Not a lot got done repairing the barracks the next morning until after the treasure chest dispensed its goodies.The Tier 4 Treasure Chest was quite a bit larger and grander than the others that had appeared in the dungeon, as if to say "Why even bother with lesser chests! I'm the one you want". The dark, polished wood was trimmed in gold with brass rivets and it glowed in the morning sun. The workers and players had gathered around it like toddlers around a Christmas tree. They'd agreed to claim their rewards one at a time, and enjoy seeing what each person got. Billy and Layla were there, watching. Layla was taking notes of everything that came out of the chest. They'd already offered to help sell any item that a worker didn't want, with ACME taking a cut of the profits. Layla had suggested 50% at first. Suzette had eagerly started haggling on behalf of the workers and countered at 10%. They'd finally settled on 25% after a short but heated argument. Ozzy and Billy had started a conversation about the weather and stayed out of it.In the back was sitting a small group of nearly naked players. These were the people who had fought for MOMCO. and also, been in the fight with the rat-kin and Ubermaus. Losing the war hadn't taken away the accomplishment of killing the huge rat. There had been a short discussion about whether they should be let into the barracks to claim their loot. While there was still some bad blood, anyone who had been there knew they would have all been dead if not for everyone working together to fight the common foe. It helped that Brandon hadn't been among them. Ozzy had been delighted to see Makken walking into the barracks. The dwarf was smoking his pipe as he came. "I brought the rest of the peppers I promised you." He eyed the huge chest. "Hmm, I take it something big came through? And here I was thinking your houses just fell down in a stiff breeze." He took a seat on a chunk of rubble to watch the show.Zephyr had been nominated to go first, as the youngest person there. She was fast becoming friends with all of the workers, and the fact that she and her family had stayed to help them win the war wasn't something most of them would forget. She nervously approached the chest and opened the lid. She held up a metal stave that widened to a diameter of 5" for the last foot of it's length.

Boom Stick of the Battle AlchemistThis sturdy metal staff increases the power of all explosions caused by alchemical concoctions by 20%. Four potions may be loaded into the wide end of the staff and stored. Stored potions may be fired one per round, creating a loud booming noise. The potion will be propelled to a distance of 150' in a flat trajectory, or something gets in the way. Potions will not break inside the staff. The staff also makes a handy weapon to bash in skulls with. If used with the Staff skill, it does +20 damage.
