While Krune and the others were training on one side, on the other side Shinja, Yusa, and Lofa were doing the same. But there was something strange, Yusa and Shinja noticed Loja's attention being caught by the men's group several times. Specifically, by Krune. Yusa noticed that something was different and waited until Lofa's focus was away again.

She then snaked behind and whispered on her ears.

"Is there something special about Krune?"

Lofa's heart almost jumped out with that comment. She looked at Yusa with a face as red as a tomato. Yusa and Shinja would need to be blind not to understand what is going on. Shinja couldn't help but comment.

"You can't be serious, right? What exactly did you see in that blockhead that only thinks about food?"

Yusa nodded vigorously. She also couldn't understand that. Lofa tried to say that they were wrong, though.

"That's not it! I swear that's not it!"


Yusa and Shinja didn't believe it for a second and pressed forward.

"Are you taking us for fools? No one in this universe would believe that after seeing your reaction."

Lofa finally lost it and tried to leave, as long as she doesn't say anything, they can't confirm their theory. But how could Yusa ever let such a fun toy go like that? She just smiled and said out loud.

"Hey, Krune! I just found something exciting. Do you wanna hear?"

Lofa immediately charged back and begged for Yusa to not say anything. Too late, though. Krune had arrived by their side already.

"What is it?"


Shinja sighed at that sight, Yusa really has no shame. The two of then looked at Lofa, who seemed to be about to cry and then said.

"Oh, nothing much. It's just that we noticed that Lofa has an excellent talent for Ice Element control. So we are planning to help her for a little longer."

Krune then showed an understanding expression.

"Oh, that's good then. Make sure to teach well. I'm going back now."

Krune then returned to the men's side. Yusa then looked at Lofa's soulless face and started laughing. Shinja, on the other hand, just sighed.

"Enough with playing with her, you should know Krune good enough to understand that it won't work."


Shinja then looked at Lofa and said.

"Krune has someone he is interested already, so you should give up on this idea while it's still early."

Yusa finally stopped laughing and said.

"She's right. Krune definitely won't look at anyone else. First of all, he doesn't even comprehend relationships very well. So, let us tell you a few stories that will make you understand how his mind works."

Yusa and Shinja then shared a few things that happened with them and Krune. They went from the Sex Shop incident all the way to the Face Changing pill. Lofa heard those things and couldn't help but laugh quite a few times.

"Is there such a clueless figure in this universe?"

Yusa and Shinja laughed as well.

"There is, and that is who Krune really is. So, he would never notice your feelings doesn't matter how obvious you make it appear."

Lofa stopped laughing after hearing that, but then she remembered about they saying that Krune already has someone he is interested.

"Then how come he has someone? He doesn't seem the type to fall in love after all what you told me."

Shinja and Yusa looked at each other and nodded.

"Well, it goes like this."

They then explained how Krune came to know Wang Feifei and how she saved his life. Of course, they left out the fact that Krune is a wisp and the Myriad Energies Technique.

"Now that I think about it, your story is very similar. You started noticing Krune after he saved your life. But there is a big difference between you and that Feifei. The one who proposed to him was Feifei herself."

Lofa couldn't help but ask.

"But wasn't Feifei just a nine to ten years old kid? How come Krune took her seriously?"

Yusa and Shinja once more laughed.

"And do you think that Krune would pay attention to that fact? The important thing for him wasn't her age, but the promise that he made. She saved his life, and now he thinks that he owns her that much. If she wants to marry, then he will marry. It probably hasn't much to do with love to start with."

Shinja then said.

"Of course, it was something that happened over three years ago. And Krune admits that Wang Feifei most likely has forgotten about him. He told us that if he arrives at the Wang Clan and she doesn't want anything from him, then he will simply pay that life-saving debt through some other way."

Lofa's mood immediately improved.

"Then, doesn't that mean that I still have a chance? Since it's all about keeping his promise, once he finds out that she forgot or didn't want anything with him, he will naturally be free to do whatever he wants. It's just like you said. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with love to start with."

