Chapter 707: Discoveries and Talented Daughters.

Chapter 707: Discoveries and Talented Daughters.

Victor was standing in the middle of a training ground of the Snow Clan mansion, wearing a completely black training outfit.

Suddenly, there was a flash in front of him, and a white-haired girl appeared with her fist back to punch his face.

Victor casually turned his head to the side and dodged the attack.

"Your posture is wrong." He lightly punched the girl's belly, and she flew backward.

"Ugh." The girl clutched her stomach in pain but quickly pulled herself together and looked straight ahead.


"Remember my teachings, when fighting a superior enemy, do not foolishly attack head-on. That will only lead to death. When you attacked me just now, I had a hundred different ways to kill you."

"But that's normal, Father... You're much stronger than me..." Nero sulked.

"Currently, I am limiting all my strength. I am as strong as a 21 year old noble vampire." Victor raised an arm, and soon several written runes appeared.

"Look, those are runes of limitation."

"... Eh? Why did you do it? Is that ok?"

"Yeah, I can withdraw these runes anytime; they're not that strong. The reason I do this is simple; if I don't limit my strength, it won't be training."


"Not to mention that way, it avoids the risk of me accidentally killing you."

Nero felt a shiver run down her spine when she heard what Victor said:

"But if you are so weak now, why can't I beat you?"

"Although I am limiting my strength, I am still superior to you in fighting experience, not to mention my senses, and a naturally strong body cannot be limited completely by the rune."

"Despite being an ordinary 21-year-old noble vampire in terms of power now, I also have the strong body equivalent to an alpha wolf."

"Put that together with my experiences and senses, and you are still a long way from trying to defeat me, little girl."



"Enough talk; let's continue. This time we're going to improve your close combat. Attack me."

"Yes!" Nero got into position, and a few seconds later, she shot toward Victor.

Victor took the hit and casually started giving her instructions while defending himself.

"Your opponent is taller than you, don't jump towards him like a fool. You are not using your claws right now, so you don't need to slash your opponent. Use your height to your advantage."

Victor smacked Nero's hand, and the girl's posture was broken.

"Remember, the basics of close combat is to always stay grounded."

Soon he kicked her in the stomach and sent her flying.

Nero grunted in pain but quickly regained her center of gravity and positioned herself as she glared at Victor.


She lunged again, and this time she didn't leap into the air toward Victor's face but tried to attack his lower body.

The two engaged in combat again, and Nero's movements this time were more fluid than before.

'Oh?' Victor raised an eyebrow when he saw the smirk on Nero's face.

Victor watched with amusement as he saw Nero attacking in a four-legged stance like a cat.action

She used a combination of strikes and kicks then when she jumped toward him and stayed in the air, she used her powerful legs to change the direction of the attack while staying in the air.

'Is she imitating me?' Victor thought as he dodged and parried.

In the past, when Victor didn't have complete control of his vampire powers, he used an ice platform to propel himself through the air.

The concept here was the same, but the difference was that Nero was using her legs to do this; she was 'kicking the air'.

'A unique talent, huh ... She learned a lot while I was gone.' The attack Victor was taking was deadly to any careless adult vampire, and that was just close combat.

But was that enough?

Of course not. They were his daughters, and they could go further. Victor wholly believes in that.

Victor's eyes observed the flow of natural energy in Nero's body, an energy much like the Senjutsu that Haruna uses, and saw that this energy was empowering her every action.

'It seems that the 1% werewolf soul gave her access to energy unique to the wolf race... Her father or mother must have been powerful werewolves.'

Although he said 'exclusive energy of the wolf races', Victor knew very well that this energy was the remnants of the natural energy of a world tree.

No wonder it resembled Senjutsu. After all, the very art of Senjutsu meant absorbing natural energy and using it for yourself.

'Wolves must be creatures very close to a world tree. Even now, their bodies could produce natural energy only much less refined than a world tree, as if it were a diluted version of the energy.'

Noticing that Nero had begun to wear herself out a lot, he spoke:

"Okay, stop."

