"You look like a four-day old carcass that even the vultures won't eat, son.

What the hell did you get up to? Not that you have to tell me, you being in charge and all.

Old Joe just gets a might curious as he slaves away here in the pit while you go galivanting off with dwarves, bugs, and strange women." "Not with the women again.

Ben gives me enough shit as is.

Not my fault that barbarian was drunk and horny.""Barbarian? I was talking about the out-worlder serving drinks in the tavern.""Out-worlder? Suzette? What are you talking about, Joe.""My bad, you don't want to talk about women? I'll be quiet.

But how'd you lose most of your clothes and get so chewed up if it wasn't a woman?Ozzy was too tired and totally unarmed for any battle of wits.

He leaned back against the edge of the pit and soaked up a little heat and told Joe about the latest foray into the dungeon.Joe whistled as he told him about the CSP they earned, but Ozzy neglected to mention the part about feeding the dungeon.


"A level 10 Elite? Oh, that will kick you up to Tier 2 for sure.

Nice, very nice.

You have any ideas on how you're spending those points."Ozzy was about half asleep by this point.


But I bet you do.

Tell me about Pitmaster some.""Good thing to ask about.


Lots of butchers make charnel pits.

They burn the souls of the things they slay and butcher and feed the power to whoever they serve.

A Pitmaster is a bit more independent.

A lot of your focus is on cooking what you kill, turning it various types of food with magical effects.

A lot of large armies try to hire a Pitmaster.

Having food that increases the mana generation of your mages or gives your fighters more health can be a huge benefit.


That Legion Centurion isn't interested in you just because your big and strong.

He can find a hundred guys as big as you if he needs to.

An independent Pitmaster is a lot rarer.""Huh, hadn't really thought about it that way.

Magical meats? Is that most of what I could do at tier 2?" Ozzy had always enjoyed the times he spent in a kitchen.

This might turn out a lot better than he'd imagined."Mostly.

But there's also the Smoke." Joe looked at the fire and suddenly all the smoke condensed around his hand.

"Smoke magic can be subtle and take your breath away, or it can lunge at you like a wild animal, bringing with it the heat of the fire that made it." The smoke took the form of a wolf with huge teeth and jaws that dripped fire.

Ozzy was wide awake now.

The wolf was an amazing thing, both insubstantial but deadly.

Like smoke.

He was starting to understand.

"I could learn to do that?"Joe pointed at a mostly uncooked sedge beast carcass and sent the wolf off to play with it.

The smoke and flames wrapped around the meat and Ozzy could hear it start to sizzle like it was on a grill.


Depends on a few things.

You need some fire and some darkness in you to really understand smoke like I do, but there's other ways to get its attention.

Air and Fire will do it, but I don't like to do it that way.

Air doesn't bring the fuel that dark mana from COR does, and doesn't quite have the subtlety.

More hot wind and flash.""But that's up to you son, don't let an old smoke elemental tell you what to do.

If you like the bar-b-que, nothing wrong with just doing that.

Or if you want to have fun and pick up a little power, you let me know how I can help."Ozzy was looking at the skills he could buy.

"I'd guess that picking up the skill Playing with Fire would help? That would give me a better fire aspect."Joe hid a small grin, he felt like a fisherman reeling in a whale.

"Yup, big help there.

Then a couple points of COR to sweeten the deal, and you'll get the Big Smoke's attention for sure.

I'll even put in a good word for you." Joe hoped Big Smoke wasn't still pissed at him.

But sometimes you have to take some chances.Ozzy looked at his options.

"COR? Hmm, can't do it just now with CSP.

I've increased three different stats, so I can't just buy the points.

I might have experience to put into it from the fight.

How high do I have to get it Joe?“Oh, any bit might trigger it.

But the more the better.

Especially since you have that bit of radiance in you.

Not sure how that will work.”Ozzy considered; he liked the idea of balance, keeping his COR and RAD equal.

At the same time, he didn't want to miss out on getting an aspect of magic and some spells.

“What are repercussions of having a lot of COR, if it's going to push me towards the dark side I'm not to keen on the idea?”“Hard to say.

People get all upset when you take a side.

Of course, they get mad when you don’t take a side.

Having high RAD or COR is sort of a flag saying who you might fight for, and how strong you are.

But it’s less of a problem for mortals.

A monster with high COR or RAD is going to be influenced by it a lot more.

They have a story to play out, or are part of a quest, or it's just in their nature.

Intelligent creatures make more choices and have a lot more freedom.

You’ve got some COR now; I don’t see it causing a problem with either of your friends who have all that RAD burning inside of them.”“Good points.

I’ll have to chance it.

I’m liking the idea of smoke magic.”

“I've got an idea, but it might bring a bit of trouble.

I'll need you to help out in case something happens.

Give me some time for a nap, and another couple of healing potions.

Then we'll toss out some bait.""Going fishing? You'll look awful funny trying to use a pole with broken arms." Ozzy turned his head and saw Ben walking up, a tankard in his hand.

Here, I brought you some liquid refreshment.

I've got something to try, and this is about the only painkiller we have." Ben set a full mug of ale by Ozzy.

"I'm hoping that this might help you out a bit.

I picked up a new healing spell.

Hold still." As soon as Ben put a hand on Ozzy's shoulder, he started to relax.

The pain was going away, no beer needed.

Muscles held tight against the pain and strained tendons suddenly felt better.

After several castings he was feeling much better.""Damn, I like that spell.

I don't think I could have even lifted that mug of ale before you healed me up.

No pain by the way, not even when bones moved a bit.

I think it has a numbing effect."Ben had dumped the rest of his mana pool into Ozzy, and the change was very apparent.

Ozzy looked healthier, more relaxed.

"That should help with those broken bones a lot, but be careful, they aren't fully healed.

Taking a nap is still a good idea.

The general has me running around some, but I'll try to be around this evening and heal you up again when i get some mana back.""Thanks Ben, thinking on that myself a bit.

I'll take your advice on that nap."Ozzy laid back and was soon asleep.

Joe looked at the butcher he was not-technically bond to.

The boy was getting stronger, and it was obvious he was picking up some points of CHA.

That would help a lot.

But it sounded like they were both fishing for something today.

What the hell was the boy trying to pull in? Have to let him have his nap and see.

A bit later, Ozzy stood at top of the pit.

The fire below had been refueled and was burning hot.

Ozzy brought up the skills list and selected one.

Demonic Bargain

The Devil is in the Details.

A bargain.
