As several weary travelers approached the domain of Duchess Midnight, the crowd surrounding the gates parted to let them pass.

Several hundred Fae Lords and Ladies were present, many bringing an entourage of knights or a small battalion of bodyguards.

The Court of the High King was eventually so depleted that he laughingly declared he was taking a holiday and rode out to see what all the fuss was about, taking the rest of the court with him.

Colorful tents were erected, parties were held, and the dancing never stopped.

The lesser folk brought their goods from the markets and set up stands on the sides of the roads for miles around, selling their goods, putting on puppet shows, and anything else they could think of to separate the High Fae Nobles from their gold.

If one didn't know better, one would assume this was a fair or holiday.

No one there thought that.


This was a battlefield where war could break out at any moment, leading to a massacre of anyone caught within it.

The danger only made it more exciting and doubled the crowd.

Oberon's arrival might calm things down, or it could give an excuse for regicide and a civil war.

This was a common occurrence when arguments arose among the High Lords and Ladies.

Each had dozens of treaties declaring mutual protection, offers of protection, long-held grudges, and legally declared intent to murder their rivals.

One small argument could trigger an event that far surpassed the original disagreement.


It was one reason the Fae had such extensive and complicated rules for politics, war, and courtesy.

In this case, there was an added problem; Lady Midnight had been especially skilled in discovering secrets others wished to stay secret and not be sung about by a bard during a festival.

Domains had been lost and won on her whims as nobles scrambled to please her.

A score of Fae Princes, all knights by right of arms, camping at her doorstep had caused both curiosity and concern, leading to the armed camp that Ozzy and company rode into.

Prince Bertrand had warned them that this would happen, but still, it was a sight to behold.

"Just ignore them.


Don't look, don't talk, and focus on the task at hand.

Hopefully, they all blow away by the time you have freed your lady and concluded your negotiations.

I and my fellows will hold the gate."Rolly and the Sphynx had created quite a stir as they rode up.

Horses screamed and bolted, and the size of their pathway increased in width because of it.

She held her head high and looked around her; some dared to meet her gaze and bowed, while others stared at her feet.

Her arrival added yet another variable, and the money-changers and bet-takers were scrambling to set new odds for all of the outcomes.

As she looked around, her eye was caught by a small goblin hawking enchanted ribbons made from morning dew and the breath of dragons.

"Who deserves some lovely new ribbons?" She asked and started walking to the stand, people getting out of her way."Why, the lady with the prettiest hair, of course." Rolly hopped off her back and approached the goblin.

"I really hope those ribbons are as good as you say.

She can smell a lie from across a continent."The goblin stopped what he was doing, sighed, and contemptuously cleared his counter of its current stock, knocking it to a pile on the floor, before bringing over a small chest and restocking his display with a much better quality of ribbons that shimmered and glowed with the magic of their making.

"Of course, good sir, and may I say it is a wonderful day when I can serve such a beautiful creature." He bowed, and the Sphinx approached.

She smelled each ribbon and selected all except a beautiful yellow-gold hair ribbon."Who will offer me these ribbons in exchange for fair payment?"The goblin bowed.

"Gombindle of Tuckbottom offers you these fine ribbons in exchange for fair payment." Rolly started to reach for his belt pouch, but the Sphinx shook her head.

"Lord Airthistle has paid a dastardly sorcerer to lay a powerful enchantment upon Princess Fairchild which will cause her to fall in love with the first person who presents her with a yellow ribbon for her hair, and indeed, Lord Airthistle walks to greet her even now.

Who will get to her first and claim her hand in marriage?" The goblin eyed the maiden, and the approaching Fae Lord, then grabbed the ribbon and raced off, yelling, "That would be Gombindle of Tuckbottom!" He sped away, running between the crowd or through their legs, determined to win the race.Lord Airthistle was still a few strides away when he heard the Princess exclaim, "For me? Oh, so lovely! You are so kind! Please, I must introduce you to my Father." Count Fairchild was a pragmatic man and had been dreading the day his only daughter brought home a pompous lay-about to claim her hand and dowry.

