Chapter 706: Beast of Ragnarok.

"Holy fucking Satan! What the fuck is this, Victor?!" Morgana completely lost her composure.

"Dragon breath?" Victor replied innocently as the features on his face returned to normal.

"I know what it is!"

"Then why did you ask?" Victor replied, confused, with a small smile on his face.

"Wha —- Ugh — I mean ..." Morgana was completely speechless.

When the explosion started to subside, the group began to see the result of Victor's attack, and soon the image of a massive hole in the sea was seen. They couldn't even see the bottom of that hole!


"... bloody hell ..." Alexios commented as he shuddered slightly. 'No matter how I understand it... This man's destructive power is insane.'

"I think only the god of destruction, or the god of the sun, can do something like that so casually..." Rhea swallowed hard as cold sweat broke out on her face.

"... The species known as dragons are the most dangerous 'mortals'. They are the ones who naturally grow to be on par or even superior to the gods in matters of destructiveness. Even if Victor is not a full dragon, he still has their characteristics due to having a bond with a dragon." Aphrodite explained.

"...." Scathach looked up at Victor's smug smile, her eyes glowing a possessive blood red.

"Victor..." Jeanne's body trembled: "You overreacted!"

"Eh? But you said to use fire."


"Snow Clan's bloodline fire! Not a bloody dragon's breath! Don't you know how dangerous this fire is? The destructive properties of dragon fire are so powerful that it can completely wipe a god out of existence!"

"No soul, no reincarnation, no nothing! Dragon flames are something closer to what the divinity of a god of destruction can do!"

"But I used the Snow Clan's fire?"

"... Huh?"

"Like my lightning, the Snow Clan bloodline mutated when I bonded with Zaladrac."

"Ln There was a reason why true dragons were feared so much by mortals and the gods, they may be few in number, but each one of them was like a force of nature.


Zaladrac Zeovnur was a demonic dragon; did that mean she was both a dragon and a demon at the same time?

Wrong, that means she was a dragon that grew up and developed in hell. The dragon's childhood was very important for its development; the environment, location, and everything influenced what kind of characteristics the dragon would have.

Zaladrac grew up eating negative energy and miasma for food. These two energies, when they entered the dragon's metabolism, changed everything inside her and made her flames even more destructive.

Victor, who united his soul with her, received these characteristics, and consequently, he also inherited these flames.

"Dragon skin, dragon powers, dragon senses, dragon heart which basically gives you an energy reactor, dragon veins to support so much power... You're practically a dragon minus soul, Victor." Scathach spoke.

"But I'm not a dragon yet. The soul is the most important part of a dragon; that's where everything it means to be a dragon is. I'm just an ordinary Noble vampire with dragon traits."

Everyone rolled their eyes in exasperation.

"Let's go back-..." Victor suddenly turned his head in the direction of where the island used to be, his eyes glowing a dangerous violet.

Rumble, Rumble.

Red lightning flashed around him, and soon he was gone.

Victor appeared not far away, his body crackling with red lightning, pure miasma pouring out of his body, and his violet eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Victor!? What was that?" The group flew towards him.

"Be on guard!" He commanded heavily in a serious voice that did not allow for refusal.

Unconsciously, everyone stiffened and looked around cautiously.

"Someone's here..." Aphrodite spoke when she sensed Victor's caution.

'I can't feel anything...' Aphrodite thought.

Scathach narrowed her eyes and tried to look around, but she couldn't feel anything.

"Alexios?" She asks.

"I'm not seeing anything either."

"Morgana, Oda, Jeanne?"

"I can't feel anything," Morgana replied.

"Nothing here either," Jeanne spoke.

"Nothing," Oda spoke.

Victor sniffed the air and looked around with his draconic eyes, alternating through several views with them, but he still couldn't feel anything.

"Grr ..." An annoyed grunt was heard.

"Was I wrong...?" For a moment, he almost doubted his capabilities, but that feeling just disappeared in the face of his overwhelming confidence. 'Wrong, I felt someone, I felt someone's gaze. Did he disappear?'

"I don't like it... Let's go back, we are very exposed, and that attack must have drawn a lot of people's attention." Scathach spoke.

"I agree. We need to get out of here." Morgana spoke.

