had already spent a full day when Tasier came over for the first time. If Krune starts overseeing everyone's progress from now on, he won't have any time for himself anymore. Krune then looked at Tasier and said.

"I don't mind if you come over, but you must understand that I won't be able to help you all the time. Of course, things would be different if you are willing to pay for the services. Also, remember that I can only help you during my free time. Haha!"

Tasier eyes immediately lit up. If payment is enough, then it won't be a problem at all! First, he is the only contestant of the Borle Continent Mercenary Guild getting into the Martial Gathering and, consequently, the Divine Path Sect Entrance Exam. Second, the elders in the Thunder Hawks territory would definitely support him too. Spirit Stones really isn't a problem for him.

"No problem at all, how much is it for each time?"

Krune didn't expect that he would really pay for it. But his eyes immediately lit up, the Yule Continent Mercenary guild was already having some problems to support his expenditure. If he uses his teachings to make money, wouldn't that be perfect?

"How does a thousand Rank Five low-quality spirit stones per time sound like?"

In fact, he thought that he was already asking for a sky-high price, but surprisingly, Tasier agreed straight away.

"Deal! Then I'll be counting on you for now on."

Everyone from the Yule Continent heard that and sighed.

"Is our Yule Continent really that poor?"

They couldn't be blamed, even Rank Five Spirit Stones looked like some cheap stones for someone like Tasier. He didn't even think for a second before agreeing. Arlan looked at that and coughed.

"I don't mind paying some for the time you helped me with the fire element control, either."

But Krune shook his head.

"If I didn't ask for anything before, I won't ask now."

Tasier felt something was wrong.

"Wait! Doesn't that mean that I'm the only one paying?"

Yusa immediately refuted.

"Of course not! Lofa and Arlan will be paying from now on, right?"

Ao, Krune, and Shinja almost fainted! Can she be any more shameless than that? Can she? Can she?!

Arlan just laughed out loud.

"No problem! No problem! I'm not the only representative from the Makui Continent Mercenary Guild for nothing! Haha!"

Lofa was a little embarrassed but nodded nonetheless. In her case, she was the only representative from the Ice Continent Mercenary guild too. Not to mention that different from Arlan, she did come from a wealthy family of cultivators.

Yusa noticed Krune and the others look and retorted.

"Hmph! Why are you looking at me? We are not doing charity here! Consider the first lessons we gave them as a trying sample. Now that they want to the main product, they need to pay!"

Krune and the other two didn't even want to look at her anymore, she is simply incorrigible!