Nero stopped running around and got back to his feet, her breathing very labored.

"May I ask why you were fighting like you were a four-legged animal?"

" felt natural to me. I have no idea why I did it." Nero blushed a little as he humbly replied.

"Instinct, huh."

'A werewolf's instincts are very strong.' Victor wasn't all that surprised by that fact. Unlike Vampires, werewolves are creatures closer to animals.

"While it's interesting to see you fighting like a cat, this method is very inefficient."

"Look at yourself. You are panting."

"Ugh... I don't know how to fight an opponent who is taller than me and also stronger."

If it was any fool, she would just rip him apart with overwhelming power, but that won't happen to Victor.

"Well, admitting fault is a good thing." He nodded in satisfaction.

"About these failures, don't worry. Your father will help you." Victor's body was completely covered by pure crimson darkness, and a few seconds later, he appeared again.

This time looking younger, he looked like he was 13 years old, and his height had decreased to 150CM.

He went from being a divinely handsome man who could charm any woman with his beauty to a very handsome and cute pre-teen.

Inexplicably, his 'manly' features were still sharp, even though they were less than his adult self.

"Originally, I intended to train you two to fight all kinds of opponents. From the lowest to the highest levels, experience is important," Victor spoke as he rotated his shoulder and did little warm-ups as if he was trying to get used to his new size.


"Hmm, I feel weird. Is this what it's like to be shorter?" He muttered to himself as he narrowed his eyes a little and ignored the strange feeling in his body, understanding that he would get used to it soon.

'Come to think of it, I think I should start training in several different forms. Changing size suddenly in battle can confuse my enemies." Victor thought.

"Hmm? Nero? What's the problem?" Victor looked at his daughter, who looked stunned."..."


"E-Eh? Huh— Whaa—- Hmm ..." She blushed deeply at her confused state and did her best to calm her pounding heart:

"I-Im fine! No problem at all!" She turned her face to the side in an attempt to hide her embarrassment.

"Well, shit." Victor thought as he fully recognized this pure reaction.

"Father, I finished preparing myself-..."

Victor looked at Ophis, who suddenly appeared with dark power, and froze as she stared at him in disbelief.

Ophis was wearing a training outfit similar to what he and Nero were wearing.

"F-Father?" Ophis asked as a small blush appeared on her face.

"Yeah. Looks like you've finished your preparations, Ophis."

"Mm..." Ophis nodded absently.

'The same clear and serious tone of voice, with the only change being looking younger, the same smell, the same appearance, my mark is there too... Yes, he is my father.'

"Good, now show me everything you know."


After 5 hours of training non-stop.

Ophis and Nero fell to the ground, utterly exhausted while panting and sweating.

'Father is a Spartan...' Nero thought internally.

Victor was completely abusing the physiology of noble vampires. He took the girls to the limit, then gave them a 10-minute rest, which was enough for the body to start healing from the pain and fatigue.

They repeated this several times to the point that both of them were thoroughly mentally tired and hungry, and because of their hunger, their bodies had no energy to cure their fatigue.

This training method was also good in that it increased the vampire's physical stamina, and the more physical stamina a vampire has, the more energy for them to use their powers they will gain.

The physiological functions of noble vampires used almost no energy, but when training for several hours, using their bloodline powers, and racial powers, while pushing the body to the limit...

Even if they are noble vampires, they will get tired.

"Hmm, good job. You guys made a lot of progress today."

Upon hearing their father's voice, the two smiled in satisfaction.

A pink light appeared nearby, and soon Aphrodite emerged.

"Victor, the girls-..." Aphrodite froze as she looked at Victor in a more youthful appearance.

Victor watched the goddess' reactions with amusement, fully sensing all of her feelings through the connection.

First, there was the shock, then the realization of what he was seeing, then appraisal looking him up and down, then appreciation, then acceptance.

As soon as she accepted what she saw, the craving came.

"You have to use this in the next night battle." She spoke in a very serious tone.

