Ozzy always enjoyed his morning walk to his charnel pit.

It was always nice to see the town waking up.

Betty was making farmer's cheese, and the earthy smell of the fresh cheese had the ratkin lining up coins in their hands! Colored smoke was coming from the alchemist's shop.

Zephyr and PHZero could barely keep up with orders from all the adventurers heading to the dungeons.

He stepped to the side as two couriers rode by.

They were always in a hurry these days, taking the Baron's messages back and forth to the Duke.

Lots of arguing going on about taxes and trade deals.


Too complicated for him to think about.

Ozzy stepped out of the way to avoid colliding with the Banker.

That gnome was always late to open up, but he paused to tip his hat and wish Ozzy a good morning.

They'd shared a table for breakfast at the tavern a few mornings.

He waved to Jenny Greenteeth as he walked by the Hag Hollow.

Granny was outside handing out cookies to the local children and telling them stories about wicked knights and evil paladins.


He paused to talk, and she handed him some freshly baked cookies.

Granny made the best cookies in town, and he always had a good night's sleep after eating one! Jenn gave him her shopping list.

Pork chops and rabbit again were usual, but she also wanted three sheep.

He'd have to see if that new batch of Carnivorous Hell-Sheep had come back again.

They got worse every time he cleared them out, but he had to admit they tasted sweet.

Jenny invited him and Suzette for mutton chops.


He'd get right to work finding those sheep to fill her order first thing he got to the dungeon.

Jenny knew how to roast a sheep!Old Joe was already up, and so was Makken.

They'd been drinking and making whiskey all night.

Makken was trying to teach the old whirlwind how to cast the cantrips that aged the whiskey.

The last batch hadn't gone well, and Makken had lost most of his beard to the explosion.

Ozzy was always happy to turn the latch and walk into the Charnel Pit.

Ah, the smell of freshly charred meat, there was nothing like it.

It was hotter than hell inside, just like he liked it.

Ozzy pulled some of the smoke and heat into himself and got to work.

He had a couple of tons of Ostrich wings to smoke up and was using enchanted maple twigs with a hint of sassafras.

Getting the wood smoke coming out of the pit just right was what really gave the wings their flavor.

He was going to need a lot more wings, and Suzette had told him that the Spiced Snake Sausage had been a big hit.

He set up several quests that would send adventuring parties into the Beast Woods and Menagerie to get him the meat they needed.

Ozzy had several types of Magical Smoked meats that he wouldn't sell and only gave out as quest rewards.

The three local guilds competed heavily for those prizes.Someone banged on the door as soon as he was done offering the quests.

A customer? No, it was his friend Rolly, the shepherd.Rolly came rushing in.

"Ozzy! You have to help! Squirmie got lost in the Dungeon again!"Again? You have to keep that pet on a leash, Rolly; every time she goes hunting in the dungeon, she 'gets lost.' You know she hates leaving as long as she's still hungry.""I promise I will, Ozzy, but what will we do now? She's always hungry these days!"Don't worry, Rolly; I know just what to do.

I'll put up a quest, and adventurers will find Squirmie.

They're always so helpful.

Do you want to offer a reward?""Sure, Ozzy.

Tell them I'll pay ten shiny gold coins if they find my girl and get her to come home.

I'll pay up even if she eats most of them by accident.

Thanks, Ozzy, you always know what to do." Rolly ran out again, heading to the pasture and his cows."Boy, it's a busy day already.

Guess I'll head up to the dungeon and get to work; no telling what might happen on a busy day."