While not delighted with her choice, Gombindle at least was properly employed in a well-respected business.

As a bonus, his wife would be delighted to have a large number of grandchildren to dote upon and wouldn't have to spend a cent on ribbons ever again.

They set a date for next Thursday for the wedding.

Rolly and Ben spent the next hour re-weaving the ribbons into the Sphinx's hair while Ozzy approached the Fae in front of the gates.He was dressed in all of his finery that bespoke of a wealthy sea Captain, smoking a fine cigar, and over his shoulder was a large treasure sack.

He was accompanied by a fine Hound of the breed preferred by Fae Lords who needed an edge in diplomacy.

Lord Alwyn and Prince Bertrand walked behind him as he approached the gates.

Sixteen warriors in the livery of Duchess Midnight stood in front of her gates, along with an older knight who stepped forward to hold up a hand.

"Take no steps further, lest you tread upon my Lady's domain uninvited and force us to strike you down."Ozzy took out his cigar, flicked the ashes to the ground, and blew smoke towards the warriors.

They tensed, but the smoke formed into a flock of birds that flew up into the air and then dispersed."Not worried, and no need to start a fight, as fun as that would be.

I'm invited to a parley with the Duchess to discuss some business and a missing barmaid."The knight bowed.

"Indeed, you are free to enter." The gates opened.

"Please feel free to avail yourself to the bounty of our realm as your travel.

The berries are sweet this time of year and the gatherers have said that the fish in the streams will bite at anything as soon as they cast their lines."The hound barked once, and the Captain chewed on his cigar a bit.

"Yeah? Well, let's talk about that, shall we? I come from the smoke where we say what we mean and don't weasel around with polite words.

I know how your Duchess snagged my girl, and that doesn't seem right to me.

And I'm certainly not making the same mistake to just wander into her lands and then have a bunch of bullshit fae 'laws' get in the way of leaving."Everyone in earshot tensed, and swords were made loose in their sheaths.

Such blunt talk was difficult for many fae to hear.

The knight sighed.

"The Duchess mentioned that you might wish to discuss such terms, being a mortal and thus unused to our ways.

What do you propose, Captain?"Ozzy considered for a moment.

"We have business to discuss.

I'm sure we can work things out.

I'm going to walk into her realm and walk out when I feel like leaving.

I've been told Hounds are diplomats and have similar freedoms.

He patted the hound.

"This one is going in with me, and I expect the ability to enter and leave is extended as well.

Your Duchess will meet with me today, and we will conduct business about trade between the Smoke and her Realm and letting Suzette accompany me on my way out.

Agreed?"The knight nodded.

"My Duchess will agree to that.

A road leads from the gate to the meeting place.

You will stay on the road and not leave it, meeting her today at the end of it.

If you do not, the agreement is void."Ozzy nodded.

"Then move those pretty boys out of the way.

My ass is sore from riding an enchanted brewery horse for two days, and I want to get back to my ship."The soldiers scrambled out of the way, and the Captain and his companion entered the lands of Duchess Midnight.

Money began to change hands, and the odds were adjusted.

The odds against the captain were rising.

A man from a land of blunt talk was always at a disadvantage when dealing with those who disguised truth with lies, and lies with truth.Rolly and Ben escorted Princess Sahkmet to find a bookie, place some bets and ask a few questions.

"The Captain is here, Milady, and has been set upon the road." A blind scribe handed the Duchess a perfect transcript of the envoy's talk with Captain Ozzy.

"My, he's angry and disagreeable already; this will be enjoyable.

Prepare the road for him, starting with the maze of thorns.

We will see if he truly is a denizen of the Smoke and not some doppelganger of Bertram's or the Lord of Summer.

And if he is, then the true challenge will begin, and we can see how much he values our little guest.

Make sure she is presentable and sane when we bring her out.

Four months in her gilded cage, eating muffins and reading nursery rhymes may have worn her to the point of breaking."
