As Ozzy and his guide walked into the city, a strange transformation came over the boy he'd been following.

Ozzy stopped and looked him over.

He thought he'd been following a crippled boy of about 14-16 years old.

The missing leg was still missing.

But the illusion of humanity faded away.Runt was still only about four foot tall.

He still had a peg-leg.

But other things changed, most notably his face.


When Ozzy tried to remember what he had looked like before, it was a vague memory, as if he hadn't really paid attention.Runt turned, "What? Never been inside before.

We have to get moving...Oh, well that sucks, you can see me, can't you? I was hoping to put off this discussion until later.

Must be something to do with the city.""Go ahead, say it!" Ozzy just shrugged.

This wasn't his first fantasy world, "You look like you've been working out pretty well.

Nice biceps."Runt's eyes narrowed, "That's it? I mean, yeah, I do work out whenever I can.

Hard as hell to get STR experience in the dungeon besides slamming rats with a rock.


But seriously, let's get this over with.

Just ask a question, make a comment, toss an insult, it's going to happen sooner or later."Ozzy took a step forward and loomed over Runt, "Let's get something straight, I don't give a shit what you look like.

I'm turning into some sort of ogre who beats people to death with his fists.

My girlfriend is looking more and more like an elf every day.

And Rolly...well, you'll see sooner or later.""So, even though you look like a..."Runt stamped his good foot, "Just say it.""Like a pirate who lost his eyepatch and parrot - well, I just don't care," Ozzy couldn't help but smirk after he said that.Runt's mouth closed.

He glared at the smiling butcher, then relaxed, "That will have to do, I guess.


You're a real smart ass, you know that?""But seriously, you're dating the hot chick that was mudwrestling? I didn't know elves were into ugly guys.

She got a sister?"

Gristle was wringing his hands and pacing the floor.

The sounds from the stock yards were increasing.

Where was Runt and the new butcher?Finally, the door slammed open and Runt returned, followed by a large, leanly muscled man in an apron.

Gristle was alarmed at his appearance, but beggars can't be choosy.

If this was the only butcher available, he'd have to do.

But still! His apron was clean, he looked fully human, and had a lack of scars.

But he'd have to do.

Runt introduced them, "Ozzy, this is Gristle.

He's polite, oblivious, and got the job because no one else wanted it.

He's going to hit you up for a guild fee and then throw you into the deep end.""Gristle, this is Ozzy.

He's a new butcher with a hot girlfriend.

He's also a smartass and probably smarter than he looks.

He lives down in Sedgewick, the little town everyone in the city ignores."Gristle stuck out a gnarled hand.

"Greetings, I am guild master Gristle of the Gadobhra Butchers guild.

So nice to make your acquaintance."Ozzy shook his hand, glanced at Runt, then said.

"Nice to meet you.

Runt says Billy has a job for me? And you need me to pay a fee so I can work?" Gristle smiled widely, "Yes.

Official guild fee to register you here.

In return for just a few shiny coins you gain access to all the guild has to offer and you can take on official guild jobs such as the one your Baron is requiring of you.""Ok, how much is the guild fee? I didn't even know there was a butchers guild." Ozzy decided Gristle would fit right in with the ACME managers.

Pay to do required work? Billy had better pay him back.Gristle rubbed his hands together, "Why, every city of any size should have one.

Not Sedgewick of course, it's barely a wide spot in the road.

But as to the fee, how much do you have?"Ozzy put his hand in his apron and pulled out some coins, "I've got 1 gold, 12 silver, and 4 copper on me." He put those on the counter.

Gristle quickly swept them into his apron.

Gristle smiled at Ozzy, showing off crooked and missing teeth, "By a strange coincidence that is exactly the amount needed.

Special offer to celebrate reopening.

Sign the logbook please."The logbook was a large tome made of dark leather and yellowed vellum bound in sinew.

The first few pages held the names of hundreds of butchers from the past.

Only a few were not crossed through: Chopper, Tuskwort, Knuckleguts, Smiling Ned, Cragella Cruel Sticks, Georgy Eight Cleavers, Oink, Sausagehoof.

Adding his name at the end, Ozzy felt an odd twisting in his gut.

Welcome to the Butcher's Guild of GadobhraYour guild rank: ApprenticeCurrent job title: Stock yard slaughter hand.Your guild status is: Never trust a newb.Current quest: Gotta Kill them all!Slaughter 10 beasts in the stockyards without dying yourself and deliver to The Pit of the ButcherReward: Access to the Apprentice Butcher Skill List.
