Where Ozzy had spent quite some time going through his skills, anticipating future problems, and getting the maximum benefit out of his points, Suzette was done in about two minutes.

She did try to dump experience into Road of Shadows. It didn't work since she hadn't used her new magic during the fights with the rat-kin and the Ubermaus. "Secret assassin class" and "use secret magic in front of 50 people including Brandon, Timmy, and Themis" just didn't seem to be a good combination. But she had lots of other things she wanted and quickly dumped the experience into them.-Poisoner to level 5 cost 600 experience. She had been quite disappointed that Timmy had been resisting her poisoned treats and brews. The next time she needed to poison a paladin, she'd be ready. Maybe she should start testing things on Ozzy? Or Rolly! Rolly ate the most disgusting shit and never seemed to suffer. -Strange Alchemy to level 5 took 350 experience. Unfortunately, it was going to be awhile until she could experiment again. It was really a shame about the town. She'd have to talk to the boys about making the alchemists' home a priority. She had some gold saved up from running the Tavern. She should give that to Aliester to help finance the restoration of their home and his laboratory.-Assassin's Avoidance she increased from level 2 to level 5 for 800 experience. Who wanted to get hit?The clothes she was allowed to wear had a little armor, but not a lot. Better to just avoid the blow.-Light Affinity to Level 5 for 350 experience. Every level of an affinity dropped her mana cost for spells by 5%. More mana saved meant more spells. She had pushed hard against Ubermaus and her mana had dropped fast.-Tools of the trade from 3 to 5 for 600. Sharp things. Pointy things. Choky things. All the things a Tavern Keeper needed. She needed to talk to Adrianna about some of them, and to Jorges about getting some things made. -And lastly, 600 points brought enchantment up to level 5. This was the skill she liked the best and it was fun to use. There had been some temptation to simply put all the experience into this skill, but she’d been gaming for far too long to fall for that trap. It would be fun until she was useless in a dungeon and something was eating her face. Better to spread the experience around at this stage and be somewhat competent in several things. This gave her a solid base in the skills of her class and pumped up her stats in the right places. At the end of it, she was surprised to get a message.

My, that was quick. Welcome to Level 7. You're the first Contract Worker to make it this far! You have gained +200 Health, +200 Mana, and +600 Stamina (Is that right? What does a little slip of a girl like you need with that much stamina? Oh...OH! ... Boy, is my face red! I hadn't thought of that...forgive my faux pas. Have a nice bag of chocolate covered pretzels for an apology.)
