Aliester was going from house to house in the wee hours of the morning.

As each family packed up their belongings and animals and joined the line of carts moving down the road he began to seal off their homes.

The ritual of Hermetic Sealing would protect them from random thieving and pillaging.

It wouldn't stop a fireball or other destructive magics, but it was the best he could do.

Things were far busier in the village than he had expected.

Too many families had waited until the last minute.

The ACME workers were scurrying around the village as Mr.


Billy or one of his subordinates shouted out what needed to be done.Billy was nearly hysterical in his yelling, so something must not be going right.

Ben and Rolly rolled by with two wagons of barrels headed to the tavern on some task.Against his wishes, his family was staying.

He himself had to stay to renew the wards on the village homes.

His wife and daughter had declared that if he was staying, they were staying.

He'd long ago learned to recognize when to just say 'Yes Dear' and not fight a losing battle.

Billy on the other hand was fighting as hard as he could.


Vernon was supposed to be here in a few minutes, and then the bulk of their forces would be deployed around the town.

Until then he worked with what he had.

He'd had the workers put barricades around the tavern and they were building small fortifications where they could.

The fifty mercenaries that he'd hired himself were deployed in the town around the tavern to defend it.

Vernon's mercenaries would be on each flank with a reserve in the rear.

He looked over at the small keep that would have been a perfect headquarters, except for the fact that he couldn't use it because of the rules! All his defenseless contract workers would be holed up in their new housing, and making room for the extras from Layla and Sammy's groups.


As soon as this stupid war was over and Momco.

was kicked down the road, he was turning Jorges loose, and getting him to build a new headquarters building.

Vernon finally showed up.

He was wearing a ridiculous looking officer's uniform of some sort complete with rows of medals on his chest a baton he was waving about.

"Your troubles are over Billy, General Vernon is here.

I sent word to my troops to move in and take control of the village and fight off our enemies.""Thanks Vern, I'm feeling so much safer now."

It was a hot, humid, sticky and bug-ridden day.


There seemed to be two types of weather in this part of the world: too rainy, and too hot.

This morning the weather goddess was undecided.

The rain came and went with brief periods of heat in between.

The men observing the village had argued which was worse many times.

"Captain said today was the day?" The speaker was covered in a layer of mud and leaves, as were the other 200 men waiting in ambush to attack."That's what he said.

We go as soon as the com officer logs back in with the message from on high.

Now don't ask me that for another five minutes." A minute later the man they were waiting for appeared.

He gave an OK sign to the Captain who passed the signal down the line.

Two hundred mercenaries of the ACME corporation slowly snuck up on the ancient village of Kraxmiroxtli , last remnant of the Empire of Mazqorati.

Back in Sedgewick the sun was up, and in two hours the war would start.

Billy was pacing back and forth.

Vern had given up trying to walk back and forth waving his baton, and was sitting and drinking a beer from the tavern.

"Billy, I'm wondering how many people you really need here for this operation.

We could shift some folks down to the copper mine and get that up and running in the next couple of days." Billy stopped his pacing.

"Seriously Vern? You're worried about the copper mine, which I remind you we don't own, and not about keeping this town where we have substantial investment? Where are the reinforcements?"Vernon waved his baton in the air indicating various trees and buildings.

"Hiding of course, that's the plan, look weak and bait Momco.


Then spring the trap.

I told you these boys were the best.

But about the mine, I'm thinking we send Layla down there with a couple dozen people."Layla looked up as her name was mentioned.

She was bored and reading a book while waiting for the show to start.

"Not a chance Vern.

I'm much too busy selling magic items in our little shop in the capital for large amounts of cash.

And I hate being underground, hate spiders and dark places.

Send Sammy."Vern frowned, then turned to Sammy and smiled.

"Right, as I was saying, we can send Sammy down there to run things.

Right Sammy?"Sammy seemed to be in a good mood.

It got better and better as Billy got more and more upset.

"Well Vern, I don't think so.

I think you are vastly under-rating my skills.

But then you always have."Billy quit pacing.Vern looked at Sammy and put a bit of a sneer in his voice.

"No, I think I have you pegged pretty well Sammy.

You have the potential, but you need seasoning.

You need to work a little smarter, quit blaming everyone else for your problems.

Show some loyalty to ACME.

Maybe in a couple of years you'll make full manager.

""Oh, I'll be a full manager much quicker than that Vern.

" Sammy was definitely in a good mood and his smile had a bit of an edge to it.

Billy didn't like his tone at all.

"Why do you think that Sammy? Know something we don't." Billy could see the man clearly wanted to gloat about something, he'd seen that look before.

Billy had a sinking feeling he knew what it was."Gee Billy, not sure what you mean.

But why don't you ask Vern again where your troops are? Maybe Vern isn't as trustworthy as you think?" Sammy leaned up against the side of a house and eyed Vernon.

"Sorry Vern, not working in your mine, better things to do." A system message came in that Vernon, Billy, Layla, Sammy and the rest of the ACME upper management currently in GENESIS could see.

Troops employed by the ACME corporation have liberated the Village of Kraxmiroxtli.

Hostile forces have been defeated and local tribesmen accept ACME as their new ruler.

The golden statue of Mazqorati the 63rd, last Emperor of Mazqorati will be melted down immediately to pay tribute to the new ruler.ACME corporation gains 50 building points for this conquest, and for the exploration of the southern tip of the continent.