In the supernatural world, where all kinds of strange powers exist, uncertainty and the unknown are the most dangerous elements. Even a God-King can fall if he doesn't have his guard up.

In front of Victor, a beautiful woman with long black hair had her hands over her mouth as she stared at the man in front of her with a startled look.

Despite being only 10 centimeters away from his face, Victor couldn't see the woman.

'Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, I nearly shit myself with fright!’

Nyx slowly pulled away from Victor, looking at his features, specifically his eyes.

'... The eyes of the dragon! Is that what identified me? But that's impossible! The dragon is still a young dragon; even if it looks huge, its soul is still young, and its eyes shouldn't be able to see me. Only a highest ranked Elder Dragon King can see through my divinity! How did he feel me?'

Nyx remembered what had happened. She was in the Greek pantheon watching the gods acting like headless chickens since one of the athletes of the gods, Hermes, died. When for a few seconds, she felt Rhea's divinity, the sign was so fast that if it wasn't for who she was, Nyx wouldn't even have noticed.

Curious to know why Rhea was on Earth, she quickly left the Greek pantheon and moved to Earth, and as soon as she arrived, she saw a big hole, then suddenly, this man appeared in front of her!

'...Did he sense my arrival?' That was the only thing she could think of.

"Victor, let's go," Aphrodite called out to him as she waited in front of a portal.

"Hmm." Victor nodded, looked around once more, and finding nothing, started to walk away toward the portal, as his turbulent power started to calm down until it returned to normal.

Nyx watched Jeanne as she pointed her hand toward the gigantic hole in the sea and saw green energy coming out of her palm toward the sea.

'... Is this natural energy...? How can she use this? Is she connected to a world tree?'

She saw the hole closing in as if it were going back in time, and soon it was all sea again.

Jeanne nodded in satisfaction.

"Was that necessary?" Victor asked.

"I couldn't ignore the damage done to Earth by my own husband. Destroying nature is not the answer, Vic."

"Hmm, next time, I'll ask you to do that then."

"Mm, that sounds like a good idea."

Soon the group passed through the portal, leaving one spectator alone.

As silence fell, Nyx let out a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding.

'...I need to be more careful when observing him; that man's senses are very sharp.'

As Nyx was about to leave, she felt two divine signatures.

"More visitors? Taranis and Anubis, huh."

"What the fuck!? What happened here! Everything disappeared!" Taranis exclaimed in shock.

"Calm down, Taranis."

"Calm down!? All my work was-."

"Like Anubis said, calm down, boy."

Taranis froze when he felt someone talking next to him as he looked to the side and saw only a mass of darkness there.

The mass of darkness turned to face Nyx, and this action caused Nyx to raise an eyebrow.

'... What is my brother doing here? And why is this bastard giving his energy to a foreign god?' Nyx narrowed her eyes as she looked at Taranis.

"Erebus." Taranis shuddered a little as he felt the primordial god's gaze on his body.

"Do you know what happened here, Erebus?" Anubis asked.

Erebus didn't respond right away, just staring at where the island was before he finally said:

"... This energy, I've felt it many times in the past, the breath of a dragon... Alucard was here."

"That irregular abomination?" Anubis narrowed his eyes.

Anubis, in his entire existence, had never seen someone so irregular. The amount of energy that man contained in his body was enough to fuel an apocalyptic inferno. He could still clearly feel the effects of the 'negativity' that was used in the last war.

"... Demon King, Alucard ... This man is getting more troublesome than before." Taranis grit his teeth: "We need to hide our tracks even more."

"We should hide the other research fields... Tsk, if only we could kidnap a god of agriculture, the problem of food for humans would be solved."

"The Greek pantheon is in civil war. We could kidnap Demeter."

Nyx narrowed her eyes even more. She didn't like this conversation at all. Despite not liking the Greek gods very much, she didn't want to see the Greek gods being exploited by gods from another pantheon, she had no idea why her brother, and ex-husband, was letting her overhear this conversation, but she would find out.

"Demeter is not in the Greek pantheon," Erebus said.

"The whole group of goddesses like agriculture, medicine, home, and those who aren't useful for war pretty much went over to Alucard's side."

"...That man again... Ugh, it seems he has a specialty in being troublesome." Taranis grumbled.