Victor rolled his eyes, "As expected of the Greeks, always the degenerates."

"Being a degenerate is good. Embrace the dark side, Husband."

"After all, living hundreds of thousands of years with 'normal' nocturnal activities is boring."

Victor snorted again, "I'll think about it."

"Ehhh? Darling, please! I can change into my 15 year old form too!"


"Aya? Are you interested now? Hehehe ~."

Admitting nothing, Victor said, "Do you really remember when you were 15?"

"Of course, that was a few years ago."

"... Huh? What do you mean?"

"Ara? Don't you know, Darling? I am 18 years old for eternity."

"..."" Victor looked at Aphrodite with a blank expression, a look that said, are you serious?

"It's a shame you're 18."

"Oh? Why?"

"I like older women." He spoke with a naive face and an innocent voice.

Aphrodite felt like her heart was blasted with a cannon of cuteness just now.

Her pink eyes glowed a neon pink as heart symbols appeared in her eyes, and she quickly ran over and hugged Victor.

"Kyaa! So beautiful! I will give you anything you want and teach you everything! Just call me Mommy!"


"Come on, come on, my little boy, be a good boy, and call me Mommy." She spoke with a seductive tone.

"...." Victor, with a blank expression, felt Aphrodite's large breasts on his head and looked up at the heavenly valley of the goddess of beauty.

"Actually, that's not bad at all." Embracing his wife with another point of view was a very interesting experience.

Aphrodite's smile just grew and grew. After all, she was fully feeling Victor's emotions.

minutes later, Victor was walking with Aphrodite, Nero, and Ophis.

Nero and Ophis were being carried by Aphrodite; the two girls were still mentally tired and hungry. They were entirely out now and needed blood to replenish their energies.

For a moment, Victor thought about giving his blood to the girls, but he soon stopped due to it being too strong. His blood had become much more delicious for vampires now, and drinking it straight from the source was a big no for the two young girls.

'I'll go see if Ruby still has a blood supply.'

Thinking of his wives, Victor's experience with Aphrodite came to mind. Embracing Aphrodite from such a different perspective was a very good feeling. His wife looked bigger than he was used to, and her big breasts looked like two mountains of soft flesh; it went really well.

'...Perhaps, I should embrace Eleonor, Rose, or Scathach in this form.' Victor almost drooled when he imagined embracing those perfect abs of his warrior wives from a different perspective.

"Darling, how long are you going to stay in this form?" Aphrodite asked curiously.

"... For some hours," Victor answered casually.

"Hehehe ~, you want to see the other girls' reactions, don't you?"

"...." Victor didn't say anything. He didn't need to; his silence and expectant smile were proof enough.

"I never thought you were so mischievous, Victor."

"Heh ~, I've always been mischievous, Honey.""You know that very well."

"Fufufu ~, indeed." A perverted smile appeared on the goddess's face.

"Besides, this is my vacation. I want to have fun."

"Fun, huh..." Aphrodite seemed to think for a few seconds, then continued:

"Is that why you ordered Roxanne to set up a large recreation area that has everything from games, spa, pool table, etc.?"


"Everyone deserves to rest, including me."

"What about our enemies?"

"I have competent subordinates for that."

Aphrodite nodded, understanding Victor's reasoning, and then looked at Nero and Ophis :

"Did you go hard on them?"

"Not too much, if possible, I don't want to hurt them like Scathach did to me. Yes, thanks to that training, my body's natural regeneration became more efficient, but I clearly understand that not everyone can withstand that type of training."

"So that is why you are going with a slower, less efficient method?"

"Yeah, they're still young. I know they want to get stronger quickly, but torture isn't the answer right now. After all, they are not alone. I am here, just like all of you."

"..." Aphrodite smiled gently.

Passing through the door, Victor was graced with a view of Sasha, Ruby, Violet, Eleanor, Rose, and Anna, who was talking to Ruby.

"I see, you seem to work very efficiently-..." Ruby gasped as she glanced at the door.