Shinja and Yusa became lost at words. Did she hear what they said? Krune doesn't have any sense about relationships, hey!

"Are you perhaps forgetting that Krune isn't a human?"

Lofa, of course, knew that as well. Anyone who felt Krune's aura would be able to tell that he isn't a human.

"I don't care. It's not like there haven't been any couples between different races. I know one from where I came too."

Shinja then pressed forward.

"But what if he is a Frog type or Insect type demon beast? Would you still think the same?"

Lofa finally stopped for a moment.

"Does it means that you know what race Krune is from?"

Shinja and Yusa looked at each other and then nodded at Lofa.

"We do, but we promised not to tell anyone without his permission. But you should know this. Any demon beast that changes into human form during the Foundation Establishment is bound to be a very common one. And Krune just so happens to have acquired his human form the moment he entered the Foundation Establishment."

Lofa was taken aback.

"That weak?"

She wasn't wrong in saying the word weak. It's common sense that the earlier the demon beasts can transform, the weaker their race is. And in fact, people couldn't think about a race weaker than the wisp race.

Shija and Yusa nodded.

"Yeap, his race couldn't be any more average. So don't blame us if you find out that he is some insect or weird looking demon beast later."

Yusa and Shinja finally thought that Lofa would give up, but her answer went against their expectations.

"Isn't that great? Look at him now! Coming from the bottom-most part of the food chain, and becoming the strongest contestant of the Martial Gathering! Just how much effort did he put to get where he is? And on top of that, his race doesn't help him with anything. He did all of that alone. I couldn't be more impressed with Krune's life than I am now!"

Yusa and Shinja almost fainted. Their efforts not only were useless; they even made Krune's image look several times better on her eyes. Yusa looked at Shinja and asked.

"Is that what they mean with 'love is blind'?"

Shinja could help but nod.

"It does seem like that."

The problem is that they know she took all of it wrong. But Yusa and Shija soon noticed what their mistake was. As long as you don't know that Krune is a wisp with a limited life span, It DOES look like he did something amazing. Wait! Doesn't it mean that the fact that he is a wisp makes it even more spectacular? The two girls finally decided to stop thinking.

"Then what will you do? Unless Krune hears from that Wang Feifei girl's mouth that she doesn't care about that promise anymore, he definitely won't show any interest what so ever to any other female."

Lofa answered with a question.

"First of all, who is that Wang Feifei and where she is from?"

Yusa sighed and reminded Lofa.

"Didn't we just say it a few moments ago? She is Wang Feifei from the Wang Clan."

Lofa suddenly opened her eyes wide!

"Wait! You can't be talking about 'that' Wang Clan, right?!"

Shinja and Yusa nodded.

"That's exactly the Wang Clan that we are talking about."

Lofa's mood became gloomy straight away.

"Doesn't that mean that Krune will need tens, if not hundreds of years before he becomes strong enough to go there?"

Shinja and Yusa nodded once more.

"Seems like we finally found a reason for you to give up. It is also good since this is something you came to feel for Krune recently. It shouldn't be too hard to forget him with some effort."

Lofa started to think about it seriously. She could at least tell that Krune would not break a promise. Not to mention that everyone trusts him precisely because of how he is.

Yusa decided to strike the iron while it was hot.

"Also, remember that with his talent, there is a very high chance of him passing the Divine Path Sect Entrance Exam. At that time, if you fail, what will you do? You won't be able to stay close to him anymore."

Because Lofa doesn't have the Spiritual Energy Meridians, her chances of passing are very slim. Not to mention that she also doesn't have a soul cultivation technique. So those words were very effective against her.

"I guess... I will think about it after the exam is over."

Yusa and Shinja nodded.

"That's an excellent decision. For now, we will still help you with your elements control. If you succeed, then we can have this conversation again. Of course, that is considering that we will pass as well.