"Let's go. We need to warn the others of what happened." Anubis spoke.

Taranis nodded and disappeared into a dim light.

Anubis did the same, leaving Erebus there alone.

Erebus looked at Nyx again, the meeting of eyes lasting a few seconds until Erebus turned his head and disappeared from the area.

'I don't like this... What are you planning, Erebus?' Nyx thought about a few things for a while and then made a decision: 'I need to see some old friends. I need to know what's going on.'

Samar: In a lush forest.

"It's impossible."

"What do you mean by 'impossible'?"

"That's exactly what I mean, King of the Werewolves."

Volk narrowed his eyes at the female angel in front of him, Ariel, the new commander of all angels and the Heavenly Father's new right hand.

Ariel ignored Volk's glare as she looked at the direwolf in front of her.

Despite having a weakened appearance, the beast was very beautiful and majestic. Its fur was a mixture of snow white and black, the wolf's eyes were heavenly blue, and even weakened, the presence of 'END' was still present in the face of this beast.

Fenrir, the beast of Ragnarok.

"I can't pinpoint what the Ragnarok beast's problem is."


Volk and Fenrir growled when they heard what she said.

"Don't call him a beast, Ariel."

"I apologize if I was rude; that was not my intention. However, my words stand firm. I don't know what's going on with Fenrir."

"And since I don't know what it is, it's impossible to treat."

"Aren't angels experts in healing?"

"Yes, we are."

"Then how can you not heal him?"

"... Haah." Ariel stopped looking at Fenrir and looked at Volk:

"This is not as simple as you think, werewolf king."

A frown appeared on Volk's face: "Explain."

"Whatever hit Fenrir, it's something strong enough to cripple a god with the concept of 'END', a concept that is literally the embodiment of the end of everything."

"This is not a simple disease that anyone can solve. You need specialist help."

"Who should I look for?"

"Odin, the God King of the Norse pantheon, might know something."

"Grrrr." Fenrir snarled with rage.

Ariel backed away from the angry wolf.

"I will not ask Odin for help. He would take this chance to kill my friend."

Fenrir's expression softened more when he heard what Volk said.

"I can think of a few who might know what's going on."


"Tiamat, the primeval goddess."

"Gaia, another primordial goddess."

"Albedo, the goddess of alchemy and research."

"The two primordial goddesses are obvious. They are mother goddesses, so they might know something, but if you ask them for help, they will demand some nonsense."

"I recommended Albedo because she is a knowledge-hungry goddess. She has researched many things, so she may know something, but she may demand various bits of knowledge that could be dangerous for her help."

"..." Volk clenched his teeth.

"Is there no one else?"

"Practically every first generation god of every pantheon is on the list."

"The targets are ancient gods, gods of life, and beings who are always in search of knowledge."

"...Does your god have any information?" Volk asked.

Ariel narrowed her eyes, "You're crossing the line, King of the Werewolves."

"We had an agreement. I'm here fulfilling my part since you fought 'hard' in the war."

"The only one who can ask anything of my father is the new king of hell."

Heaven was indebted to hell, specifically the new king of hell, he didn't just save Ariel, but also indirectly, he ended a war that would need several sacrifices on the part of the angels to be won, a very ironic situation in fact.

Volk's face was ugly now, he gritted his teeth and squeezed his fist so hard that blood was coming out, but he didn't lose his composure. He knew he was going over the edge, so he focused on the most important matter.

"Is this disease life-threatening?"

"I don't know. All I know is that Fenrir is getting weaker with each passing day. I don't know if that's detrimental to his well-being or not."

"The only advice I can give is; hurry, find someone who knows what's going on so they can help you." Finishing with her warning, Ariel turned and walked towards the exit of the forest.

"I will leave. I need to take care of my brothers and sisters, as well as the humans of Earth." She spoke as she walked.

Fenrir's view:

"Don't worry, old friend. I will help you; even if I need to move heavens and mountains, I will help you." Volk's eyes gleamed with determination.

Fenrir's eyes reflect Volk's determined face. The wolf blinked his eyes twice. then closed them and lay down on the ground to rest.

Edited By: DaVo 2138, IsUnavailable If you want to support me so that I can pay artists to illustrate the characters in my novel. visit my patreon: More characters images in: Like it? Add to library!