"Hmm? What happened-..." Anna looked in the direction Ruby was looking and froze as well.

Smelling the air, and smelling Victor, Violet, and Sasha, who were sleeping on the couch, opened their eyes lazily and looked at Victor.

Just like the others, they opened their eyes wide in shock.

"... Hahaha, that reaction was unanimous. Now I understand why you wanted to do that."

"You reacted the same way, Aphrodite."

"I know."

"V-Victor." Violet, Sasha, and Ruby stuttered.

"Hey girls, how are you?"

"Hmm?" Eleonor, who was lying on another sofa, looked toward the voice and saw a younger Victor.

"...Victor had a child?" She spoke, confused, while rubbing her eyes.

"... He's just using the vampire's racial powers to mimic his younger body," Rose commented, getting over the shock the fastest.

"As Vlad says, 'Shape and size are meaningless to me. I can be whatever I want, whenever I want'." Crimson darkness covered Victor's body.

Soon he reappeared, only this time in his 17 year old teenage form, he changed again, and soon he was in his adult form.


"But you didn't change your face. You just changed your age." Rose pointed.

Victor snorted, "I'm too perfect to try to change my face."

"...." Rose rolled her eyes, but she didn't deny Victor's words. He was annoyingly handsome.

Victor walked towards Eleonor and Rose, then took Eleonor's hand and caressed her face.


"I'm not leaving anytime soon; I want you to stay here for a while. Things may have escalated quickly, but I don't regret it, nor will I run away from you."

"..." Eleonor felt her heart beat hard, and unconsciously, she gave a relieved sigh.

Victor smiled gently and kissed her cheek.

Then he looked at Rose.

"No need for sweet words, I understand. You will take care of me."

"Heh ..." With sneaky steps, Victor approached Rose.

"What are you doing?" Every time Victor approached, her heart beat even faster: "Get away!"

Her face turned slightly red, and before she knew it, she was cornered at the end of the couch.

Clearly, she wasn't used to having someone invade her personal space in such an 'intimate' way.

"Fufufu, I thought she got over that shyness problem in all the night exercises she had with Victor."

"To be honest, I don't think we even had time to think about it. Most of my memories of the event are the pleasure, me resting, me feeding between kisses with tongue, and me blacking out, me not even feeling the time passing..." Violet answered after recovering from her stupor.

'Mental note. Talk to Victor about using this form in future sessions. Maybe I should try to learn this skill to change into a more adolescent form...'

"The same applies to me... The fog of lust and love was very strong in that room." Sasha spoke.

"Hmm, I think the mixing of my divinities and Hestia's must have caused something." Aphrodite touched her chin.

"What do you mean?" Sasha asked.

"My divinity of love and sexuality was running rampant in the room, and because of our union as a 'family', the divinity of Hestia should be in the room too. Thanks to that, we felt everything even more intensely."

"Is that why after sex, he put us down so easily?" Sasha pointed.

"No, that was just how good Victor was, and he knew every part of your body."

"..." Sasha blushed and lowered her head.

Violet and Aphrodite laughed gently at Sasha's expression.

"Why are you running?"

"Stop it! Get back!"

"No." Victor pulled Rose by the waist and looked into her eyes.

Rose swallowed hard as she stared into those powerful violet eyes.

"Get used to my presence and my pampering." He kissed her mouth gently for a few seconds.


".. Mm."

"Good." Victor let go of Rose and went towards Violet and Sasha. When he sat on the sofa, Violet climbed into his lap like a spoiled cat and hugged him.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as he stroked her head.

"Satisfied ... But I want more later."

"So insatiable."

"Fufufu, I gained a lot of stamina after a year of training."

Sasha approached the two, and like a lazy cat, she sat on the sofa and rested her head on Victor's chest.

The group soon started talking to each other in a very casual. familiar, and sweet atmosphere.

Edited By: DaVo 2138, IsUnavailable If you want to support me so that I can pay artists to illustrate the characters in my novel. visit my patreon: More characters images in:
