Suzette was enjoying a series of history books that the dogs had found on a lower shelf.

The unknown author had spared no one from their sarcastic accounts of petty plots, revenge, and maneuvering at court.

Each of the great houses had a separate chapter devoted to their transgressions, with intricate notes in the margins and genealogies to help the reader keep track of the players.

From some of the comments, Suzette wagered that if the Fae used DNA testing, those genealogies would look a lot different.

With a title like Backstabbing, Treachery, and Dancing, she had been half expecting a spy thriller novel.

She wasn't disappointed.

If the author was to be believed, the nobility of the Fae bored easily, and the default pastime was scheming to steal someone's lands, crown, or wife.


The series of books was complete through volume 46, with volume 47 only going 92 pages and one paragraph detailing certain rumors about the current king, his mistresses, and bastards.

The last sentence was written hastily: 'Oh bother, she's discerned who I am and is at my door...There was a lovely account of the author's burial in an unmarked grave and a few remarks cautioning beginning authors about spreading rumors.

Then, a note from the scribe who was publishing the series that this would be the last volume in the set.

It was fabulous reading, and Suzette knew Ben would enjoy the books.

He loved trashy romance and drama.

At the same time, she hoped never to see Ben trapped in this wretched library as she was.


The muffins were horrible, even by Sedgewick standards.After the first month-long night had ended, she'd had visitors.

Duchess Midnight had sailed through the door in a billowing blood-red gown to pick up a certain book, turn to a page, and write something down.

As an afterthought, she turned to Suzette, "Still here, little one? Are we enjoying ourselves? Try not to do anything stupid when I send in the servants." And with that, she was off.

The servants entered: a sextet of hollow-eyed women bearing a large bathtub of marble and gold, complete with soaps and perfumes, and a change of clothing.

Suzette stared at it longingly, having worn the same set of clothes for the equivalent of a month, with only a decanter of water to help her bathe.

As soon as her cage was opened, she stepped into the tub, and only after a half hour of soaking in hot water did she take off her clothes and wash.


Refreshed after an hours-long soaking, she dressed in the replacement clothes, a maid's uniform.

She detested the long stockings and short skirts but said nothing.

Before the servants could take them away, she put the remaining clean towels and soap into her cage.

"I'm keeping these.

If anyone wants to argue, I will break bones with the first punch." The servants didn't react at all.

No emotion except despair seeped from them, and they retreated.

The next group brought in a table with an eight-course meal.

She dove into it, thoroughly sick of the muffins.

A butler appeared, bowed, and stated flatly, "Madame has noted your love of books and allows you to use her library for the day.

She allows you to choose three books from the lower shelves where the books with large letters and pictures are kept.

You may take these into your 'bedroom' for your nightly reading and study.

You have two hours, at which time terrible things will be happening in her realm, and she fears for your safety as a guest.

You will re-enter the safety of your cage; I shall lock you in and leave you to your reading.

She will greet you in the morning if she so chooses." The bored servant stood and stared at her as she explored the library.

She noted that he hadn't mentioned staying away from anything and began to test the bounds of her limited freedom.

She walked to a spot near one of the traps, and he hurriedly placed himself between her and that spot.

"I am sorry, but you should avoid this spot.

Bad for your health."She pouted.

"You promised me I could explore, and now you tell me I can't walk somewhere.

I suppose I can deal with the small disappointment.

She turned and walked to another of the spots noted by her hounds, and again, he was there before her."My pardon, but again, an unhealthy spot.""My, one would think I wasn't given the freedom of the library.

I see interesting things on those shelves.

Well, I suppose I will have to endure the slight.

As long as a third time does not happen."The Butler sighed, looking at two more places in the room.

"Perhaps I can be of assistance? You seem tired.

Rather than looking at things on these shelves, could I perhaps give you a guided tour? I've become quite knowledgeable of My Lady's collection.

It is out of the ordinary, and I'm sure we can keep this between ourselves."She understood the implied bribe that made them both happy and accepted.

Over the next two hours, she learned many horrible things.

The collection of small snow globes were, in fact, miniature realms that Lady Midnight had conquered and imprisoned.

Each held over a thousand souls striving to survive in the face of never-ending winter and fierce beasts.

Anytime they finished a fortress to protect from the creatures stalking in the realm, a servant was instructed to shake things up, bringing a storm and destroying the buildings.

Likewise, a large bucket of crystals held imprisoned souls.

The small prisons could be used to power enchantments and create sentient weapons.

A high shelf held a set of seven books, all quite thick and heavy.

The covers were made of pale leather, and on the front were the faces of the people who were enchanted into that form.

The butler explained: "The Duchess found that she needed the advice of many experts when she was younger but hated having to feed so many people.

She eventually found a way to enspell them into these volumes.

All of their knowledge is preserved, and they will converse when addressed by their names.

She finds it to be an efficient system.

I'm sure you might have other words to describe it.

The tour went on and on, with Suzette becoming more and more horrified.

The tea set, lamp shade, and rack of umbrellas had also once been people.

The trophies on the walls were not of great monsters but enchanted princes who had succumbed to the curses laid upon them by grouchy witches.

The Duchess had gone through a period where she had enjoyed hunting them.

When she ran out of enchanted princes, she started enticing mortals to her realm and making her own monsters.

The Butler pointed to one such trophy, a minotaur with a long white beard."My predecessor.

He was getting on in years and had the audacity to serve red plum preserves at breakfast instead of the traditional crimson apricot jam.

A mistake I hope never to make.

I hope you enjoyed the tour and your curiosity about your future has been satisfied.

There are two outcomes, and the first involves perfect obedience.

Have a lovely evening, and enjoy the muffins."Suzette had pulled three books at random from the shelf of books with small words and meekly climbed into her cage with tears in her eyes.

The lock clicked, the door shut, and after sitting still for two hours, a muffin appeared, and she could tell by the light in the window and how slowly the few stars moved that it was night.

With a snap of her fingers, her dogs appeared and prowled the room.

When she was satisfied that no unseen watchers were with her, she stood and looked at the shadow she cast on the floor outside her cage.

After some concentration, her shadow took her place, and she was free to move about the room.

Stepping to the shelf of heavy books, she pulled the first down and placed it on a table.

She noted the name on the spine.

"Lord Umbertostle, Sage of the Purple Vale, Last Lord of 7th Tower, I have questions for you." The book's cover began to move, and two eyes opened to look at her.

"I must answer your questions, whether I want to or not, so ask them, and let's get on with it.

Are you some new servant come to torment me?" Suzette looked at the book and shuddered.

"I will never serve her.

I am Lady Morninglade's apprentice; if you know that name, you know what I am willing to do.

Tell me what I need to know."Lord Umbertostle of the many pages considered a moment and then turned to a page.

His voice was slightly muffled as he spoke.

"Let's start with some small character flaws I have noticed in her over the years and a few conjectures I have on the limits of her power."Suzette's second night in the Library of Lost Time saw her make several new friends.
